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Text 1055 Soul Torture

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    But he didn't go back to his hometown, and saw the colorful world outside, and his dreams swelled with his vision.  At the age of 19, he bought a small company that was not doing well at the Jimunai Port, and started a cross-border trip.  </p>

    Brief explanation, Balenov's business is doing very well. He married a Chinese wife at the age of 25. When he got married, he was already a well-known rich man in Zaisang County. The next year he had his first son.  </p>

    At this time, God came out to make trouble again, and the outbreak of the zombie virus completely destroyed his life.  His wife is gone, his son is gone, his mother and brother are gone, and he is the only one left struggling to survive in a port full of zombies.  </p>

    But God didn't intend to kill him all at once, so he sent Sabine and his gang, who rescued him when passing by the port, and then became a member of the earliest Western Union.  </p>

    But in the end he did not come together with Sabine and his group, but chose Camilla's father.  As can be imagined, he could only escape from the base and go to southern Xinjiang, where he became a member of the rebel army.  </p>

    Having said so much, what is the relationship between Balenov and Hong Tao?  This must be God's mischief again. It gave Balenov a good figure, tall and tall, but he didn't give him a good face. His eyes are squinted and his eyebrows are squinted. When he smiles without makeup, he is a villain.  </p>

    When Hong Tao saw Zhang Weiping for the first time, he stared at him for more than ten seconds!  About the same height; about the same fat and thin; about the same face shape; about the same eyes;  If you shave your hair short and shave off your beard, you will be an upgraded version of yourself.  </p>

    &amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=";quot;&quot;" target="_blank">http://m.;quot;&quot;</a> target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;<a href=";quot;&lt;/a&gt;" target="_blank">http  ://;quot;&lt;/a&gt;</a> id=&amp;quot;wzsy&amp;quot;&amp;gt;;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/  p&amp;gt;

