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Text 520 Some people are happy while others are sad

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    After about seven or eight minutes, the walkie-talkie was quietly stuffed back into the backpack, and it took a longer time to close the zipper, and everything returned to its original state.  Zhumabayi turned his head to look at Bires who was leaning against the corner and still singing rock with his breath, sighed silently, lowered his long eyelashes, and his breathing gradually became rhythmic.

    Some people have enough to eat and sleep, while others have to stay up all night.  Compared with Hong Tao, who ate his mouth full of oil and drank two ounces of wine, the chubby Zhang Ke almost coughed out his alveoli.

    It took a full four hours to go up the mountain, but it only took two and a half hours to go down the mountain.  Of course, less than half of the distance was run, and some areas were simply rolled away, which shows how much potential people can explode when their lives are at stake.

    In fact, when everyone retreated to the foot of the mountain, the fire did not catch up, and it was still spreading near the ridge.  But who would dare to bet against the gods with their lives? At that time, everyone, including Kazuo Kawahaya, an expert in mountain warfare, hated his parents for giving him two legs, and he almost flew around like a hound.

    Total defeat!  This time, the joint search and arrest operation led by the adjudicator, cooperated with the military, and provided technical support by the East Asian Alliance declared a complete failure before dark.

    Deploying troops and condemning generals to regroup?  There is no more, the line of fire, or the head of the fire, has been swept away, but the forest fire has not been extinguished.  At this time, if you go deeper into the dense forest, you will really die from swallowing, if you don't burn to death, you will choke to death.

    Even if you go up in a fireproof suit, where can you go to track the target aside from the fumes?  The hounds must be useless. The two sturdy Central Asian hounds have run and vomited. They don't eat and drink only water.

    Let¡¯s look at the people again. After more than 60 adjudicators went down the mountain, there were less than 20 people who were not injured. They were all exhausted and had cramps in their calves.  The rest all had injuries of varying degrees, mostly bruises, sprains and falls.

    What's even worse is the weapons and equipment, you just look for them, whoever still holds a rifle must be the annual pacesetter for the protection of public property.  Basically, except for more than a dozen pistols, this unit is already in a disarmed state.

    "Hahahahahahahawho brought the camera? Lend me to use it, and I'll invite him to Fangshan restaurant for a big meal when I get back!"

    When this large group of remnants were defeated and sent back to the base in vehicles of the Redeemer army, Zhang Ke, Chuan Zao, and Tian Yu dragged their exhausted bodies and returned to the delegation's resident with their souls full of holes.  He was warmly welcomed by Zhou Yuan.

    This beautiful snake smiled so happily, leaning forward and backward, without any restraint, dignity, or status, just like the French in World War II when they heard that Germany surrendered and Moustache committed suicide.

    "Minister Zhou, although I am not an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Tian is your right-hand man. At least you should take care of your subordinates' emotions. Can you stop being so unscrupulous!"

    Zhang Ke touched the pistol and tried not to pull it out, but he really couldn't help but be ridiculed like this. The problem is that he couldn't find a reason to retort after being ridiculed. He was almost suffocated to death!

    "Unscrupulous? Kid, you haven't seen what it means to be unscrupulous. When a fledgling fire broke out, Bowangpo burned a tripod. When the fire in Chibi and Yangtze River ignited, Cao's soldiers could not survive a million. The fire attacking the rattan armor was the winning ticket, and it was instant.  The fire turned into dust and smoke"

    It's a pity that no matter how hard Zhang Ke struggles, this ridicule is still inevitable. Seeing that no one is willing to bring the camera, Zhou Yuan simply tossed her robe sleeves, took square steps, and sang the Peking Opera Zhuge Liang in Lushuiyi Mountain.  The play of burning rattan armor soldiers.

    Her literary and art soldier was not in vain. Not only can she sing and dance well, but she also has a well-organized eye and a voice when she sings, and she can also show off her figure a few times.  Obviously, he has been instructed by a famous teacher, and he has practiced hard himself.

    "Mr. Zhou, Tian Yu has been bullied terribly, you have to help me avenge" Seeing that playing tough is not effective, Tian Yu simply played a rogue, a girl in her twenties insisted on holding her throat and pretending  Like a little girl, she lowered her head and burrowed into Zhou Yuan's arms.

    "Hey, go, go, this body looks like it came out of a black coal mine, don't touch me oops, get the hell out of here ok, ok, go wash it first, the conference room will be 20 minutes later  !"

