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Chapter 538: It's Far Worse Than My Young Master

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    Hua Jin's new home has a gym.

    Gao Jie has the habit of exercising all year round, and he is particularly uncomfortable without gym activities.

    Although he is now gray-haired and his figure is not out of shape, it is mainly because of his fitness habits that he has persisted all year round.

    Hua Jin thought for a while, and said cautiously: "If you go to my house, if you are photographed by reporters, there will definitely be scandals."

    Shen Yingqiu had thought about it a long time ago, "It's okay, I'm also at the side, it's really impossible, call Xi Yueze's agent over, so there will be no gossip anymore."

    Huajin is still a bit unreliable. Xi Yueze has too many fans and is an idol. Huajin doesn't want to get too close. If there is any disturbance on the Internet, the loss outweighs the gain.

    "How about I ask He Ling? He Ling also has a gym at home"

    When Xi Yueze heard what Hua Jin said, he looked at Hua Jin helplessly.

    The desire to survive all over this body is really afraid that the paparazzi will take pictures and make a fuss.

    Shen Yingqiu can go anywhere, she has been to Hua Jin's house, but she has never been to He Ling's house, how would she know what He Ling's house has.

    Hua Jin took out his cell phone and made a call.

    The vehicle was driving smoothly, and the phone was picked up soon.

    "what happened, Babe?"

    The man's deep and magnetic voice came from the phone. Although the volume was not loud, Xi Yueze heard it clearly.


    Xi Yueze wanted to bite his finger jealously.

    Why couldn't his memory be restored earlier, in that case, he would be able to pursue the goddess!  Could it be that he is the one who calls the goddess Baby now?

    Xi Yueze recovered his memory by himself, but in fact, he didn't think so much.

    I always feel that the recovery of memory is a bit too shocking, and I never thought about it. There are three other people who recover the memory.

    "I told you last night that I'm going to rehearse tomorrow's dance with Xi Yueze today."

    This matter was already mentioned when I called last night.

    "Ok, I know."

    "Today, Xi Yueze's itinerary is known to many of his fans. Now we don't have a dance studio to go to, and the company's dance studio is also useful"

    Hua Jin paused, and she glanced at her trimmed and clean fingertips.

    "I want to ask you, can we go to your home to rehearse? I'm afraid that if I bring people to my own home, there will be scandals."

    As soon as Hua Jin finished speaking, He Ling over there didn't even think about it, and smiled: "Of course, didn't I tell you before? My home is your home, and you can come over anytime."

    Xi Yueze pointed his fingers resentfully at the side.

    He didn't intend to listen to the sweet conversation between the two of them, but he sat close, and some words floated straight into his ears.

    "Then I'll say hello to Steward Liu, and we'll be over now."

    Hua Jin's eyes were dyed with a smile, and she hung up the phone. While contacting Butler Liu, she said to Shen Yingqiu: "I sent the address to your mobile phone, let's go there now."

    Twenty minutes later, Hua Jin and his party arrived at He Ling's villa.

    The vehicle drove into the high fence, blocking all sight outside.

    Facts have proved that Hua Jin's decision is correct.

    There are not only fans in Xi Yueze's fan group, but also paparazzi lurking who want to get first-hand information.

    After Huajin's vehicle drove into the gate, a low-key black car slowly stopped at the gate of the villa not far behind. Looking at the closed gate of the villa, the driver sitting in the driver's seat was a little worried.

    He brushed the cigarette ash out of the car window and said, "What should I do? They won't be able to take pictures after they go in."

    The man on the co-pilot was wearing a peaked cap, and the long lens of the camera in his hand was stretched out of the window, and he took several pictures in a row at the magnificent villa. He glanced at the result in his hand, and said with a satisfied smile: "It's okay, I took all the pictures.  Come on, stop by and see when they come out."

    The driver in the driving seat finds a hidden place to stop.

    And the man in the peaked cap sitting in the co-pilot seat put down the camera, looked at the magnificent villa in the distance, looked at it for a while, and said a little indignantly, "The current star is really making money, Xi Yueze just debuted  Soon, how can I afford such a big villa. This villa must belong to Hua Jin, who made his debut at a young age.After more than 20 years, he can afford such a big villa.  I guess we will not be able to afford such a villa after working for several lifetimes.  "

    Following these celebrities all day long, the paparazzi's heart is extremely unbalanced. Seeing them earn tens of millions easily, and going around in the wind and rain all day long, they can't even earn a fraction of them.

    The man in the driver's seat took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand, and blew a smoke ring out the window.

    "Don't think about what you have and what you don't have. Let's take a good shot. I estimate that today's order can earn him hundreds of thousands. The match between the top idol and the newcomer Xiaohua can paralyze all the hot searches."

    Under the shade of the tree, the vehicle is parked in the shadow. From the outside, it is difficult to find two people sitting in the car. They are all wearing dark clothes. If you don't get closer, it seems that the two people have merged into the shadow behind them.  , even the outline is not clear

    In the villa, Butler Liu looked at the surveillance in front of him. The image on the surveillance was the parking lot near the entrance. From the high-definition surveillance, he could clearly see two people sitting in the car, one with a video camera on his hand  .

    He sighed with some admiration, "Miss Hua really guessed it, and someone really chased me to take pictures at the door."

    Butler Liu usually doesn't know about these things in the entertainment industry. I heard that Xi Yueze is very popular. There may be paparazzi who have been following and shooting from the dance studio after hearing the wind.

    He didn't understand at first, and felt that the young man Xi Yueze was not bad in appearance, but he was far behind his own young master.

    He Ling usually has no paparazzi to follow him when he goes in and out. Why can Xi Yueze make the paparazzi so crazy.

    Steward Liu lamented that he did not understand the current popular stars, while preparing meals and drinks for Ms. Hua and Ms. Hua's guests.

    The young master has not returned to the villa for two consecutive days, and lives in the company all day long.

    It's no fun for Butler Liu to guard the empty house every day. Fortunately, Miss Hua came over today.

    Miss Hua and her client went to the gym to exercise, and the one who came with them, Miss Hua's manager, was sitting in the living room and talking on the phone.

    Shen Yingqiu put her mobile phone to her ear, and gestured with a tablet on her lap, "endorsement? What kind of endorsement? My artistes will pick up any random endorsements. If it involves a specific product, it must be mailed to Snow Flower Entertainment first. After using it personally  , will decide whether to endorse or not." (Remember the website URL:
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