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Text Forty-two, serious old friend

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    Seymour also waved his hand and said to Margaret, "This is my old friend."

    Margaret Collette's first reaction was that Hu Huan's age was wrong.

    She always thought that Seymour's old friend, not a middle-aged gentleman, had to be a mature handsome guy.

    At Hu Huan's age

    Except that the lady around me is a little bit old, there is nothing related to being old.

    Margaret took off the gold-rimmed sunglasses on her face, stared at Hexel a few times, the gray-eyed lady smiled faintly, and said, "Hexel, you are right!"

    Margaret exclaimed, and asked back: "Hexel the golden sparrow?"

    After receiving the other party's nod and acquiescence, Margaret looked back at Seymour and said in a low voice, "Your old friend?"

    Seymour pointed at Hu Huan and said, "This one!"

    Margaret couldn't believe it very much. She always felt that Seymour was looking for an old lover, and Hu Huan was just a kid randomly found by Hexel, but this shield was too small to win her trust.

    Young women in love are very sensitive, and Margaret is no exception. She is very suspicious of Seymour's purpose in rushing to China.

    Hu Huan sensed the embarrassment of the atmosphere, and said to Hexel: "Let's go back to the company first."

    Hexel also didn't want to have any conflict with Colette's daughter, a well-known rising star in England, especially since the conflict was meaningless, so he turned around and drove.

    Hu Huan took Seymour and Margaret into the company's business car. He and Seymour sat in the back seat and squeezed Margaret into the passenger seat.

    Seymour picked up the mineral water in the car, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip comfortably, then his eyes lit up, and he whispered, "Water from the spiritual spring?"

    Hu Huan nodded and said, "Our company's new business."

    Mostima only has a newly revived spiritual spring, and it is really impossible to get the water from the spiritual spring to fill a 400,000-ton tanker.

    It is not bad that the spiritual spring can produce several tons of water a day, so Mostima sent a tanker filled with South American specialties.

    Of course, Hu Huan didn't need it, he immediately produced hundreds of thousands of tons of water from the spiritual spring, and when the cruise ship stopped at the port, he could continue to sell the water from the spiritual spring.  Goods".

    The water from the spiritual spring that Seymour drank was of course the product of several spiritual springs in his own small snail cave. This bottle of sealed spiritual spring water came from an unknown spring, with a clear taste and full of spiritual energy.

    Margaret glanced at the mineral water provided on the co-pilot seat, and couldn't help but unscrew it and took a sip. Just one sip refreshed every cell in her body.

    This is the real thing, there is no water from the spiritual spring.

    Hu Huan has not been released to the public yet. At present, apart from providing two boxes of samples to Qianlong Army, Hexel has not provided any dealers. The bottles on the car are also special offerings.

    Margaret had never drank such a high-end water product. She couldn't help but glanced at the rearview mirror. Hu Huan and Seymour were chatting passionately. It really was the atmosphere of reuniting old friends, and she suddenly doubted her previous suspicions.

    "Although Hexel is the golden sparrow of the red sun, he is absolutely incapable of obtaining the water of the spiritual spring. Is this young man really a big shot?"

    The deal between Mostima and the Qianlong Army has not been widely spread yet. Only the top leaders of the major organizations can get in touch with this news, and some middle-level people may have heard of it.

    But Margaret is only a student of the Giant Academy, so she really doesn't know about this sensational business.

    She didn't even know that Hexel had left the Red Sun Group.

    After drinking two more sips of water from the spiritual spring, Margaret was a little reluctant to drink it. She asked in a low voice: "Do you sell this water in large quantities?"

    Hexel nodded, and said: "Sold in large quantities, but the dealer has not been determined yet. I plan to limit the number of places and quotas."

    Margaret asked with some uncertainty: "I heard before that only the Tianmo Ling family has the water from the spiritual spring, and it comes from China. Did you buy the water from the Chinese Qianlong Army, or from the Tianmo Ling family?"

    Hexel explained lightly: "I made a deal with the Soul Sect, and they also have a spiritual spring that has been revived."

    "I heard that you also have a spiritual spring in the UK. Is there no quota for the Academy of Giants?"

    The news that Kollett took away the Lingquan Eye has spread all over the countries.

    The Qianlong Army killed Collett, but failed to take back the Lingquan Eye. Almost all forces recognized it.?, the silver giant Kollett sent the Lingquan Eye back to China through a special channel.

    Even the British side thinks so, even though they haven't obtained the eye of the spring, they have been waiting for Colette to bring back the eye of the spring

    Even the Royal Air Combat Special Service Division set up a team for this purpose to analyze where Colett sent the Lingquan Eye.

    Of course Margaret couldn't answer this question. Although she was Colette's daughter, she really didn't know where her father "sent" the Lingquan eye.

    She knew that there was no quota in the Academy of Giants, but this kind of answer was obviously not enough, so Margaret could only talk about him left and right, and asked, "Why is there no news about the recovery of the spiritual spring eye of the Soul Sect?"

    Hexel said lightly: "No organization in the world dares to snatch the things of the Soul Sect!"

    This sentence made Hu Huan a little harsh, and he couldn't help but say: "No one dares to grab the things of Qianlong Army now."

    Hexel smiled lightly, and said: "The Qianlong Army now has two fifth-orders. Of course, no one dares to think about them."

    Ever since there were brothers and sisters of the Bai family, Qianlong Army has become the world's number one professional organization, proud of the world, even Heksel has to admit that with the backing of Qianlong Army and Soul Sect, Zhou Qiusheng and Hu  Huan Huan's small company is not only hot now?

    It is almost hopeful to win the top 50 in the world. There are not so many professional organizations, and there are not enough five hundred.

    After returning to the company, Hu Huan also entertained old friends in the clubhouse on the top floor of the company. In order to cater for Seymour's taste, he called a western food chef and made the most authentic Neapolitan pizza.

    This thing is also a delicacy that has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage. It is different from the coquettish cheap pizza in the United States that puts all kinds of beef, seafood, and fruits. There are only two authentic Neapolitan pizzas, Margherita and Marinara. The taste  ¡­

    Anyway, from Hu Huan's point of view, it probably looks like unsalted naan!

    ? Serious hard currency.

    After finally regrouping the team, we left the exchange group at the airport, and now we also saw Linghuyin who was picking us up from the airport.

    Coincidentally, Linghuyin was in charge of this reception task, and the ones chosen to be exchange students were the graduates of Special Class 25, the students who stayed in Beijing and did not return.
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