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Text Chapter 215 Preliminaries (3)

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    Chris and Kou Kou are the most watched couple in the luggage war, and no one can be sure who will win and who will lose after they exchanged luggage.

    But to everyone's surprise, the butler first announced that the keyboard and mouse owned by Chris were worthless. It was the e-sports player's name that the fans asked the merchant to spray, which is equivalent to stamping the merchant's seal when selling things.  In the end, the total value of Chris' luggage barely broke one hundred pounds, with two gold coins deducted.  This shocked Chris's jaw, facing everyone's ridicule towards him as a VIP, Chris felt ashamed.

    Fortunately, after Chris was deducted two gold coins, he still kept one gold coin.  Even better news, Chris is not the first VIP who has lost face. The princess VIP was deprived of all gold coins and expelled from the invitation because the value of the item was less than 100 pounds.  Another VIP, Anthony, also overturned, and his luggage was worth less than 500 pounds, and a gold coin was deducted.

    Is the statue that Koko bought worth?  The statue is made of brass and is not worth much.  But this statue has a history of 80 years, and the body of the statue is a god of the Canadian Aboriginal belief.  The statue has no practical value. Blood Moon deliberately contacted the Canadian aborigines and asked how much they were willing to pay for this brass statue from 80 years ago. The other party offered a high price of 5,000 pounds.  coins.

    Chris was extremely sad, but on the surface he still shook hands with Kou Kou politely and gracefully, congratulating her on getting two gold coins.  Chris had a playful attitude when he participated in the blood moon invitation for the first time, but after being humiliated in the luggage battle, he decided that only he could eliminate the blood moon, and he must not be eliminated by the blood moon.

    A total of ten guests were eliminated in the luggage battle, leaving 35 guests.  Liang Xi believes that the current number of guests has exceeded Blood Moon's expectations, and there should be at least one project to eliminate guests

    Everyone went back to the Blood Moon Castle. After lunch and lunch break, Liang Xi and the others enjoyed the afternoon tea time. Ordinary guests could only go up to the city wall to see the scenery.

    At 3:30 in the afternoon, a maid opened the door and brought a large envelope from outside to Liang Xi.  Liang Xi opened the envelope, and there was a letter and a book inside.

    The second guest elimination item predicted by Liang Xi is to assess learning ability.

    This book is a novel written in English by an unpopular Internet writer in India.  This writer publishes novels on the Internet, with no more than 10 hits per day. He is a typical street writer.  But he finished writing this 600,000-word science fiction novel with perseverance and perseverance. Of course, no one will pay attention to him because of it.

    The reason for choosing this set of books is because no one pays attention to him. Blood Moon believes that no guest has read this book.  Each book has 100,000 characters, and there are six books in total.  At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, there will be an exam in the Blood Moon Auditorium next to the Blood Moon Castle. With a full score, you can get 5 gold coins, and 90 points and above will get 4 gold coins.  There are three gold coins for 80 points, two gold coins for 70 points, one gold coin for 60 points, and no gold coins for 50 points.  One gold coin will be deducted from 40 points, two gold coins will be deducted from 30 points, three gold coins will be deducted from 20 points, four gold coins will be deducted from 10 points, and zero points will be cleared and left directly.

    The letter states that all the exams are multiple-choice questions.

    This project is difficult to say, easy to say is not easy.  It is not difficult to get 50 points if you invest enough time and energy in reading.  You must know that multiple-choice questions are usually one of four choices. According to the probability, as long as you fill in the answers, you can get 25 points if you are lucky or not.  It is not difficult to make up 25 points.  But it is almost impossible to get a high score.

    Liang Xi flipped through the novel, and after reading only one chapter, he was shocked to the point where he was scorched inside and out.  Not to mention that there are spelling mistakes, sentences that are not fluent, etc., the plot of this story is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like Liang Xi.

    The protagonist of the novel is a prince in India. Because of the battle for the throne, he was given to death by his stepmother when he was still in his infancy. It was a kind maid who saved him.  He went to a temple to change his name and surname. The abbot of this temple is called You Qi, yes, he is Yoda's junior in Star Wars.  You especially told the prince an earth-shattering secret. The evil Titan sent a superman team to sneak into the earth. They lived like ordinary people and collected human information.  Thirty years later, Titan's main fleet will arrive on Earth and destroy it.

    What the protagonist has to do is to find seven Titan supermen and destroy them all within thirty years.  The protagonist is not alone, his companions are White Widow, Marvel, Captain India and Nezha.  The first thing the protagonist has to do is go somewhere to find a wise man whose name is Lao Tzu.  Lao Tzu has a sworn enemy named Confucius

    Liang Xi's heart is broken. This kind of book is very interesting to read, and it is very interesting to read jokes, especially when he solemnly described Lao Tzu as a woman with a superb figure, Liang Xi almost choked himself to death with a sip of water.  Lao Tzu was shocked when he learned that the other party was an Indian prince from the west, and they slept together on the first night.

