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Chapter 1262 Buddhist Almighty VS Military Sage!

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    After bidding farewell to Guanyin, Lu Zhong walked through the air strangely.

    Today, [Hongmeng Dragon Ball] has recognized Lu Zhong as the master, which makes Lu Zhong not need to give the temple [Boundary Breaking Power], and can easily shuttle in any area.

    Still in the third district, Lu Zhong suddenly appeared above a desert.

    The deity did not show up, Lu Zhong just hid in a cloud as a shadow clone.

    Down below, at this time, there were two armies confronting each other.


    Seriously speaking, it is two people who are really confronting each other.  It's just that there seems to be thousands of troops lined up behind the two of them.

    One of them was known to Lu Chong.  It is the Vairocana Buddha that I met in [Xuansha Huntian Forest] back then, whose emptiness has no form.

    The Buddha's round light is one hundred and twenty yojanas, and his body is purple-gold with eighty-four thousand features. Each feature contains eighty-four thousand good lights, and each good feature contains countless golden lights. In each light, there are Buddhas transformed into constant sand. Each transformed Buddha has light of the color of constant sand.  In one light, there are countless heavenly voices, monks and bodhisattvas, and the masses serve as attendants, each holding a great jeweled flower Transforming Buddhas are like tens of billions of suns rising all at once.  The mighty Buddhist power swept across thousands of kilometers.

    On the opposite side, there was a middle-aged man dressed in homespun clothes, wearing a lun scarf, and holding a feather fan in his left hand, smiling elegantly.

    Although the middle-aged man was smiling, there was unparalleled confidence in his eyes.  There is an intimidating majesty in every gesture.  It seems that the tens of millions of troops are not in his eyes.

    And behind him, countless human armies formed neatly, and a monstrous aura of desolation condensed behind him.

    "Sun Wu, I didn't expect you to sneak in. It seems that the world of heroes and heroes through the ages sent you out, and you really want to be an enemy of our Buddhism?" Pilushi Buddha yelled at the middle-aged man opposite him in a deep voice.

    Sun Tzu?

    Could it be the legendary Saint Sun Wu among soldiers?

    He was also included in the world of heroes and heroes through the ages?

    Lu Zhong, who was hiding above the clouds, was also slightly startled.

    Sun Wu smiled lightly, and shook his head: "Vairusi Buddha, it's not that my Eternal Heroes Realm wants to specifically fight against your Buddhism, but your Buddhism is too arrogant. Seeing that people in my Eternal Heroes Realm have earned huge contribution points,  You actually attacked our heroes. You can't say that you want to seek justice for my brothers from the world of heroes and heroes. This battle was forced by you from the Buddhist sect¡ª"

    Pilu Shifo immediately snorted coldly: "Hmph, entering [Hongmenglong Tomb] is a life-and-death battle. Our Buddhist sect wants to fight for the 100 places to survive, so everyone else is our enemy. Since it is  Enemy, war is inevitable. Then, when we meet, let¡¯s have a good fight, to see whether you are the hero of the ancient hero world, or my Buddhist ancient Buddha is more outstanding"

    "Okay! Then let's fight!" Sun Wu smiled lightly, as if he had a plan in mind.

    "Namo Vairusi Buddha, the Buddha disciples of the heavens, the great array of light and dust of the Buddhas of the heavens who subdue demons, enlighten¡ª"

    Vairocin Buddha shouted loudly, and suddenly hundreds of millions of Buddha lights appeared surging in the void world.  Endless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats appeared.

    ?These Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats formed hands together, and the infinite Buddha light stirred up the situation in the sky, appearing with the momentum and power of destroying the universe.

    "Water has an impermanent shape, and soldiers have an impermanent momentum. Beginning plan, attack plan, army shape, virtual reality, nine changes, terrain"

    Sun Wu's feather fan and scarf, indifferently, let the army spirit condensed behind him turn into countless troops, attacking strangely.


    "The town¡ª"

    Infinite Army Soul vs Buddhists!

