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Chapter 1039 Filial piety to daughter Zhou Qin

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    Chapter 1039 The reaction of the filial daughter Zhou Qin's female secretary made Gu Qiu very strange.  You are making out with Bai Ruolan yourself, why are you blushing?

    After drinking tea, he left. Bai Ruolan was in the uncle's office. After discussing business matters, he brought up personal matters.

    "Ruolan, you are not young anymore, can you think about your personal issues?"

    Bai Ruolan looked at her uncle, "Uncle, you don't have to be careless about this, I know it myself."

    The uncle said, "People from the Red Shield family are here, and their young boss is very interested in you, can you think about it?"

    The Red Shield family that the uncle mentioned is the oldest financial family in Europe. Their strength is like the existence of ancient gods.

    This family has always controlled the lifeblood of the world economy.

    Some people say that they are everywhere. Today's international tycoons, like the oil kingdom in the United States, are mostly supported by the Red Shield family.

    This family is ancient and mysterious.

    They are always so low-key, they are always so powerful.

    When Bai Ruolan heard about this, she shook her head, "He is so powerful, we don't have to be small. We have to rely on our own strength to grow the family. Besides, we don't want to compete with others, we just need to work hard to be ourselves.  "

    Seeing that Bai Ruolan disagreed, the uncle didn't have much to say, so he just sighed.  For the Bai family, it would be of great significance if they could join hands with the Red Shield family.

    Right now, the Bai family has just risen, and after a lot of wind and rain, if he hadn't begged Bai Ruolan to come back, this family might have forgotten that it existed in name only.

    When he said this to Bai Ruolan, he had pondered it over and over in his heart.  In fact, the marriage between the two families was sacrificing Bai Ruolan's happiness.

    In a sense, it's pretty cruel.

    Of course, if Bai Ruolan agrees with others, it's another matter.

    So my uncle didn't dare to ask her too much to accept this request, Bai Ruolan said, "I have already suggested to you, pay more attention to the mainland market, and open up a second battlefield there, that is of great significance to our development."

    The uncle said, "Although I am the chairman, it is up to you to decide on this matter. Since you are so optimistic about the mainland market, I support your decision."

    Bai Ruolan said, "I am going to enter the mainland's auto market. We have the foundation for this. In the next few years, the mainland's auto industry will develop by leaps and bounds."

    The uncle said, "Why don't you continue to enter the pharmaceutical market?"

    Bai Ruolan shook her head, "If we enter the pharmaceutical market, we will have a conflict with Shuangjiao Group. Besides, we are not as confident as Shuangjiao Group in the pharmaceutical market. Uncle, it's not that I don't want to do this, but that I really want to do it  , we will lose the entire mainland market. The automobile manufacturing industry is no stranger to us. We have been involved in this industry as early as ten years ago, but there has been no greater development. It can only be said that we  It was a mistake in decision-making. In today's world, no one dares to underestimate the development of the mainland, and no one can stop their progress. Motorola and Nokia are good examples."

    The uncle nodded, but he was still a little worried.  "On the mainland, can you handle the relationship with the government well?"

    Bai Ruolan said, "This is not a problem. The key is our investment. If we really want to open up the mainland market, we must go all out and not lose to others."

    Car manufacturing, that's not a small investment.

    The uncle said, "You decide on this issue. We have already handed over the decision-making power to you. Come up with a plan as soon as possible."

    Bai Ruolan hummed, and was about to stand up and leave when she suddenly felt something flowing out from below.  Sick!

    All of a sudden, her face was embarrassed.

    The uncle noticed her strangeness, and asked with concern, "What's the matter?"

    "No, nothing?"

    Bai Ruolan left the chairman's office awkwardly, and returned to her side. The secretary was about to report to her, so she hurried into the lounge.

    Terrible, when I was doing it with Gu Qiu just now, this guy measured too much, and I didn't even have any defense.

    I didn't notice it at first, but after she sat with her uncle for a while, they came out.  shame!

    When she rushed into the bathroom, she found that her panties were all wet.

    Fortunately, she had spare clothes here, and took another shower before coming out in a hurry.

    In order to prevent those things from leaking out again, she simply put on a pad.

