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Chapter 1828 sensitive period

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    Yenching was indeed as Xu Yishan expected, a very sensitive incident occurred.

    The origin of the incident came from Hu Jin's red model opera entering Beijing.  After two consecutive days of performances, the performance was called off urgently.

    Hu Jin's plan to send model operas to the Great Hall for performances went bankrupt and was forced to stop.  It is said that an important head of Yanjing reprimanded Hu Jin for his model operas being too purposeful, and that the content of the model operas was no longer suitable for the needs of today's society.  Performing model plays in public can easily bring about serious negative impacts on society.

    Everyone understands that the entry of Hu Jin's model opera to Beijing does have a strong political meaning.  He is forcing the palace publicly. After all, the red theme is a kind of totem and a kind of spiritual sustenance in Huaxia Kingdom.

    To oppose the red theme is to deviate from the original intention.

    Hu Jin hopes that the red wave will sweep across the entire land of China again, so as to highlight him behind him.

    The performance was called off, so Hu Jin was naturally unwilling to let it go.  After all, he wasn't fighting alone.  Behind Hu Jin, there is a very powerful political force protecting him to move forward bravely.

    Yanjing formed two opposing forces in the event of the performance of the red model opera.  One party took a firm stand, suspended the performance, and withdrew the performance team.  All news and information will completely delete the reports about the performance without leaving any traces.

    ?The other party argued hard, insisting that the red theme cannot be contained or suppressed.  Whoever opposes the performance of the red model opera is against the red theme.

    So, a strange phenomenon appeared in Yanjing's public opinion.  A voice was harshly critical.  Another voice is advocating and agitating the spiritual power brought by the red theme to the people.

    Polarization followed in society.  For some generations who have come from those years, the red model opera seems to evoke their sleeping memories.  They quickly merged themselves frantically into the sudden wave of red.

    However, in the intellectual and literary circles, there are different voices.  Real intellectuals stood up to oppose and stop the spread of this wave.  They sadly pointed out that if this red wave is allowed to sweep across the land of China again, the whole of China will once again fall into a huge vortex of disaster.

    All of a sudden, two different voices clashed fiercely in the sky over China, supporting and opposing criticism.

    The political world was inevitably involved.

    Secretary Lu went to Beijing for a meeting and had to face difficult choices.

    "On a mountain, when there are strong winds and waves, you must be calm." Secretary Lu told him: "Persist yourself."

    Xu Yishan was silent for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Secretary Lu, what do you think of this matter?"

    Logically speaking, Xu Yishan shouldn't have asked such naive words.  Especially in this sensitive period.  Because Secretary Lu's statement determines his position.

    Secretary Lu did not answer his question directly, but instead asked him, "What do you think?"

    Xu Yishan said with a wry smile: "I think Hu Jin's starting point is good. But the road is wrong. We really can't abandon the red theme, but the red theme should only be used as a direction, and should not be used as a political method or weapon."

    "Liang Guoming seems to be much more stable than Hu Jin. His ability to assess the situation is only second to Hu Jin."

    "I heard that his red base in the mountain city has been sealed up."

    Secretary Lu pondered for a while, then suddenly asked: "Yishan, how do you connect the two of them together?"

    Xu Yishan laughed and said: "I guess, Yanjing should be a dispute between Hu and Liang now."

    Secretary Lu sighed slowly and hung up the phone.

    This night, Xu Yishan couldn't sleep again.

    Hu Jin took the central province as a pilot, and the premiere of his red model opera was chosen in the central province, which once caused a wave of enthusiasm.

    Some people questioned behind his back, why Hu Jin, as the leader of the Central Plains Province, did not blossom locally, but went to the Central Province to fire the first shot?

    There was a saying at the time that seemed to give an explanation.  Central Province is the red cradle of China, and the selection of the premiere in Central Province has the meaning of nostalgia.

    Although the central province is known as the red cradle, it does not have a key status in the country now that the economy is booming.  The Central Province has remained largely unknown over the years, and has had no glamor in the political arena.

    Hu Jin's premiere in central and central provinces is not so much to remember and pay tribute to the Red Cradle, but rather to say that his real purpose is to test the waters.

    Hu Jin's attempt to test the waters was undoubtedly a success.  When the first performance came to a successful conclusion at the Central Provincial Grand Theater, an overwhelming red wave quickly swept across the country.

    People are immersed in memoriesIn the tide of the colorful years, they have expressed their tribute to the classics in various forms.

    The most typical is that square dancing has changed.  In many places, costumes and dances that have been dusty for many years can already be seen reappearing in the square.  The frenzied enthusiasm of the people was ignited quietly by Hu Jin.  Overnight, it seems to have returned to the unbearable years decades ago.

    Xu Yishan had expected a long time ago that changes in the situation would definitely draw Yanjing's attention.

    Sure enough, Hu Jin's dream of the Red Wave was forcibly stopped.

    Xu Yishan knows better than anyone else that Liang Guoming ignited Hu Jin's dream of a red wave.

    Liang Guoming was the first to build a red-themed tourist attraction in a mountain city, which once set off a huge wave of nostalgia for red classics across the country.  It was at this time that Hu Jin chose to enter this circle.

    Because Hu Jin knew that if he wanted to win, he had to build momentum first.

    Hu Jin's campaign was obviously much more violent than Liang Guoming's.  It is said that Hu Jin spared no effort to use the Governor's Fund of Central Plains Province in order to make the Red Model Opera perform smoothly.  It was once rumored that the red model opera was the result of Hu Jin's money.

    Xu Yishan had to admire Liang Guoming's ingenious thinking.  After he successfully introduced Hu Jin into this controversial circle, he withdrew violently.  He not only sealed up the red base in Shancheng, but also blocked all behaviors with strong ideology.

    The mountain city recovered overnight.  Liang Guoming raised the banner of revitalizing the economy.  It seems that he has nothing to do with the red theme.

    Xu Yishan deliberately tied Hu Jin and Liang Guoming together in front of Secretary Lu, saying that he still saw this matter very clearly and was not overwhelmed by fanaticism.

    In the end, Secretary Lu didn't make a statement, but Xu Yishan smelled a strange smell from it.

    Obviously, Secretary Lu did not approve of Hu Jin's actions.

    After waking up from sleep, Chen Xiaoqi saw Xu Yishan still leaning on the head of the bed and meditating, she said heartbrokenly: "Yishan, you work so hard during the day, why don't you take a good rest in your dreams at night? What makes you frown?"

    Xu Yishan patted her lightly and said, "I'm fine. Go to sleep. Women don't rest well, and their skin tends to age."

    Chen Xiaoqi sat up, leaned her head on his shoulder and said, "You despise me as an old woman yesterday? Are you old?"

    Xu Yishan shook his head and said: "We are old husband and wife. In my eyes, you will always be the most beautiful person. It is not for nothing that we are the most beautiful county flower in Maoshan."

    Chen Xiaoqi burrowed into his arms shyly, and murmured: "The most beautiful county flower still hasn't escaped your harsh hands."

    The two exchanged a few words, and Xu Yishan suddenly said: "Xiaoqi, there may be a strong wind and a huge wave soon."

    Chen Xiaoqi said disdainfully: "Politics is your man's world. No matter how big the storm is, I have you, and I am a solid rock."

    Xu Yishan's heart suddenly filled with tenderness.

    In fact, he knew very well in his heart that no one could avoid this storm.  He will be involved.

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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