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Text Chapter 174: Eat Melon

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    The second question, now that the arresting action team commander is on the way, is the email sent by the commander?  The commander knows the email address.  Sera explained to Liang Xi that the commander's mobile app mailbox has been logged in all the time.  One possibility was sent by the commander himself.  One possibility is that someone stole the commander's phone and sent it.  The email password of the black commander is not difficult, but once logged in, the continuous login status of the commander's mailbox will be interrupted.  Both Sierra and the temporary blade hackers believed that it was almost certain that the word 'black' email was sent from the commander's mobile phone.

    The third is the issue of political correctness.  Can this matter be kept secret?  Once the public knows that the police sent African-American words to the mailbox, it is a big event.  Caucasians and Asians are fine, but Africans are not.  The nerves of African-Americans are extremely fragile. They are aware of their group's destruction of law and order and their contribution to society. Most of them have delusions of persecution.

    The death of one hundred whites and one hundred Asians is an incident, and the death of one black is discrimination.  Yes, there are many people who discriminate against black people, but they cannot speak out publicly, because speaking out publicly is politically incorrect.  As a public institution, the police chose African-Americans in one of the three options. If the African-Americans died in the end, the African-Americans would definitely go out for a walk.  Anyway, idle daily is idle.

    The arrest team arrived at the hospital, and the commander who had been with his son left at 12:30 to check in at a hotel near the hospital.  The arrest team opened the commander's hotel room 707 with the help of the lobby manager, but did not find the commander in the room.  The commander's mobile phone is placed next to the TV in the living room.

    After some searching, the commander was found in the chapel on the 6th floor of the hotel. He was praying all night for his son.  When the arrest team conducted a surprise questioning of the commander on the spot, Liang Xi had a whim.

    Liang Xi said: "Isa, why did the gangster play this game with the police? Can't he kill people directly?"

    Yisha said: "Hasn't this been discussed? There are probably two reasons. One reason is that because of the death of a single person, we will investigate separately. It is easy to list the interested person related to the deceased as a suspect. Even if we have no evidence to charge him  , everyone in the circle will think he did it."

    Liang Xi smiled: "Yeah, I understand."

    Isa was speechless, she knew that Liang Xi remembered the example he had given, Baker and Liang Xi both fell in love with her, and as a result Baker died, of course she would think that Liang Xi was the most suspect.  I'm so pissed off, what's the matter with Baker should be resolved, more and more people know about it.

    Isa continued: "The second reason is to attack the judicial system. For example, the choice of black, white and yellow. Not choosing is inaction, and choosing is discrimination. In the case of advance notice, the police have no way to protect citizens. In stark contrast, Bryce  Dundale has rescued many hostages. This sentence does not count, and I regret it."

    It was rare for everyone to be amused by Isha. When Isha thought of Baker, she couldn't grasp her words for a while.

    Yisha continued: "Perhaps some big shot was killed, a big star was killed. If the gangster is not caught, the public will point the finger at the police. Contact the first reason, the gangster completely transfers the identity of the victim. The more victims  , The higher the identity, the more difficult the situation for the police, the safer the criminals, and the less suspected criminals who should be important suspects."

    Liang Xi asked, "Why don't we play with him?"

    Yisha said: "The police are in a passive position and have to take action." If someone calls the police, the police must be called. This is a matter of basic principle.  Even if the person who called the police has a history of reporting false alarms many times, he still has to call the police.

    Liang Xidao: "I mean, as long as the gangster is completely untrustworthy, the police don't need to play the game according to the gangster's game rules. Suppose in the first link, the police entered the girl's birthday, and the gangster killed the female hostage  With the hostages, the choice of the police is actually meaningless. In this way, not only the police do not need to cooperate with the gangsters to play this damn game, but also after the case is exposed, no one will accuse the police of not making choices.¡±

    Isa understands, let the gangster break the rules of the game, so that there are no rules, and the police don't have to deal with the multiple-choice questions given by the gangster.  Once the multiple-choice questions are gone, the murder case will be treated as a separate case.  Gangsters can of course kill people everywhere, but they cannot mislead the system.  Police can identify suspects in each case based on a single homicide.

    ?For example, if all three people in black, white and yellow are dead, those who have a conflict of interest with the three will be listed as suspects.  People in the circle of suspects will also look at this case independently. After Bai died, A gained huge benefits, and the insiders will think that A hired a murderer to kill Bai.  A is likely to face revenge from Bai's family.