    One is the truly devastating and extremely powerful soldier soul, and the other is the Buddhist power that condenses the beliefs of the heavens.

    Sun Wu created a military strategist, and Pilushi Buddha is the head of the past seven Buddhas who are the strongest in Buddhism.

    The two are a strong duel!

    Under the command of the two supreme coaches.

    The armies of the two sides were mighty, and they rushed towards each other.

    The Buddhist army formed a terrifying golden light array and charged with the power to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

    For a long time, Buddhist methods have definitely gained the upper hand in dealing with ghosts.

    However, the ghost behind Sun Wu, the Empress Saint, is actually a super army soul who is really fighting frantically on the battlefield.  Moreover, it can also condense the beliefs of future generations.

    Therefore, these army souls are more difficult to convert than super fierce ghosts.  Moreover, once injured by such a super army soul, it is extremely difficult for a Buddhist strongman to recover from his injuries.

    "The first army, charge forward. The second army attacks its right flank. The third army releases the yin water of the Wangchuan River. The fourth army transforms into a dragon and bites its leader" Sun Wu responded indifferently, and gave orders to his army soul one by one.


    All the troops shouted loudly in unison, and the sound of killing shook the sky.?

    The terrifying yin, blood, fierce, violent, destructive, and Gengjin powers were strangely mobilized by the entire army of army souls.

    The Buddha Light Mote Array is powerful.

    However, there are all military spirits and ghosts here, and they used to be real soldiers.  Its army formation is majestic and mighty.

    ? Not only extremely united, but also commanded by the most outstanding coach.

    In just one breath, the entire battlefield was full of howling winds and howling ghosts. In the sky, the fierce black energy inspired by the infinite army souls swept across like a dragon, crazily entangled with the Buddha Light Mote Formation.

    Crazy crash!

    devour violently!

    A short moment.  The monstrous Buddha light released by the Buddha light dust array was suppressed.

    Really strong rolling!

    Originally, the Buddha's light swept across thousands of kilometers.

    But now, it is directly blocked by the dark wind and black air, and the sky it occupies has been compressed by less than 1,500 kilometers.

    Even, the territory it controls continues to shrink.

    However, the army soul formation hit more violently.

    Below, countless dark soldiers and military spirits, all emitting black energy from their bodies, enveloped the entire battlefield.  It was as if the world had turned back to chaos.

    "Asshole, Ten Thousand Buddhas Transformation Demon Bowl, give me¡ª"

    At this time, Visi Buddha in the Buddhist army also made a move, and he sacrificed a strange bowl-shaped magic weapon.

    As soon as the magic weapon came out, the golden light suddenly shone brightly.

    An army of army souls that was attacking its main formation was directly taken in by the Buddha bowl.

    Then, Pilushi Buddha sneered, and while urging the Buddha bowl, sacrificed a Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and bombarded Sun Wu who presided over the army soul formation.


    "Quack, it turned out to be a battle between Vairocchi Buddha, the Buddha of the Earth Immortal Realm, and Sun Wu, the Soldier of the Eternal Heroes. Quack, two tigers are fighting, and a certain immortal king becomes a fisherman for profit¡ª" A cockroach monster made no sound  Hidden under a piece of yellow sand, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

    "Huh? There is still a fish that slipped through the net?"

    The shadow clone of Lu Zhong who was hiding in the clouds suddenly gasped in surprise in his heart, and his eyes quietly shot under a piece of yellow sand in the distance.

    "It's actually a bug from the Xuanyou Insect Realm. No wonder it escaped my detection before. It's a shame that he cultivated the Tao of Hidden, the Way of Fusion, and the Way of Smelly. The Way of Fusion and the Way of Hidden are a perfect match.  Let it easily integrate with the surrounding environment. If this guy hadn't been agitated just now, if I hadn't absorbed the three strands of holy knowledge of the three great insect saints of [Xuanyou Insect Domain], I'm afraid I wouldn't have found this guy  "

    ? Lu Zhong sneered slightly: "The fisherman wins? This time it's 'mantises catching cicadas, while orioles are behind'!" (Remember the website website:
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