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Body 705 Preparations

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    The end of the world and the cold winter of the rats came 705 preparations "he did it! He is a member of the Limin Transport Team?" Hu Yang really didn't dare not listen, it's a matter of life.

    "Probably not, he's not that capable either. The few times I went to the company to wait for work, I deliberately stayed in the lobby to check when I got the bill of lading. The bills were issued by people from the company, and scalpers like Feng Zhen couldn't  No right to choose.

    They can only negotiate the conditions with the transportation team first, and then go to the company to buy the freight bill. Part of the introduction fee must be handed over to the company, and the rest is their own.

    ? Like the work of pulling sea goods to Caofeidian, the cargo volume is relatively large, and the large transport team is usually given priority.  People from the Limin Transportation Team came to apologize that day, but you were not there.  The reason why they made black hands halfway was because they felt that we had robbed them of their jobs.

    But why did Feng Zhen insist on offending the Limin transport team, but why did he hand over the freight bill that should belong to them to us?  Neither makes sense nor makes sense.  Is it because he has a personal grudge with Limin?  According to my observation, they don't look like each other at all. Not only are there no grudges between them, but Feng Zhen is still working hard to curry favor.

    After all, he has dozens of cars and belongs to a big customer. He has been in this business for a long time and has more contacts than us.  If it weren't for personal grievances, then this incident would be a bit interesting. What do you think is the reason?  "

    ? Since Tong Limin and Wang Gang came here, the misunderstanding was barely resolved, but Hong Tao didn't feel that everything was over, and there were still a few doubts that had not been resolved.  But Tong Limin and Wang Gang didn't intend to say anything, they had to investigate by themselves, although there was not enough evidence so far, they could see some clues.

    "Are you saying that someone in the company is deliberately harming us?" The words are so clear, Hu Yang is not stupid, and immediately draws a conclusion, which is probably the only conclusion.

    "Sun Feihu came to talk about the transportation company the day before yesterday, and he personally admitted that he tricked you into joining the transportation team in order to make us suffer. It is not surprising that the transportation company has black hands. We have been mentally prepared for this before, so it is not a big deal.

    ?The purpose of bringing up this matter again is to tell you that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. It sounds simple to live a down-to-earth life, not to provoke anyone, to be patient when things happen, and not to be afraid of suffering, which seems to be enough.

    In fact, it is far from enough. There are a small number of people in this world who survive by oppressing most people. If most people can live steadily, how can they live?  Regardless of whether you like to listen or not, understand or not, I will make this issue clear.

    There are only two ways to live a good life: First, find a place where there is no one to be self-sufficient, do not bully others or be bullied, eat more and eat less, starve to death.  Two, become a small number of people who bully others, and the majority of people who are not worthy of being bullied.

    I lived a self-sufficient life in Sailimu Lake for eight years, and I was not bullied or bullied by anyone. To be honest, it was not easy.  Now that we are back in the crowd, thinking about that kind of life is tantamount to taking off our pants and farting, which is neither realistic nor conditional.  So you can only go the second way, unless you have a better choice!  "

    In fact, Hong Tao is really not talkative about everything. He can refrain from talking about many things before he understands them clearly, or when there is no need to explain them too clearly.  For example, what he said now is very hurtful and pessimistic. If he doesn't force it to a certain level, he really doesn't want to say it.

    Some things are often easier to accept for others to experience than preaching. If you suffer a loss, you will understand everything without saying anything.  But understanding takes time, and sometimes what is lacking is not the truth, but time.

    "If we succeed and the transportation company starts to operate, will you bully the market like the current transportation company?" Hu Yang was silent for a long time, and hesitantly asked a question after almost smoking a cigarette.

    "Yes, that is necessary. To bully people, you have to look like a bully, and you have to be dedicated to everything, otherwise it is better not to do it. But I can make a set of more deceptive rules, so that the fact of bullying can be seen  It looks better, don't make it so naked.

    But no matter how it is beautified, bullying is bullying, and the essence has not changed.  Maybe I bullied me harder, it's just that many people don't feel it.  You want to call me a liar, mean, right?  That's right, if I'm not deceitful or despicable, how can I bully others?