    Liang Xi threw the book away, and he?Human thinking.  But reasoning is a way of thinking that starts with thinking based on facts.  To put it simply, Chris is good at imagining things out of thin air, but not good at thinking in kind.  "

    Bobby said: "I don't see how imaginative he is."

    Liang Xidao: "Maybe he didn't have this talent in the first place, but his thinking is similar to this kind of person. It should be reasonable for Chris to be eliminated, but today Chris feels humiliated, so he will definitely work hard to read books. Tomorrow's exam is right.  Not too difficult for Chris."

    Bobby: "Okay, hang up first, I'm going to read."

    Liang Xi: "Come on." He didn't read it anyway, and he really couldn't stand it

    Who is pregnant between Sun Wukong and Athena?  a: Sun Wukong.  B: Athena.  c: Both of them.  d: None of them are pregnant.

    When did Monkey King appear?

    There are 34 sets of tables and chairs in the castle auditorium, and each table is equipped with a tablet computer to answer questions and score points on the spot.  There are 20 questions in total, each worth 5 points.  Liang Xi will not answer the first question.  According to Liang Xi's understanding of the author and the style of the novel, Monkey King has a relatively high chance of becoming pregnant.  To be reasonable, this novel is not all nonsense, Tang Seng can get pregnant, let alone Monkey King.  Intuition The author will not let Athena go.  Liang Xi believes that the protagonist has slept with Monkey King and Athena.  But judging from the first two books, the chances of pregnancy have begun to decrease, and Batman only became pregnant under deliberately bad circumstances.

    Liang Xi chose d, neither of them was pregnant.  There are too many children, and it is easy to disturb the protagonist to save the world.

    The second question Liang Xi knew that Lao Tzu was taken down by the protagonist first.

    20 multiple-choice questions, one hour was given, and everyone was very focused and quiet in the first ten minutes.  After ten minutes, I have basically answered all the answers that can be answered, and now I need to earn one point for one point.  House looked at Liang Xi who was three meters away. Liang Xi glanced at him, shook his head slightly, and made a throat-cutting motion. House understood that he would not misunderstand that Liang Xi didn't help him cheat because he was stingy.

    There was only one invigilator in the huge auditorium, and the invigilator was playing with his mobile phone by the window with a silly smile.  The guests all know that there is another thing called a camera.  Not to mention spying, when it is said that civilian cameras can be bought on the Internet, the degree of concealment is enough to make people dumbfounded.  If you stare at it, you can't even tell it's a camera.

    There are many hotel room videos on the Internet.  Reasonably, the hotel doesn't want this kind of thing to happen in its own home, and even if it wants to, it won't tell many people.  The waiter was tidying up the guest room and cleaning, but he didn't find the camera.  Not to mention the twisted mentality of the suspect, but technically speaking, there are many types of cameras.  As far as current civilian products are concerned, thermal scanning is a more effective tool for detecting cameras, and other tools are basically useless.  But an effective thermal scanner starts at least ¡ê500 and is heavy and inconvenient to carry.

    Is it possible to test everyone's ability to cheat?

    It is possible, but very unlikely.  Because Liang Xi already knew that the purpose of the luggage battle and the learning ability assessment was to eliminate defective products.  In this case, there is a higher chance of cheating with defective products.

    House is a typical cheater, he relied on cheating to become a staple of Blood Moon invitations.  But House's cheating has its own set of rules, that is, cheating without violating the invitation rules.

    ? Without discussing virtues, the second place in the race fell down, and the first place helped him across the finish line.  is this fair  Is it fair to third place?  The third place had a chance to get the runner-up, because he only got the third place because of the behavior of the first place.  But the first place did not violate the rules of the competition, so no matter whether it was fair or not, he complied with the rules and would not be revoked.  On the contrary, the second place of the South Korean team stretched its foot and tripped the first place, causing the third place Korean team to win the championship.  The jury must determine whether the second runner intentionally tripped the first runner before making a verdict.  However, regardless of the process, truth and result of such a judgment, it is impossible to satisfy both parties.  It is assumed here that the second place intentionally tripped the first place. Although the third place did not participate, it will also be judged to be disqualified from the championship.  Here are the rules.

    After talking about the rules, what are the rules?  The 2002 World Cup was held in Japan and South Korea. Looking back, we can find that there are only rules in South Korea's home games, but there are no rules.  A rule is an unfair rule, a deformed rule made by those who have power and resources to benefit themselves.

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