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Body 691 Mystery case

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    "Wouldn't it be better if he didn't die?" Whenever this happened, a person who was once hated would appear in Wang Jian's head!

    He is the actual controller of the rescue team, the Renaissance Alliance, and the founder of the East Asian Alliance; he is also the pioneer who saved countless survivors and led everyone to successfully resist the first zombie attack; he is also the murderer who wiped out the Wolves and forced Ma Wenbo to death  ; he was a tyrant who took himself back as a prisoner and insulted him in every possible way.

    For a long time, he was at the top of his list of enemies.  If it wasn't for Zhou Yuan's patient enlightenment and kindness, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to wait until the plane crashed, and he would have to find a way to kill him.

    But things are so strange, some people are not farts while alive, but become famous after death.  This one is the same, every sentence, every word, and even every expression he said while he was alive is wrong in his own eyes.  But after he died, he suddenly discovered that he might have said and done the right things.

    If that person is still alive, the current East Asian Union is definitely not like this.  It may not be so strong, it may not have so many people, and it will not be so chaotic.  The chaos is so overwhelming that people don't know what to pursue and where the goal is, let alone the Jinmen Port murder case!

    Seven days ago, the Ministry of Internal Affairs suddenly received a assisted investigation report from the Internal Affairs Bureau of Jinmen Port Industrial Zone, saying that two men with special passes were killed in an abandoned warehouse.  In order to confirm the identity as soon as possible, please check the number of this special pass at the headquarters.

    This kind of thing cannot be said to be common, but it happens almost every year.  Now the special pass review process is not the same as before. The pass is a pass, and there is really nothing special about it.  Both the military and the coalition government can issue them. Anyone who is a cat or a dog can apply. The Ministry of Internal Affairs only has the right to archive and monitor

    However, after finding out the applicant's information for the pass, the chief of the archives department couldn't sit still immediately, and immediately sent it to the Secretary of the Minister together with the assisted investigation report.  Then, I, the deputy chief of the special investigation department who specializes in major cases, was called to the office alone by Minister Lin.

    Applicant, Tuo Xiaojian!  who is he?  Except for the newcomers who joined the Union Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the past few years, I am afraid that few people will not remember it.  This guy was originally the first batch of members of the Air Force Special Service Regiment, as well as the first batch of grassroots commanders. He participated in the airborne operations at Chang'an Base and won awards from the alliance.

    After more than a year after Hong Tao's plane crash, he suddenly retired and entered the coalition government. The specific position should be the security work in the Mechanical Department.  This is not a new thing. During that time, many people transferred their jobs. The reason is very simple. The league's top management reshuffled the cards and everyone was busy standing in line.

    But why did he appear in an abandoned warehouse in the Jinmen Port Industrial Zone and was shot dead?  This is the task that Minister Lin entrusted to himself. Be sure to investigate the whole story in a short time and give a specific answer!

    On the way to Jinmen, I also imagined many situations, such as being accidentally killed by a refugee on a business trip, or being assassinated by agents sent by other forces.

    The Jinmen Port Industrial Zone is ten times worse than the security environment in the Beijing Safety Zone. In addition to the large number of people, the composition of the refugees is also very complicated. They have almost captured the eyes of survivors from all over the country, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.  It's normal for everyone to send each other spies or something.

    However, when I came to the scene, listened to the reports of my subordinates who arrived half a day earlier, and surveyed the scene again, I immediately overturned all previous guesses and fell into a deep confusion.

    The scene here was discovered by a group of vagrants. They came here to report as usual around noon. When they saw a large number of dead people, they immediately ran away in fright. One of the little girls reported the matter to the Union soldiers patrolling nearby.

    After the patrol team confirmed it, they immediately called for reinforcements. First, the Union army stationed in the industrial zone took control of the scene, and then notified the industrial zone management office.  The management office then notified the Bureau of Internal Affairs, and both parties arrived almost at the same time. After that, no one could come in and out at will, and strict registration was made.

    In other words, if the military, the management office, the security team, and the Internal Affairs Bureau hadn't cheated together, then what was shown on the scene would be too intriguing.

