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Chapter 1928 Confusion

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    God Emperor Yinyang's xinxing and soul realm made Lu Zhong secretly shake his head: "No wonder he wants to postpone the time of his God's Supreme Tribulation, it seems that his xinxing is lacking"


    When Emperor Yinyang lost his mind, the third wave of tribulation thunder suddenly struck.

    This time it was a weird black thunder!

    Confused God Xin Lei!

    This is the legendary Confused God Xinlei!

    Lu Zhong couldn't help but stare dumbfounded: "Damn it, is it possible that the will of the God Realm will also be tricked? It's really tricky."

    Confused God Xin Lei is specially aimed at the soul and soul, and is generally used to deal with people who are unstable or have flaws in their minds.

    The power of this kind of divine thunder may not be great, but it can be said that it is definitely not small.

    Because this kind of divine thunder is not a physical attack, but a real mental attack.


    ?The black and weird Bewildering Heart Thunder penetrated directly through the forty-eight heavens around God Emperor Yinyang, and penetrated again directly ignoring the light armor of faith.


    Lu Zhong also let out a light snort: "Interesting, it turns out that the power of faith is not unsolvable. This this kind of confusing heart thunder can actually penetrate the super light armor composed of the power of faith?"


    Lu Zhong himself is also a super master who plays with the power of faith.

    Even the strength of his faith is far above that of the Yinyang God Emperor.

    And Lu Zhong's [Virtual Penetration Transformation Supernatural Ability] can ignore all spaces and barriers, which is formed because of the super-defying belief in the shadow clone.

    Therefore, Lu Zhong is also a little more interested in this kind of delusion that can also penetrate the power of faith.

    For a long time, after Lu Zhong used the [Virtual Penetration Transformation Magic Ability], there was almost no solution.

    This made Lu Zhong very confident.

    And now, Lu Zhong couldn't help but pay attention to the discovery of a new kind of energy sky thunder that can reversely infiltrate the light armor composed of the power of faith.

    Because one does not pay attention to it, it is very likely to lead to the most fatal consequences.

    If you know more about Huoshen Xinlei, then you will be more touched by his future [Virtual Penetration Transformation Magic Ability], and there may be opportunities for further improvement

    "Killuhmewhere am I?"

    Suddenly Yinyang Shenlei was confused.

    Everything in front of him seemed to be very wrong, but he couldn't detect it for a while.

    The green hills, green water, and aura are compelling

    This is a super planet in the Dharma world.

    This is a place he is extremely familiar with!

    I realized that he would come to this planet every time he dreamed back at midnight.

    Yaoyang Star!


    This is Yaoyangxing, an insignificant planet in a large universe under the lower avenue.

    This was originally a holy place for vampires and dark gods.

    And he, Yinyang, as an angel, was castnowas born on this planet.

    Familiar villages, familiar and poor dilapidated houses.

    Outside the dilapidated house is an endless virgin forest.

    But he is a member of the Swan tribe, yearning for the light, and absorbing the power of the blazing sun in the sky to cultivate every day.

    However, the entire Yaoyang star is now dominated by vampires, the dark gods, and the undead army.

    Just because this planet is occupied and controlled by monks of darkness and death, all the original creatures of other races were hunted down and shrunk into various dangerous places and primeval forests.

    The Swan tribe is a race that was hunted down by the army of the undead to the point of desperation.

    In the small village at this moment, there are only less than nine hundred people left.

    "I I This This is the virgin forest on the outskirts of the Doomed Flame Volcano? I How do I get back here? Isn't this virgin forest destroyed by the army of undead?"

    God Emperor Yinyang's eyes became more and more confused, and even the consciousness of the whole person slowly fell into a strange sluggishness

    Suddenly, two white lights flashed, and they appeared in front of God Emperor Yinyang with a panicked expression.

    These two people, a man and a woman, are both around thirty years old.

    They are all Swan people!

    The man is extremely handsome and handsome, and the woman is also extremely beautiful.

    These two people are extremely familiar with Emperor Yinyang, even from the bone marrow and soul.

    "DadMomyouyouHow are you still alive" God Emperor Yinyang cried out in surprise.

    At this moment, the soul of Emperor Yinyang finally shook excitedly.

    The male middle-aged man looked happy at this time, and shouted in surprise to Emperor Yinyang: "Oh my God Yang'er, you you are still alive I I can't believe it"

    The beautiful woman on the other side was also weeping with joy, sobbing: "Woo woo Yang'er my Yang'er, youyou're aliveyou're really alivemommom misses you so much  "

    Speechless and tearful, Emperor Yinyang threw himself into the arms of his parents.


    However, God Emperor Yinyang also had doubts flashing in his heart. He vaguely remembered that his parents were not the people in front of him But the admiration in his heart could not be eliminated.

    "DadMom, youare you still here? It'sso good" God Emperor Yinyang hugged his father and mother tightly in excitement.

    At this moment, his heart was full of excitement.

    However, there was a hint of strangeness in his spirit.

    Yes, it is a real strangeness.

    It was as if at this very moment, God Emperor Yinyang's mind was about to be divided into two.

    Seeing his parents, Emperor Yinyang was full of joy and excitement.

    In the deepest memory of his soul, he has indeed lived with the parents in front of him for thirty years.

    "Huh, is that strange? Thirty years is a long time?" The spirit of Emperor Yinyang kept having doubts, and it seemed that there was a strange sense of opposition and sparseness that aroused each other.

    However, God Emperor Yinyang doesn't care anymore.

    He is very satisfied to be able to live with his favorite relatives, and let go of his subconscious doubts along with the feelings in his heart.

    This is the last piece of pure land of the real swan family!

    In addition to being accompanied by his dear parents, God Emperor Yinyang is even happier that he has found his favorite again¡ªJin Xiyanran.

    This is his favorite woman, and even his childhood sweetheart's first love.

    "Brother Yinyang, your strength has improved so fast that you have already reached the realm of the fifth-rank Holy Light Star. You are definitely the first person in the younger generation of my Swan Clan. Yanran really admires you"

    On a towering giant tree hundreds of feet high, Jin Xi Yanran looked at God Emperor Yinyang adoringly, with deep affection flowing in his eyes.

    Fifth-rank Holy Light Stars?

    What the hell is this?

    "II'm not a god emperorwhat the hell is a god emperor?" The handsome, young God Emperor Yinyang struggled for a moment, and then stretched his brows again in an instant: "Whether it's Sister Yanran is so cute her  The eyes are watery and charming"

    Looking at Jin Xi's innocent and beautiful face, God Emperor Yinyang suddenly became intoxicated, subconsciously hugged the beautiful person in front of him gently, bowed his head and was about to kiss him.

    As if sensing the affection of her sweetheart, Jin Xi Yanhong also trembled with her small mouth, and slightly closed her charming eyes.


    Suddenly, countless black clouds rolled and appeared in the distance, and the terrifying darkness destroying light bullets blasted mightily at this beautiful virgin forest.

    "Not good, the Undead Law God is here with an army, hurry assemble" (Remember the website URL:
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