    The secretary is veryIt's strange, it was already time to get off work, and seeing that she didn't come back, naturally I didn't dare to leave without authorization.

    After Bai Ruolan took a shower, changed her clothes and came out.

    The secretary said, "President, can I get off work?"

    Bai Ruolan looked at her, "Zhou Qin, wait a moment."

    The secretary stood there, "Okay, President."

    Zhou Qin is Bai Ruolan's newly recruited graduate secretary. When Bai Ruolan came back, she recruited a new secretary for the convenience of her work.

    The former secretary was transferred to the next department as a manager, so Zhou Qin has only been here for a short time, only half a year.

    Zhou Qin just graduated and is 23 years old this year.  Bai Ruolan had a very good first impression of her, so she was appointed directly.

    The key to being the president's secretary is to be obedient, know how to handle affairs, and be flexible.  Of course, good looks is also one of the conditions.

    At that time, dozens of people applied for the job, and Bai Ruolan took her fancy at first sight.

    Zhou Qin is a child who grew up in a single-parent family. She has been with her mother since she was a child. As for what her father looks like?  She really doesn't know.

    The mother and daughter depend on each other for life, and it is not easy to get along until now.

    So Zhou Qin cherishes this job very much. Among so many competitors, it doesn't make sense for her to come out of doubt.  She has experience, qualifications, and even higher education than her, why the president chose her, she still doesn't understand.

    Bai Ruolan said, "Let me ask you a few questions."

    Zhou Qin nodded honestly, "Just ask, President."

    Bai Ruolan said, "If you had to choose between work and family, what would you choose?"

    Zhou Qin said, "Of course it is family affection. You can find a job again, but family affection cannot be repeated."

    Bai Ruolan said, "If work requires you to stay away from your family, how would you decide?"

    Zhou Qin said, "President, do you want me to go far away? I think, if conditions permit, can you take me to my mother."

    Bai Ruolan said, "What if it's not possible?"

    Zhou Qin bit her lip, "It's really not possible, then I'll go down and be an ordinary employee. I want to accompany my mother."

    Bai Ruolan said, "Go back, it's getting late! Don't let your mother worry."

    Zhou Qin stood up, hesitated, "President, are you planning to go far away?"

    Bai Ruolan said, "It's okay, don't think too much about it."

    Zhou Qin stood there with her head down, "President, did I disappoint you?"

    Bai Ruolan glanced at her, "No. How could you have such an idea?"

    Zhou Qin didn't speak, she vaguely felt something was wrong.

    Bai Ruolan said, "I know, you have never met your father since you were born, and you have never known who your father is. I am the same as you, so to speak, worse than you. When I was very young,  My parents left. Maybe, in the eyes of outsiders, I am very good and happy, but few people know the pain among the rich. If the Bai family is not in crisis, I probably will never come back here again.  Zhou Qin, I know, and I also understand what you think in your heart. You are filial to your parents and you are a good girl. But you have to know that your mother has worked so hard for you to make you a talent.  Beside her. As a young man, we have greater ideals and goals, and we have to work hard to realize our dreams and values. Otherwise, your mother¡¯s expectations will fail. Also, if we don¡¯t work hard, don¡¯t go  If you work hard, if you don¡¯t strengthen yourself, how can you have the ability to let her live the life you expect? Do you hope that in her later years, she will still live in poverty like before, and live a hard life for the rest of her life?¡±

    Zhou Qin listened and bit her lip, "I see, CEO. I'll listen to you. Wherever you tell me to go, I'll go there?"

    Bai Ruolan said, "There is still a period of time, so you don't have to worry too much. Zhou Qin, do you know why I chose you back then? It was because I thought you were kind and filial, so I chose you to be my secretary."

    Zhou Qin nodded, "I see, thank you President."

    Bai Ruolan took out a card from her bag, "Here is a sum of money, you can settle your mother down, and we will leave in a month."

    Zhou Qin looked at Bai Ruolan, and Bai Ruolan said, "This is not for you, this money will be deducted from your future salary, so you have to work hard."

    Zhou Qin said with tears in her eyes, "I see, thank you President!"

    ps: One more shout, the number of flowers will reach 600 tomorrow, a big explosion!  (Remember the site URL:
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