    You see, the Alliance treats the refugees better than the Redeemers, and at least they can eat here instead of starving.  Right now, the alliance is going to build a new safe zone for the refugees, good people!

    But in my eyes these are all deceptions!  The alliance acquiesces in the tacit agreement that the labor service companies use deception, abduction or even kidnapping to get refugees from other places. Did they ask each refugee beforehand whether they are voluntary?  Could it be that they feel that they can disregard other people's feelings and do whatever they can to do it for the good of others?

    Another question, you and I have both dug moats, so let me ask you, have you calculated the cost of digging with alliance engineers and refugees?Is it bad?  I probably did the math, and I dare not say ten times, but there must be several times.  But as long as the refugees have work to do and food to eat, they will say that the alliance is good.

    You see, people are cheated by the alliance, and everyone is tricked into labor at a price several times lower than the cost.  As a result, the engineers in the base support it, they are not willing to do this kind of work at all;   Sun Feihu, Mrs. Xiushan, Bai Side, and Shen Nan are all happy, and they can also profit from the refugees.

    ? See it, no one is unhappy when cheated, no one is not profitable, this is called a good cheat.  Sun Changzhong's transportation company could have been smarter at deceiving them, but unfortunately they didn't want to waste their brains, they only focused on the immediate benefits, and they wanted to eat them all.

    Up to now, people in the transportation team are not satisfied, local forces are not satisfied, and some people in the alliance are not satisfied.  The same is deceiving, but the results of the two are completely opposite.  But no matter whether everyone is happy or not, they are still cheating in essence. It cannot be said that being happy is not cheating.  "

    In fact, Hong Tao is not willing to give lectures to others every day, but sometimes he can't do it without speaking, and he can't do it if he talks too short, and he can't explain many problems clearly in a few words.  For example, the business model of transportation companies raised by Populus Hu Yang has always existed since human beings have surplus value, and the essence has never changed.

    The difference between Sun Changzhong and himself is only the method. One is stealing and the other is cheating.  But the purpose of both is to make others serve themselves as labor force, and the latter may be more vicious than the former.  I can't say that I can't understand or distinguish clearly, but I just don't.

    Now Populus euphratica felt at ease, smoked three cigarettes, listened to the concepts that seemed to be reasonable and seemed to be unreasonable, and went back to sleep in a daze.  As for whether it is dangerous to talk to the transportation company about whether it is dangerous or not, I have forgotten it for the time being. Even if I think about it later, I probably won¡¯t ask, because there is a more dangerous guy beside me.

    Master Yang's garage!

    The transportation company has not yet been established, and Fei Yang first expanded the business, from a car repair stand to a car repair shop.  Not only the difference in name, but also a qualitative leap in the business site, moving from across the road to the yard in front of the small building.

    It's not the yard of the burrow, but a circle of yards in front of the building rented out to refugees in the south.  A few light poles were dismantled from the nearby community as pillars, a shed was built against the wall, and a trench was dug to form the workshop.  The tools are all available, but the lack of electricity is a big trouble.

    Mrs. Xiushan said that she can go to the management office to help with activities. This year's quota is gone, and it will be fine if I can get a quota early next year.  As for what to do now, it's easy to do, let's make do with the temporary line from Xiushan Apartment Lagen.  It's just that it is best to use electric welding during the day, and it is easy to trip when the residents come back at night.

    In this way, when Fat Sheep builds a car, he doesn¡¯t have to sneak around to get materials from the yard, and open it up to work. If there is anything missing, he can find it from the yard next door.  Map to find.

    The vehicles for the expanded transport team are ready, but there is still a shortage of horses. This time Hong Tao does not want to buy any more horses. Compared with horse mules, horses are more delicate and not good at pulling carts over long distances. It is best to buy mules.

    But Mrs. Xiushan and Feihu Sun are not very familiar with the horse farmers in the safety zone in the north of the city. Hong Tao was not foolish to wait for them to find a relationship to inquire. Instead, he packed two boxes of good wine and drove to the transportation company with the pony.  got
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