    The first is Tuo Xiaojian's method of death. He has only two gunshot wounds on the head all over his body.  These two shots were also fired from the pistol of his driver Chen Ping. The bodies of these two people have undergone a preliminary autopsy, and the photos and fingerprints match the files.

    The way Chen Ping died was even more unbelievable. He was first shot in the back and neck from close range, and then hit the face and chest by the same bullet.

    Interestingly, an official from the Ministry of Transportation of the Union took the driver to the Jinmen Port Industrial Zone in the middle of the night and found an abandoned warehouse.  Then the driver shot the boss in the head who was lying on the ground, and was turned over like a pancake.After the face is finished, the front is hit!

    If it's just these two people, that's all. In fact, it's far more than that.  There were still 9 corpses at the scene, 7 big and 2 young, and they were all shot dead at close range.  The gunshot wounds on their bodies, according to the preliminary identification of the technicians of the investigation section, came from three pistols respectively.

    The 7 adults were killed by Tuo Xiaojian and the driver's p220 pistols firing 9mm bullets, and everyone shot them at close range.  The gunshot wounds on the two little girls were basically the same as the gunshot wounds on the driver, both from another 9mm bullet.

    Interestingly, two Union officials first shot and killed eight refugees, then killed each other, and were finally killed by another person.  No matter how you deduce it, it cannot be inferred by chance, it is 100% inevitable!

    Don't worry, the good show is yet to come.  Because Wang Jian couldn't come up with a suitable reasoning, instead of trying to force it to be reasonable, he began to ask the staff of the local Internal Affairs Bureau to investigate the identities of the eight deceased refugees.

    The results of the investigation were presented quickly. In fact, there was no need for investigation at all. The security team knew seven of the adult refugees.  But their identities made the case even more confusing, beggar chiefs, or scum who abducted and abetted vagrants to commit crimes and profited from them!

    Now that the identities of the adult refugee corpses have been identified, it is not difficult to conclude that the 7 adults are all in the same group through on-site inspections.  Can it be inferred now that Tuo Xiaojian and the driver are here to fight for justice?

    They may have been hurt by Bai Liu's gang and their family members or relatives of friends, but they couldn't get any evidence, so they ran over to seek justice in the dead of night, but they were killed by Bai Liu's men, and the murderer is on the run!

    Shortly thereafter, the Internal Affairs Bureau found several children who had run away, and learned from them that the two little girls who were shot to death did not belong to their group, nor did they know whose family they belonged to.

    This is just the den of Bailiu and his group. The children come to report before noon every day, and leave after accepting the day's tasks. They come back at night to hand in the stolen things, and then they have to go back to sleep in the factory not far away. They are not allowed unless they are called  Come here casually.

    The clues are gathered together, which seems to be in line with the previous inference.  The two little girls who were shot to death should be the children Tuo Xiaojian was looking for, but instead of being rescued, they were all killed by Bai Liu's men!

    However, the security team reported another situation, saying that in the morning, someone found three bodies that had been run over by a train on the railway tracks not far to the south.  Although it has been tattered, it is still possible to recognize the appearance of a person, and it is certain that the three of them were shot before they were put on the track.

    So who are these three people?  The security team has identified people. One of them must be a member of the underground forces in the local slum area, and the other two should be identified from their clothes and sundries.

    The family of these three people lived near the intersection of Ninth Avenue and Bohai Road, as long as they passed through a small forest, there was a railway.  Wang Jian was not lazy, and immediately sent technicians to follow the security team to the morgue for an autopsy, and concluded that the bullets on the three people were basically the same as those on the driver!

    It's over, so far, all previous inferences have been overturned again.  If it was Bai Liu's men who killed the driver and the child, why did they appear near the southern railway again and shot and killed three gangsters again?

    Was discovered while escaping?  If it is possible, then check when the train passed this railway, and you can roughly determine the time of death.  No need to check, the local garrison and the security team answered in unison, at 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there is only one bus!

    This section of the railway is not the main line. Only at 1 o'clock in the middle of the night will there be trains using the ring line for marshalling, and it will go to Huangye at 3 o'clock.  Before and after, at least 5 hours apart, it is impossible for a train to pass on this section of the railway.
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