    Assuming that the gangsters are messing around and there is no target they want to hunt among the people they kill?  That would cause chaos in London.  But first of all, we must consider the purpose and cost of the gangster's work. Few criminals will commit crimes without profit.?, he walked to his sports car and performed a gorgeous 360-degree flip in place, which fully demonstrated his excellent physical condition.

    Never thought that when Montenegro was about to get in the car, two masked men suddenly appeared.  A masked man approached Montenegro holding a pistol with a suppressor, aimed at the back of Montenegro's head and pulled the trigger.  There was very little gunfire, and Montenegro fell in response.  Another masked man carried a body bag, and the two put Montenegro in the body bag and put it in the trunk of a car without a license plate.

    The photographer's mobile phone kept shaking, but he continued to shoot until the car left the underground parking lot.  Perhaps the photographer was afraid of retaliation or for other reasons, the photographer chose to send this video anonymously to the website.  Once the video was played, it naturally caused waves.

    The second session is different from the first session.  In the first Internet Celebrity Festival, the live broadcast of Flamingo grabbed a large number of viewers, so the first Internet Celebrity Festival can only be said to be an anticlimactic Internet Celebrity Festival.  In the 2nd Internet Celebrity Festival, Flamingo could not broadcast live, but could only post videos, and had a relatively deep interaction with the guests and programs of the 2nd Internet Celebrity Festival.  Instead of losing ratings, it increased clicks and ratings because of the flamingos.

    After the video of Montenegro being shot to death appeared, its popularity instantly exploded on the Internet celebrity festival.  Montenegro is a native of London. Although his skin is black, he is of mixed race like ***, and his IQ is not low.  Because of political correctness, since last year, many big-name directors and big ips have sought African-Americans to join as leading roles, and actor Montenegro is a very popular candidate among them.

    Because of the opportunity of the African-American incident, Montenegro entered Hollywood, making his acting career a step further.  Montenegro had just returned from filming in the United States to accompany his family a week ago, but he was killed unexpectedly, which made many movie fans sigh.

    At 10:20 in the morning, the police counter-terrorism office held a press conference.  The one who presided over the meeting was the one-eyed dragon who slammed the sky, slammed the air, slammed France, and slapped the feet last time.  Cyclops released the Montenegro case.  After confirmation by technicians, the video is likely to be authentic.  Since Dale, Assistant Superintendent of Frontline Police, transferred all the London elite to Brighton, this case can only be handled by the Counter Terrorism Office.

    Audiences like the way Cyclops speaks, and Cyclops also satisfies the curiosity of the audience.  He analyzed and explained that in London, a group of gangsters played games with them.  In the first segment of the game, a police officer's child lost an arm.  In the second part of the game, the gangsters asked the police to choose one of black, white and yellow, and they would kill celebrities with whichever skin color they chose.

    The reporters asked: "Excuse me, is it because the police sent the word black to the gangsters, that's why Montenegro was killed?"

    Cyclops stood up: "I won't tell you for now, that's all I can say now. I have to go back and continue playing games with this group of perverts until I catch them all and crush them to death one by one."

    The reporter asked: "Have the police caught the suspect, or some of the suspects?"

    Cyclops stopped and asked, "As a reporter, don't you know that there was a car accident near a certain hotel yesterday?"

    The reporter replied: "We are all paying attention to the Internet celebrity festival. There are also terrorist attacks on Maria Hospital and banks, and we did not notice traffic accidents."

    Cyclops said: "You can pay attention."

    After the press conference, London began to grab the show, causing the ratings of the second session of the second Internet celebrity festival to drop by 80%, and the click-through rate was less than 10% of that at the opening.  The terrorist attack in London, the murder of Montenegro, and Cyclops' revelation made many reporters feel the smell and rushed from Brighton to London.

    The flamingo who sang a one-man show looked very helpless.  After a night of tossing, only scientist No. 6 and pusher No. 4 have not been found by the police.  This indicates that Flamingo will only announce one more location where the 6th scientist is buried.  The bad thing is that the attention of the flamingo video has also dropped suddenly. Maybe everyone is tired of the flamingo.  Perhaps the battlefield in London is even more exciting.

    Where the people who eat melons have melons, go there
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