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Chapter 955 Welcome back, Wen Wangzhou

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    "What have you been through for so many years?"

    He Yihan casually took off the mask on his face and put it aside.

    She looked at the scars on Wen Wangzhou's body, and she could even feel the raised scars with her fingertips.

    The marks were very strange, uneven, like ferocious centipedes, climbing on his body.

    "It all starts from the very beginning."

    Wen Wangzhou turned his back again and put on his clothes.

    When the expensive shirt covered those scars again, he seemed to have become the head of the Black family again, as if he was born in such an honorable position.

    However, now He Yihan has seen the scars on his body, and knows that he has experienced some things in the past eight years, which seems to be something she never thought of.

    "My biological father's name is Oliver Black. He is the third son of the Black family. His status in the family can be roughly equal to zero."

    He sat in front of He Yihan, and described what happened in the past eight years in the simplest words.

    For eight years, if He Yihan simply listened to what he said about the past events that happened, He Yihan's description was very simple.

    After being rescued by Cheng Ying, he waited in Cheng Ying's laboratory for Brother Lang who had been looking for him.

    Hiding in the rainforest, if Oliver doesn't care about them anymore, there must be no way out.

    Fortunately, although Oliver has no sense of responsibility, he is still reliable. He brought people to search.

    The reason given to the elder brother is that there is only such a son, who wants to see people and dead bodies, and finally finds Wen Wangzhou and Lang Ge when they are gradually cornered.

    Through the matter of Wen Wangzhou, Oliver also understood the current situation a little bit.

    He originally thought that he could be the first member of the Black family to escape unscathed, but he didn't expect that after he got the inheritance, he would still be involved in family battles.

    Oliver's father can be regarded as a bit vicious. He couldn't make up his mind to kill two of the remaining three sons, so he used this method of dispersing the shares to let them compete by themselves.

    Even if it is dead, it can stir up this muddy water.

    Now it is Dylan Black who holds the power. Oliver was a little at a loss when he just took over, so Wen Wangzhou put forward his opinions to him.

    United with Zach, first pull down the strongest Dylan Black from the horse, and then solve Zach.

    This strategy sounds simple, but in fact, it is not so difficult to operate.

    If you want to take advantage of the Black family, it is easy to end up as that victim.

    Oliver just brought Wen Wangzhou to take over some of the properties that his father gave him. It didn't take long for Oliver to discover that Wen Wangzhou was talented in this area, and he was even better at handling these things than himself. So gradually, he took over  All the properties in his hands were handed over to Wen Wangzhou.

    Oliver also has nothing to do. He is not suitable for this kind of power struggle. He is an outlier of the Black family. It seems that he has not inherited the Black family's decisive character and determination to climb up by all means.

    Fortunately, it seems that these characteristics that Oliver lacked are all reflected in Wen Wangzhou.

    Several times, even Oliver was shocked by his decision.

    Although Wen Wangzhou returned to the Black family at such an age, he was ruthless, and he was ruthless to himself.

    This person didn't seem to care whether he would survive from the very beginning. It was not easy to completely gain Zach's trust, but Wen Wangzhou did it.

    It is even more difficult to strengthen one's own power without the other two being aware of it, but Wen Wangzhou managed it.

    And the price was that he was on the verge of death several times.

    Oliver also changed from being a dead horse as a living horse doctor at the beginning to a means of admiring Wen Wangzhou.

    Once, looking at Wen Wangzhou who was dying on the hospital bed, he couldn't help asking.

    "How on earth can you be sure that you can survive to such an extreme?"

    To what extent this person's brain is so powerful, the other two forces can't predict his ambition at all.

    "I have no way of being sure."

    This was Wen Wangzhou's answer back then.

    No matter how smart he is, he is only a twenty-year-old man.

    Oliver knew from then on that this was a lunatic, a complete lunatic, a lunatic who didn't even care about his own life.

    Just such a lunatic, one step after another, one bite after anotherHe swallowed the entire Black family and became the first non-Western person in power in the family for more than two hundred years.

    However, it was these eight years of thrilling life, when facing He Yihan, he spoke very lightly, as if he was just stating a plain and uninteresting fact.


    After He Yihan finished listening, he pursed his lips and suddenly became speechless.

    She lowered her eyes and sat on the sofa with her head down. The skin of her legs, which had been covered with great difficulty, slid down gently without any hindrance, as if there was no friction in this world.

    "I am very happy."

    Wen Wangzhou sat opposite her, silent, he suddenly heard He Yihan say this in a low voice.

    The voice was so soft that when he heard it, he subconsciously slowed down his breathing, as if he was afraid that he would miss the soft voice.

    The Adam's apple rolled gently, before he thought of what to say, He Yihan suddenly got up.

    Wen Wangzhou also got up subconsciously.

    The patriarch of the Black family, who was ruthless outside, looked at the woman in front of him at a loss, but seemed innocent.

    He Yihan took a few steps forward, and hugged Wen Wangzhou tightly.

    She buried her face deeply in his chest, and when all her emotions had calmed down, the current He Yihan just wanted to confirm that he was indeed standing here, and that it was not a dream of hers.

    The red skirt fell into Wen Wangzhou's arms like a shooting star.

    Wen Wangzhou's hands opened subconsciously, this posture made her hug him tighter, and then his arms slowly fell on He Yihan's shoulders.

    In the quiet study room, two people embraced each other tightly.

    In addition to each other's heartbeats, they could even hear the dance music from the banquet passing through the heavy door and coming downstairs from downstairs.

    Wen Wangzhou pursed his lips lightly, lowered his head slowly, and when his mouth was dry, suddenly, He Yihan left from his embrace.

    There was an arm's distance between the two of them.

    "Welcome back, Wenwangzhou."

    Because of the excitement just now, the tip of He Yihan's nose was still slightly red. She had a smile on her face, red lips and black hair. A woman in her late thirties, she bloomed like a beautiful rose.


    However, Wen Wangzhou felt the sudden alienation in He Yihan's tone. Just when he was about to step forward, He Yihan resolutely turned around and left the room, leaving behind him a slender but stubborn back (Remember  Website URL:
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