    Now Zhou Yuan has nothing to do, her skills are indeed all in her mind and mouth, she can only bully children under ten years old by playing with her body, and she dare not boast to fifteen years old.  After being tossed by Tian Yu, he couldn't sing in the play, and couldn't take advantage of it, so he had to put on a straight face and restore the majesty of the minister, turned around and stepped on the catwalk up the stairs without saying a word.

    "Doctor Tian, ??I have always heard that Minister Zhou has a kind face and a cold heart. This statement is not true. She is not only cold-hearted but also kind. Why does she seem to be expecting us to be burned to death?"

    Kazuo Kawahaya is a member of the Special Forces. He is stationed at Shahe Airport. He rarely shows up at the main base. If there are no special missions, he will have nothing to do with the two poisonous spiders in the alliance. He is only known to have never met.

    Today I saw Weiming Hehe?Minister Zhou actually still has this face, and he didn't know what to say for a while, and he even forgot the iron rule that you can't talk about your boss behind your back.

    "Huh, it depends on who burned it. If the person is right, she will laugh if the whole alliance is burned to deathTian Yu, take the time to help check the lower respiratory tract, I always think there is something in it!"

    Zhang Ke should be the person who understands why Zhou Yuan lost her composure best, but he can't say anything, even complaining has to be done without thinking.  The most troublesome thing is that I have to report the details in a while. I have to think carefully about what to say so as not to be suspected by Zhou Yuan.

    "Wow idiots! They are all idiots! Last time there were dozens of people, this time there are hundreds of people! Mr. Wacker, I think you are no longer suitable to lead the adjudicator to continue to dedicate to the true God!"

    To say that Zhang Ke and others were mentally stimulated, Navaker was almost in a catastrophe.  Bishop Zhang Bin threw an ashtray made of crystal directly on his forehead, cursing louder than Sabin, and the anger could be felt without looking at those bloodshot eyes.

    "If I use a helicopter to search according to my method, now" The only one who feels comfortable in his heart is Sabine. He always regards Wacker as his biggest competitor.

    "Commander Sabin, the army's performance in this capture operation was even worse. If your soldiers hadn't thrown away the fugitives, we would have seen the blasphemers burned to death on the bridge long ago!"

    It's a pity that the knife was interrupted by a cold voice before the knife was finished. Seeing Zhao Bin's cold eyes, Sabin closed his mouth wisely, and felt cold at the same time.  It seems that Wacker will escape again this time. Regardless of the harsh scolding, there is actually no loss.

    "I'll give you a month to formulate a new defense plan. We can't allow any loopholes to be exploited by the rebels. Do you understand?" Sure enough, after pondering for about half a minute, Zhao Bin's mood seemed to stabilize a lot, and he didn't pursue the matter any further.  directly responsible for the failed pursuit.

    "I fully understand. I will arrange manpower to survey the nearby mountainous area overnight, and make a more accurate map as quickly as possible!" Waker was relieved when he heard this, and wiped the cold sweat from his temples to make a promise.

    In fact, he thought about this problem on the way back. It is obviously not enough to set up checkpoints on the main roads and transportation hubs. The adjudicator must strengthen mountain training, and at the same time find someone who is familiar with the nearby mountainous areas to outline the detailed roads as soon as possible.  Even the path for herding sheep cannot be missed.

    "Go and see the wound first, let the subordinates rest for two days before going. This incident cannot be entirely blamed on the poor actions of the adjudicator. Who would have thought that they would be so ruthless and set several mountains on fire."

    Hearing that Waker completely understood his intentions, Zhao Bin's anger basically dissipated, and he began to care about the wound on his subordinate's head, completely forgetting who caused it.

    "Commander Sabin, from tomorrow the military leave will be cancelled, the checkpoints and patrols will be doubled, and the refugees will not be allowed to approach Licheng and Kucha." After arranging Waker's work, Zhao Bin turned his face to Sabin for further deployment.

    "The fugitive went to the direction of Zhaosu, should Licheng and Qiuci still be blocked?" Sabine was not as obedient as Wacker, blinking her small eyes in confusion.

    "Commander Sabin, isn't this a good excuse? Taking the opportunity to block those two traffic arteries can just cut off some people's contact with the rebels, and they can't say anything." Anna really couldn't stand it.  Yes, words help explain.

    The grocery stores near Licheng are almost all owned by the military. To put it bluntly, they are owned by Sabine. It is really greedy to earn even this little money.  The problem is that she is not only greedy but also stupid, her eyes are full of nothing but money and sex.
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