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    "Director Lan, just send it here, and I won't invite you in for a while. Tell Lin Na that the successor she chose is still young and needs more exercise. It's best not to stay in the office all day.  If you have a chance, go out and take a look."

    For the sake of Wang Jianke's due diligence, Hong Tao will not continue to make things difficult for him, but he still has to make some suggestions for Lan Yuer.  This girl's ability should be good, otherwise Lin Na would not choose her, but she is a bit too orthodox and lacks evil spirit, or the ability to cross boundaries.

    Although as a high-level person, you generally don't meet all kinds of people on the street, and you don't have to be ready to deal with weird people at any time, but having this skill and not using it is not at all different.

    ? If you want to take the initiative in a group of people, sometimes it is difficult to rely solely on the orthodox method, and it may be miraculous if you are not cool enough to use some evil.  This skill cannot be taught, it can only be honed slowly by spending time with others.

    "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll report tomorrow. I'll be in charge of the security of this building. It would be even better if I can take care of the food!" After thinking all the way, coupled with Jia Ziyi's interpretation from another angle  , Lan Yu'er has come out of the shock and disappointment at the beginning.

    Although I still don't have a good impression of Grandpa Hong, who has a slightly subverted image, I still have some experience in how to see the essence of a person clearly.

    "Hey, it's a bit on the road, welcome, welcome, it's even more welcome if you can bring food expenses. The refugees are suffering, unlike your droughts and floods to ensure a good harvestHave you seen this one before? It looks familiar!  "

    As long as Lan Yu'er is willing to be a corporal, Hong Tao really doesn't mind teaching her some crooked ways.  After all, she is also Lin Na's goddaughter, so it doesn't matter if she is stupid or not.

    After dealing with it, Lan Yu'er was about to walk into the yard and suddenly stopped, looking up and down at the thin and haggard woman next to her, and finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, and opened her mouth to ask.

    "Captain Hong, I'm Jia Ziyi, the fitness trainer you said was the most useless!" Compared with Lan Yuer, Jia Ziyi was much calmer, neither too excited nor lost the enthusiasm of the long-lost reunion, and also  With a little playfulness.

    "Hey, I'm talking about a profession, not a person What's wrong with you? Why did you put yourself in such a mess and have physical problems?"  None of the veterans in the team recognized him.

    But then I have to defend myself, it's not that my eyes are higher than the top and I don't take people into my heart, it's that this person's face has changed a bit.  From a big girl full of vigor, she became a middle-aged and elderly woman with rusty skin and noticeably thinning hair.

    "I'm now the head of the executive department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I'm not too tired at work, and I don't have any serious physical problems, just" But any woman doesn't want to listen to other people's evaluation of her aging, let alone a woman who was once beautiful.

    But Jia Ziyi is already very satisfied. The old leader can hardly spit out ivory. Even if he wants to praise, he often has a half-joking tone. It is not easy to have an obvious caring tone.

    "It's just that the work content is a bit dark, right I heard that you are one of the three evil wolves of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It's good, it's really good. I'm proud of you for being able to do this job.

    But girl, work is work and life is life, so you can't mix them too much.  The body is always the capital of life. If you lose the capital, you will never be a winner.

    If you want me to say that it is better to form a family and have a child, you are not very old.  Don't say that you can't find a pleasing one, what is a pleasing one, there is no 100% satisfactory partner in this world.  Humans have to adapt to the environment, not the other way around.  If you don¡¯t mind, I¡¯ll introduce a few for you after this period of time, so let¡¯s look around first!  "

    Hong Tao still had feelings for the group of people rescued from Sun Dacheng, especially the ladies.  They have suffered hardships that ordinary people can hardly experience, and only with their own help can they return to human society.  That kind of feeling is a bit like rescuing small animals. I can't help but pay more attention to them and hope that they will live better.

    "Forget about the family, I have no fertility, so it's not good to burden others."

    However, the enlightenment seemed to have had the opposite effect. Not only did Jia Ziyi not feel relieved, but a layer of mist formed in his eyes.  If there were not too many people at the scene, it is estimated that one of the three evil wolves, the female wolf, would cry.

    "Oh that's right don't be discouraged, this matter is on me, it's not that there is no happiness without children. If two people can go through life hand in hand, they may not be much worse than others.

    Don't mention it far away, just look at me, isn't such an awesome bloodline still unable to pass on.  If I also feel depressed all day long??, Guying self-pity, blaming God for being unfair, probably worried himself to death long ago.

    Here, as long as you think about it here, you don't have so many troubles.  That's all for today, I have to give you some advice when I'm free some other day.  Others can find excuses to avoid, but you must have no excuses, if you don't come, you will be disgusted.  "

    Having said that, Hong Tao probably understood Jia Ziyi's state.  She had lost too much, and had no expectations for life anymore, so she put all her energy on work, trying to use the dark side of the interrogation room to numb herself.

    The result is obviously that the side effects outweigh the curative effects. Not only did I not find the meaning of life, but I also made my mood worse.  People's mental power cannot be touched or seen, but it has a very powerful effect. If it goes wrong, the whole person will undergo huge changes in a short period of time, including affecting bodily functions.

    For such a serious person, Hong Tao still has a precedent of successful treatment.  But seeing people getting out of the armored vehicles, it was obviously not the best time to start the class, so I had to give up and make another appointment.

    "Don't worry, Director Lan will come here as a bodyguard, and I will definitely follow Uh Some of them have worked and fought side by side with you during the Revival Alliance, do you want to meet together?"

    Jia Ziyi readily agreed, but did not leave immediately, and approached him to ask a question in a low voice.  The armored vehicles that followed were all representatives of various departments of the alliance, and their positions were not low.

    "Forget it, you and Lan Yu'er are at work, and no one will think too much if you can't hide, but it's hard for them to talk about it. Maybe they don't want to come here at all, because they were pushed here by others, wishing to hide away  What's more, I am too enthusiastic at this time, not only has no effect, but also hated.

    You are a little tired, explain what I mean to them.  Don't rush for a while, when this matter is over and the weather is calm, not only can they come here to catch up with each other at any time, I might also go knocking on doors.  "

    Hong Tao glanced in the direction of the convoy from the corner of his eye, and the officials who came to greet them were roughly divided into three groups, and they looked at each other in different ways.  Jia Ziyi must have good intentions, and hoped that as soon as he showed up, he would be able to mingle with the veterans, and by the way, gain the favor of some neutral factions, but it was really useless.

    "Wang Jian, I remember you are about the same age as Xiao Jia, right?" Standing at the gate of the courtyard and watching the armored convoy leave slowly, Hong Tao squinted at Wang Jian next to him, and suddenly had a plan.

    "We are the same age We are too familiar, it is impossible for you to imagine!" The conversation just now did not deliberately avoid it, Wang Jian naturally heard it, and when Hong Tao asked him, his hairs immediately stood on end, as if he was facing a big enemy  .

    "Impossible is impossible. I don't even have any bullshit right now. Why are you nervous Oh yes, if you choose, would you like me to return to the leadership?"

    I don¡¯t know if he is really old. Hong Tao always wants to see the younger generation live happily. Of course, their happiness may be different from the happiness he understands, but he still can¡¯t help but want to intervene.  Also awkward.

    "I think your approach is more reasonable at the moment" Wang Jian has been thinking about this question for a long time, and he has a clear answer. He doesn't need to think too much about complicated issues such as positions, and the answer is relatively neat.  many.

    "If I restricted your freedom as soon as I came to power, such as forced marriage or something, would you still be willing?" Unfortunately, Hong Tao is not trying to pull the allies, but trying to get revenge for being rejected just now.
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