    Encountering such a god-sent opportunity, Hong Tao decided not to let it go just because it was too coincidental, so Zhang Weiping chose one less cleaner, and was sent to the secret warehouse of the rebel army for separate training.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Now that Hong Tao is going to use this substitute, the old fox smells a strong smell of danger from a series of recent events.  As the struggle intensified and became clearer, he dared not believe that because of his affection, no one in the upper echelons of the alliance would try to make crooked moves.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Dogs can jump over walls when they are in a hurry, and people can do anything when they are in a hurry.  Now that I am pushing some people to the edge of a cliff, it is inevitable to be impatient.  However, quick eye is also a big mistake, it is tantamount to betting everything, as long as one mistake is enough, it will be irreversible.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    It is true that I am passive, but passive and active sometimes interchange very quickly.  With the card of Balenov, Hong Tao will try to turn passive into active, forcing some people to put all their eggs in one basket, take risks, and eventually fail completely.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The test lasted for more than an hour. Accompanied by Benzhu, Balenov walked around the intersection market. On the way, he met several immigrants from Xinjiang and provinces who took the initiative to say hello.  , the action is quite similar.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "You don't need to learn the details of my expressions and movements, the general appearance is enough. Stop, I am used to using my right hand, so don't use my left hand to do too much detailed work." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    At lunch, the real and the fake Hong Tao sat together, even if the fake tried to imitate, the difference was immediately apparent.  Acquaintances don't need to look carefully to know that someone is deliberately imitating.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Hong Tao looked at the face on the opposite side, which was obviously more three-dimensional than his own, and completely gave up his plan of 100% full simulation.  Balenov's appearance and outline are just like his own, far from being fake. No matter how hard you practice, you can't hide it from your acquaintances face-to-face at close range.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Yes, Mr. Yuluo, I remember it, and I can change it soon!" &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Balenov was not forced to be a stand-in by anyone. In fact, when he heard that he was going to live and sleep with the hero Yuluo, he was very excited and basically had no fear.  After arriving, I was really conscious about the training. I often stood in the corner of the room for a long time to imitate Hong Tao's movements and demeanor, or practiced in front of the mirror.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Aren't you afraid of danger? It's often the most dangerous moment when a stand-in goes on stage." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    There is another reason why Hong Tao gave up the idea of ??100% replacement, the accent.  Balenov's Chinese is very good, reaching the level where he can understand some of the extended meanings, and he can also tell short jokes on the wine table.  But as long as you open your mouth, you can hear the strong accent, which is very similar to that of a shepherd in Xinjiang.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    In the minds of some immigrants from Xinjiang and provinces, Hero Youluo can speak a blunt language, but most people who know themselves don't need to read it, they just need to listen to know who is coming.  Beijing dialect and Mandarin are sometimes very similar, and sometimes have unique pronunciation, which is not easy to master in a short time.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I have seen all the dangers the night I left Yinli. Dangers are like sandstorms, you can't avoid them, and leave everything to God!" Hearing this question, Balenov smiled lightly and put down his tongue.  Lift up your coat.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    He answered the question perfectly with gunshot wounds on his shoulders, side of his waist and deep piety.  It was so perfect that Hong Tao couldn't find a topic to talk about. This is also the main reason why he doesn't like religion very much.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    But religion is indeed useful. For example, most of the members of the cleaners are devout believers. Taking part in such a dangerous job is not to follow Hong Tao to pursue the truth, but to fulfill the wish of Allah.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Hong Tao himself is also an annoying thing, as long as he sees other people have good things, he will itch.  If you can have hundreds or thousands of people like this under your command, whether it is an alliance or not, it is too small, and you must move towards the growth of the earth.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The strike in the new safety zone lasted for half a month, which surprised the capital base and even the entire East Asian Alliance members.  At the beginning, most people felt that it was the same as a few years ago, some unsafe people took advantage of immigrants from Xinjiang and provinces to fiddle around, and it must be a flash in the pan.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    ? But this time it was obviously different. The city strike was just a city strike. There were no large-scale gatherings to protest, and no small-scale conflicts with the security team. The New Sixth and New Seventh Districts were peaceful.  It is said that the refugees in Xinjiang Province are cultivating several pieces of wasteland near water sources, trying to harvest another batch of vegetables before winter comes.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Believe it or not, as long as you turn on the radio, you can hear crisp female voices telling what happened in the new safe zone every day.  Believe it, it doesn't make sense. Could it be that the management office and the alliance government are trash, and they can't even deter the 20,000 to 30,000 new immigrants?  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Today, the female voice on the radio is talking about one thing from morning to noon to night, about the ownership of houses and land in the safe zone.  She raised a question that some people may have thought about before, but no one really paid attention to it, whether the houses and land of the refugees should be owned by the coalition government.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    If it should be returned, where did the coalition government get the land and houses?  Certainly not the old world, the old world was gone before the transfer of power, there was no will at all, let alone supporting documents.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    If they don't return, why do the refugees buy or rent houses to live in.  There is indeed construction investment in the safe zone, such as repairing houses, connecting water and electricity.  According to the simple principle of who comes first, it is barely reasonable to count it as the property of the alliance government.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    How should this property be distributed?  The government is just a management agency, not a second landlord, and it will eventually be distributed to the public for use.  According to the basic rules of the alliance, all means of production belong to the collective.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    But that was the rule ten years ago. At that time, there were only 10,000 people in the alliance, and the productivity was seriously insufficient. Collective labor must be adopted. Only by uniting can we have the strength to compete with zombies and nature.  Now that the population has increased dozens of times, and basic agriculture and animal husbandry, light and heavy industries, and energy and medical care are all available, eating a big pot of rice will also affect efficiency.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    And now it's not a big pot. Only official residents enjoy rations, free food and drink, free housing, and free schooling and medical treatment.  The vast number of refugees not only have nothing, but also have to spend money to buy houses, rent houses to live in, and do the heaviest, most tiring, and most dangerous jobs every day.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The fruits of labor of hundreds of thousands of people are for the enjoyment of 10,000 to 20,000 people. What kind of constitution is it to say that collectives are not collectives and that private ownership is not private?  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    At the same time, the crisp female voice also raised a question, not only asking the alliance government to give an answer, but also calling on the refugees to think about it in their minds, that is the red zone.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The red zone is unsafe, very dangerous, and private entry is not allowed.  After nearly a decade of enforcement, this concept has become almost a common truth, and no one but a few outlaws can find it wrong.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;/p&amp;gt
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