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Chapter 315 Desire Demon Cave

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    The Beast Emperor City is huge.

    It is divided into five major urban areas in the southeast, northwest, and middle areas, of which Dongcheng District is the black market.

    This Xicheng District is also very prosperous.

    Under the leadership of Aaron, Xiao Yi rented a carriage and spent 10,000 taels of silver to arrive at the Desire Devil's Nest in the west city.  This Desire Demon Cave is a huge cave.

    A nine-storey building was built on the left and right sides of the cave.

    Aaron said: "These two high-rise buildings are called Demon Suppressing Towers According to legend, in the depths of the Desire Demon Cave, a demon full of evil is sealed. The first generation of Beast Emperor City's city lord built these two Demon Suppressing Towers  , trying to suppress the demon spirits in the Desire Demon Nest!"

    Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows.

    He doesn't believe in such claims as suppressing demon spirits.

    As soon as the two approached the Devil's Lair of Desire, they found that there were already many strong men queuing up ahead, and there were even ten strong men in the armor of the Law Enforcement Team guarding the entrance of the Demon's Desire Lair.

    In front of a small table in the center, an old man sat there.

    "This old man is not simple!"

    Xiao Yi looked at the old man, secretly vigilant in his heart.

    Even though this person's cultivation is not in the Faxiang Realm, it is still more terrifying than the peak of the ordinary Dao Tribulation Realm!

    Xiao Yi looked around.

    At the entrance of the Desire Devil's Cave, there was a black stone tablet.

    On the stone tablet, there are names one by one.

    Among them, the one who ranked first was Xiao Tianjiao!

    Behind Xiao Tianjiao's name, there are seventeen golden stars.

    "Why is Xiao Tianjiao's name here?"

    Xiao Yi looked at Aaron beside him: "Aaron, who are the names on that stone tablet?"

    Aaron didn't know when he took out another roasted animal leg and gnawed it, and said vaguely, "That's the ranking of the Desire Devil's Nest. Have you seen Xiao Tianjiao who ranks first? It is said that this person is from the Daqian Dynasty.  He is a peerless genius, he once came to the Devil's Cave of Desire when he was at the peak of the Dao Tribulation Realm, and broke through to the seventeenth floor, and the whole Beast Emperor City was shaken by it!"

    Xiao Yi murmured: "The peak of Dao Tribulation Realm? The seventeenth floor? How many floors does this Devil's Desire Cave have?"

    Aaron said: "There are eighteen floors in total. It is said that there are evil demons sealed on the eighteenth floor. If you can enter it, you can get the power of the devil, but so far no one has been able to reach the eighteenth floor."  "

    "Evil demon?"

    Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "Does even Xiao Tianjiao stop at the seventeenth floor? I don't know where my limit is!"

    "Get out of the way, everyone out of the way!"

    Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps behind the crowd, and a proud young man walked over surrounded by the crowd.  The young man looked arrogant and defiant, with a black spear behind him.

    Everyone in line retreated to both sides.

    "Who is that?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

    Aaron shook his head.

    He is just a slave, how can he know so much?

    A fifth-level master of Dao Tribulation Realm who was standing in front of Xiao Yi turned around and said, "You don't even know him? He is Sha Ying, the youngest son of Sha Kun, the deputy city lord of our hand.  A peerless genius, it is said that he has always regarded Xiao Tianjiao as his idol, and is committed to surpassing Xiao Tianjiao. He has reached the fifteenth floor before, but he refused to leave his name on the ranking list. This time, he is probably here to challenge Xiao Tianjiao again  record!"

    Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, and looked at the mighty Shaying with great interest: "Take Xiao Tianjiao as an idol? It's interesting!"

    Sand Eagle quickly entered it.

    Everyone continued to line up, and after a while.

    Finally, it was the turn of the two of them. The old man and god were there, and they never raised their eyes: "Dao Tribulation Realm, one million admission fee per person!"

    Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and paid two million taels of silver.

    This Beast Emperor City really needs money everywhere!

    If the poor are here, I'm afraid they can't even afford food.

    Xiao Yi entered the Den of Desire, which was a long and narrow passage. While walking, Xiao Yi suddenly found that Aaron beside him had disappeared.  Two forks suddenly appeared in front of him.

    There is a stone tablet between the two roads.

    The stone tablet reads: Left is life, right is death.

    Choose the way to survive and leave the devil's lair!

    Choose a dead end, there is a danger of falling!

    Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows: "Leave as soon as you come in? No one would choose that!"

    He went straight to the road to the right.

    Everything in front of him suddenly changed, a pitch-black space appeared in front of him, and amidst a loud bang, four huge black stone walls fell around.

    Form a square cage and seal Xiao Yi in it.



    Two beams of light fell in front of Xiao Yi, the beam on the left turned into a group of old and weak women and children, and the one on the right turned into a group of ferocious bandits full of evil spirits.

    A hoarse voice sounded in the air: "Choose a group of people as your opponents, kill them all, and you can enter the next floor!"

    On one side are thugs, on the other side are old and weak women and children.

    If you want to pass the test easily, you will naturally choose the old, weak, women and children.

    Xiao Yi shrugged his shoulders, but without even thinking about it, he went directly to the gangster's side.


    A ferocious look appeared in the eyes of the group of thugs, and the light around them disappeared, like wild horses rushing towards Xiao Yi one after another. Facing these thugs, Xiao Yi showed no mercy, and pointed his sword across  Cut out empty.


    A silver sword light shot out from the fingertips.

    As the light passed, all the thugs were crushed into pieces one after another, leaving no place for them to die.

    After death, all these gangsters turned into dots of light like stars, and quickly merged into Xiao Yi's body. Xiao Yi's eyes flashed brightly: "This, this feeling this is heaven and earth.  Power?"

    The dead bandit was transformed by the power of heaven and earth.

    Crush it, and these powers of heaven and earth will be integrated into the body.

    Xiao Yi could clearly feel that his martial arts supernatural powers had become more and more condensed, and there was a faint tendency to condense the second level of dao patterns.  Xiao Yi revealed a look of ecstasy: "This Desire Demon Cave has such a miraculous effect, it seems that we really came to the right place!"

    Just as Xiao Yi was about to continue to the next floor.

    Those old, weak, women and children who were not selected by him actually had gentle smiles on their faces, clasped their hands together and gave him grateful and approving glances.

    Swish Swish Swish!

    They also turned into a vast expanse of stars and merged into Xiao Yi's body.

    Xiao Yi's Martial Dao Supernatural Fruit has a total of nine dao patterns, of which the five elements represent 10% of the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, and the two yin and yang dao patterns represent 20% of the power of yin and yang heaven and earth.


    After absorbing these two waves of light, the power of heaven and earth he mastered increased by half respectively.

    Xiao Yi's eyes were bright, and he walked towards the entrance of the second floor that appeared in front of him.

    This time, there were still two choices presented in front of Xiao Yi.

    In front of his eyes

    On the left is Fang Qingzhu, and on the right is Fang Qingzhu.

    A cold voice then sounded in his mind, causing Xiao Yi's expression to change suddenly: "" (Remember the website URL:
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