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Chapter 737

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    After Shelley came to the police station, a policeman stood up and asked him, "You are the head of the Esmond family, right?"

    Shelley nodded in agreement, and a policeman stood up directly next to him. He was holding handcuffs and was about to handcuff Shelley's wrists. Suddenly, the burly man beside Shelley moved, and the man's hand touched  pocket.

    ?After seeing this action, the police immediately went into martial law. They took out their guns from their waists and pointed at Shelley and the burly man behind him.

    Seeing this situation, Shelley smiled lightly, and he said: "It's all a misunderstanding, comrades, please put down your guns, we are all good citizens who abide by the law, and the Esmond family is also like the previous Ace.  The Mond family is different now, can't everyone talk to each other?"

    One of the police officers looked warily at the hand in the pocket of the burly man behind Shelley.

    He didn't put down the gun in his hand, and said sharply: "You! Turn around! If you don't turn around, then I'm going to shoot!"

    Shelley took a look at the burly man. The burly man had an aggrieved expression, but he immediately calmed down.

    He kept moving and slowly turned towards the wall.

    "Keep this position and take out your hands!"

    The policeman's sidearm was still pointed at Shelley and the man behind him.

    The man slowly took out his hand from his pocket.

    "Sir! I just wanted to get out a pack of cigarettes."

    The burly man, with his back to the police officer, explained calmly.

    One of the police officers stepped forward to check dubiously. As expected, there was only one pack of cigarettes in the man's pocket.

    The rest is nothing.

    "What are you smoking at this time?"

    Shelley scolded with a half-smile, his sincere attitude changed the police's attitude toward him.

    This person is the patriarch of the Esmond family, which is known to many police officers.

    Working in this area, dealing with the Esmond family is unavoidable.

    It can be said that the Esmond family is the king of the underground.

    Even the police have to give them some face.

    Things changed because this year, the police got information from an informant.

    It is said that the Esmond family has illegal transactions in a warehouse.

    After the police rushed over, it happened that the illegal transaction was being caught.

    After that, the informant repeatedly passed on inside information to the police.

    Every time, the police can catch it accurately.

    With the news, there is even more support from the state.

    For a year, the police seemed to have become hostile to the Esmond family.

    The business of the Esmond family was disrupted one after another by the police.

    And the chief of the police department has also received great credit for this.

    With the evidence, it seems that the waist has hardened a lot.

    Previously, it was the management of the Esmond family who came to ask questions, but today, the current patriarch of Esmond finally came to the police station on his own initiative.

    Since the men brought by Shelley did not take their guns, the police also put down their guns with confidence.  ?

    It's not that they were shocked by everything, but that the Esmond family's way of handling things was too domineering.

    This new patriarch is much better at speaking than the previous patriarch.

    The police put handcuffs on Shelley's wrists involuntarily, and after searching him and his men.

    After confirming that there were no dangerous objects, the two were separated and led to two interrogation rooms.

    Shelley sat in the spacious interrogation room with a calm expression.

    He said seriously to the police officer who interrogated him, "Trust me, officer. Our Esmond family is really serious business. If you find anything wrong, just confiscate it."

    "Those things are indeed not mine, and I can't make you believe me, but they are indeed not mine."

    The police officer took out pictures of the scene. In the huge warehouse, there were piles of burlap sacks.

    In these burlap pockets, there seems to be something like flour.

    "After inspection, it is powder."

    The police put the evidence in front of Shelley.

    Shelley glanced at the photo, and said with a frown.

    "Officer, I dare to swear. This batch of goods is really not mine, and this warehouse is usually idle."

    "And my company is clean and will never be involved in such a transaction."

    The man has black hair and green eyes,Compared with the police officer in front of him, he was a little more exotic.

    His profile is more towards the east, and there is only sincerity in his eyes.

    But no one present believed his sincerity.

    The police officers could only continue to ask: "How do you prove that the warehouse over there is usually deserted."

    "You know, that is the warehouse of the Esmond family. I believe that even if I don't need to say it, you should know that no one dares to move the warehouse of the Esmond family, so how can you frame you?"

    Shelley had anticipated the reaction of the two officers.

    It may not be easy for them to accept the new look of the Esmond family, but every time they work hard, the result can always be achieved.

    Recently, an inner ghost has appeared in the Esmond family.

    Like what happened today, it happened several times.

    Now that Shelley is in charge, the Esmond family is gradually withdrawing from the underground industry.

    Shelley is instructing everyone to manage the property on the ground well. Although the profit is definitely not as good as that of the black industry, this is He Yi'an's wish.

    A few years ago, Shelley began to change, but the change was very difficult at the beginning, and later, when the change became bigger and bigger, He Yi'an was no longer able to see it.

    This should have been a surprise for He Yi'an.

    When the time comes, Shelley will finally be able to confess to He Yi'an exactly what industries the Esmond family is involved in.

    In the future of two people, there will be no wind and rain and hiding, no blood and brotherhood.

    Those blood belonging to the Esmond family that flowed in Shelley's blood, finally because of He Yi'an's existence, like a violent beast was tamed, gradually revealing a soft heart.

    Back then, Shelley decided to participate in the battle for the family property, not only to protect He Yi'an's safety, but also to personally cleanse the family that had been dirty for countless centuries.

    I only hope that the souls of the ancestors will finally return to peace, and I only hope that the future descendants will no longer kill each other.

    However, during this period of time, many industries that have entered the light have all been exposed to problems.

    Every time the police got inside information and went to search, they were able to find a bunch of prohibited items.

    Shelley tried to clean up the entire Esmond family and singled out this arrogant inner ghost, but after arresting more than 20 people in a row, he couldn't find the inner ghost who prevented the Esmond family from entering the light.

    Seeing the vigilant expression of the police officer, Shelley quickly screened the possible candidates for the inner ghost in his heart, and his eyebrows were slowly raised.

    Who is it, seems to know all the secrets of the Esmond family, but it does not leave any traces and leaks in the whole process.  (Remember the site URL:
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