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Chapter 1705 Amazing move

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    After getting the affirmation from Vice Governor Rong, Xu Yishan stood up, nodded politely, and walked steadily towards the host stage.

    ? In the process of the reception dinner, there was no process for Xu Yishan to deliver a speech.  When Xu Yishan stepped onto the host stage, the entire banquet hall fell silent.  All eyes were on Xu Yishan.

    Xu Yishan scanned the banquet hall calmly, and said with a smile: "Respected Vice Governor Rong, foreign guests and friends of the inspection team, please allow me to express my sincere greetings to the distinguished guests who came from afar on behalf of the Hengyue Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government."

    There was applause from below.

    Xu Yishan changed the subject and said suddenly: "For the convenience of the guests, I will deliver a speech in English next."

    "diesalen, mynaisxuyishanwele, everyonehengyueisaheroiity, apassioy, andcitythaillsoonbeodernanufacturgcity"

    "seventyyearsago, thiswasgreatanti-fascistcitybecaeofthiscity, wehaverewrittentheurseofhistorytoday,theworldpeace,thereisyueadetheheroicsacrifice"

    (Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Xu Yishan. Welcome. Hengyue is a city of heroes, a city of enthusiasm, and a city that is about to become a modern manufacturing industry.")

    (70 years ago, this was a great anti-fascist battlefield. Because of this city, we have rewritten the course of history. Today, world peace is due to the heroic sacrifices made by our Hengyue people.)

    "today, ourheroidbeautiful cityweles youwith openarsibelievethatiure, wewillbeethebestfriendofalnkd, theostfortablepartner"

    (Today, our heroic and beautiful city welcomes you with open arms. I believe that in the future, we will become the best friends and the most comfortable partners of all mankind.)

    Applause rang out, this time much warmer than last time.

    The foreign guests looked at Xu Yishan on the stage in amazement, with incredible expressions on their faces.

    Perhaps, they were thinking that the young man who had been sitting next to them just now and listening to their exchange without saying a word must have heard what they were talking about.

    Xu Yishan spoke fluent English and expressed his thoughts fluently. Starting from the historical status of Hengyue City, he quoted classics and talked freely about Hengyue's future technological development blueprint.

    His amazing move completely conquered all the people in the banquet hall.

    Xu Yishan quickly finished his speech.  Except for the first few sentences, the rest of the speech was delivered in English throughout.

    This is the second time he has expressed his speech fluently in English in public.  This move alone can overwhelm most people.

    Sure enough, after he returned to his seat, Ying Zhaohui nervously and excitedly raised a thumbs up and exclaimed: "Old Xu, you are really talented!"

    Xu Yishan showed his ability in foreign languages, which made the foreign guests a lot more honest and polite.

    The situation quickly changed drastically.  The inspection group, which was originally just going to be perfunctory, became serious.

    A banquet is not just eating and drinking.  Foreign guests who know the essence of Chinese culture well know that this is also a formal business occasion.

    In Xu Yishan's speech just now, he talked about the grand development of Hengyue. He quietly mentioned Jiangshan Heavy Industry, Cape Town Company, and the first cloud rail line opened by Hengyue.

    The foreign guests said that they would go to the joint venture company between Hengjiang Group and Cape Town for field inspection, and also wanted to experience the novelty brought by the urban cloud rail.

    Few people can really understand the content of Xu Yishan's speech.  Only Xu Yishan himself, he deliberately reflected the label of Hengyue as an anti-fascist heroic city, will surely impress the perfunctory inspection team in front of him.

    Xu Yishan knows that in the world of foreign guests, making money is not the only orientation.  They worship heroes, especially those who have made great contributions and sacrifices for mankind.

    As a world-renowned anti-fascist city, Hengyue has completely captured their hearts.

    Xu Yishan spoke and communicated in English throughout the dinner, which made Vice Governor Rong feel embarrassed.  He talked and laughed happily with the foreign guests, which made Vice Governor Rong look a little out of place.  At the same time, it also refreshed his new understanding of Xu Yishan.

    Xu Yishan felt this keenly, and he quietly said to Vice Governor Rong: "Governor Rong, I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. Please understand."

    Vice Governor Rong smiled and said: "This is your home field, you can play it however you want. As for whether you can achieve your desired goal, I can't help you."

    The reception dinner ended in a warm and peaceful atmosphere.

    The Reception Office of the Municipal Party Committee took over the evening entertainment activities for foreign guests.  Xu Yishan didn't delay for a moment, directlyWent to the room of Vice Governor Rong.

    "Today's performance is very good!" Vice Governor Rong praised Xu Yishan and said, "Your fluent foreign language has shamed our old comrades. It seems that the future world really belongs to your younger generation."  ah."

    It is not too much for Vice Governor Rong to call himself an "old comrade" in front of Xu Yishan.  In terms of age, Vice Governor Rong is indeed nearly two rounds older than Xu Yishan.  He and Deng Xiaofang are also typical leaders among old couples and young wives.

    "By the way, looking at your posture, are you planning to let the semiconductor industry settle in Hengyue?" Vice Governor Rong asked tentatively.

    Xu Yishan smiled and said: "I've come here, if I don't stay, wouldn't it be a waste of time for you, Governor Rong? Manufacturing plus technology, I think it's quite appropriate for Hengyue to go this way."

    Deputy Governor Rong said: "It's not enough for you to turn Hengyue into a city of manufacturing, you also need to engage in technology?"

    "Manufacturing can't be separated from technology." Xu Yishan said with a smile: "They are a pair of twin brothers."

    "However, Lao Gong doesn't seem to have that intention." Rong Hai reminded Xu Yishan, "Before coming here, Lao Gong told me that the main purpose of arranging a delegation to come to Hengyue is to give foreign guests a chance to compare. Lao Gong's  It means that it is more appropriate for the semiconductor industry to be located in Jucheng.¡±

    Xu Yishan blurted out: "Aren't you kidding me?"

    Rong Hai smiled: "You can't say that, you are just trying to find a way for the project to land. Besides, you are also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, so how can you use the word 'playing'."

    The two chatted for more than an hour, and Xu Yishan didn't leave until Vice Governor Rong showed signs of fatigue.

    As soon as he went out, he asked the secretary, "Where is Secretary Fei?"

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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