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Chapter 1580

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    Chapter 1580 Seeing through but not revealing

    The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the cloud track was held grandly but not extravagantly.

    The whole city of Hengyue was full of joy and happiness.  After the red silk was cut, the cloud tracks that the people of the city were looking forward to, the colorful balloons flying all over the sky covered almost half of the sky.

    Xu Yishan invited the head of Yanjing and Secretary Lu to board the cloud rail car in person.  With a loud siren, the cloud track slowly drove out of the terminal platform.

    The opening of the cloud track marks a new step in the image of Hengyue city.

    Hengyue City is like a New Year's Eve, people scramble to feel the novelty brought by the cloud rail ride.

    On the same day, the Hengyue Municipal Government held a grand celebration reception.

    On the eve of the reception, the head of Yanjing left Hengyue.

    After the reception was over, Secretary Lu and his party also left.

    When Xu Yishan returned home, he was too tired to even speak.

    Chen Xiaoqi looked at her exhausted husband, angry and heartbroken, and complained to him: "Xu Yishan, you are working so hard, do you still need your health? Your son hasn't grown up yet."

    Xu Yishan held her in his arms, smelled the faint fragrance of her body, and suddenly felt ecstatic.

    "Wife, don't worry. Your husband doesn't say it's made of iron, at least it won't be made of paper."

    Chen Xiaoqi snorted and said, "You haven't slept for more than three hours in the past few days, have you? Look, your eyes are full of blood."

    She lay in his arms, raised her face and stared at her husband, stretched out a soft little hand, gently stroked his cheek, tears fell down and said: "I'm afraid you are paper."

    Xu Yishan lowered his head, put his earlobe in his mouth, teased her with a smirk, and said, "Honey, only you know that your husband and I are not paper."

    Chen Xiaoqi smiled through tears, and said shyly: "I know, I know, okay. You are harder than iron and stronger than steel."

    The couple were whispering, enjoying the long-lost warmth.

    Xu Yishan looked at his lovely wife in his arms, sighed and said: "We still have a long way to go in the development of Hengyue. Wife, I really thank you, without you standing behind me as a strong backing, I would definitely not be able to do my job well."

    Chen Xiaoqi smiled and said: "You are famous now. It is rumored everywhere that you are the baby secretary. Oh, so I married a baby husband."

    Xu Yishan blushed unconsciously, and was called "Secretary Baby" by the head of Yanjing, and this title has spread like wildfire.

    Suddenly, Chen Xiaoqi tentatively asked him: "Yang Liu is working beside you, is it okay?"

    Xu Yishan looked at her inexplicably, not understanding the meaning of her words.

    Chen Xiaoqi smiled lightly and said: "Yang Liu, life is hard. To be honest, I am most at ease when I can arrange her to work beside you." She put her hand around Xu Yishan's neck, and whispered in his ear  : "Do you know what we swore when we were kids?"

    Xu Yishan looked at her puzzled and asked, "What did you swear?"

    Chen Xiaoqi smiled shyly. She pinched Xu Yishan and said, "However, none of these vows will come true. At that time, we were too young to be sensible. Only when I think about these vows today do I realize how absurd they are."  and ridiculous."

    Xu Yishan's face was reddened by Chen Xiaoqi's oath.  It turned out that when Chen Xiaoqi and Yang Liu were in love, they made a serious oath that from now on, they could share anything.  Including husband!

    "It's ridiculous." Xu Yishan shook his head and said, "What's going on in your little head?"

    Chen Xiaoqi said seriously: "Didn't you catch what I said?"

    "What's the meaning?"

    "It's fine if you don't understand." Chen Xiaoqi broke free from his embrace, and sighed: "However, I will be sad. But, no matter what, you must treat Yang Liu well. She is alone now, I don't care about her, you don't care about her  , who cares about her?"

    Xu Yishan didn't want to discuss these trivial things about the love between his children.  In his view, a person's happiness lies in whether he can grasp it.

    Yang Liu originally had a happy family and a husband who loved her very much.  However, she still betrayed the marriage.

    Once, he was very angry about Peng Bi's extramarital affair with her.  In Xu Yishan's view, a woman who betrayed her love, her family, and her husband is the least worthy of sympathy.

    Maybe Yang Liu is pursuing true love, but who in this world will give her true love except Luo Zhou?

    Ever since she divorced and hoped for Peng Bi to marry her, Xu Yishan knew that she would fall into endless love-hate entanglement.  Sure enough, Peng Bi didn't want his future to be illusory loveLove blocks.  Until he fell into the Hong River.

    He also knew that Yang Liu liked him very much.

    Yang Liu is indeed a beautiful woman who is hard to refuse.  Any weak-willed man can't stand the charming temptation of her smile.  She is as passionate as fire, as gentle as water, like a flower in a mirror, seemingly illusory and unreal.

    He also understands that he must keep the bottom line of humanity.  Otherwise, he will be reduced to first-class like Peng Bi.

    How could he fail to understand the meaning of Chen Xiaoqi's suggestive language.  Even if you are a husband and wife, you should see through but not tell the truth.

    Chen Xiaoqi is wearing armour, and her stomach is already formed.  After experiencing a life-and-death experience, her body is obviously not as good as it used to be.  She gets tired and tired easily now.

    After Xu Yishan put Chen Xiaoqi to sleep, he quietly came to the study.

    In the Banshan Hotel on Yuefeng Mountain, he told Gong Hui's situation for the first time.  At that time, there was only one thought in his mind, that if he didn't succeed, he would succeed.

    He knew that this was the best chance and also the last chance.  If he loses this opportunity, he will be powerless.

    Whether a person can win in life depends on whether he can seize the key opportunity at the critical moment.

    Opportunity is a double-edged sword, and sometimes it hurts itself.

    He couldn't care anymore, and after pouring out all the words in his heart, he felt that his whole body had never been so smooth.

    Although the leader of Yanjing didn't make any statement, he seemed to have seen anger from the chief's expression.

    However, these are not the greatest anxiety in his heart.

    His anxiety comes from the Hengjiang Group. Before the head of Yanjing came to Hengyue City, he had already received a report from the group.  The export of Hengjiang Group's products is blocked, which is a problem that endangers the life of Hengjiang Group.

    After Hengjiang Group was established, its positioning was on the export side.

    At present, the three major products - tractors, diesel engines, and shield machines - are all developed for foreign markets.  If the export cannot be smooth, the whole group will be in trouble.

    Xu Bin's worries became reality.  When Xu Yishan first set the export target, Xu Bin said that the foreign market is much more complicated than the domestic market.  Xu Bin hopes to start from the domestic market first, and then seek export after stabilizing the domestic market foundation.

    How to break the exit has become his most anxious mind now.

    Only one lamp was turned on in the study.  Under the faint shadow of the lamp, his thick eyebrows were furrowed, thinking hard about a solution to the situation.

    In the early hours of the morning, his cell phone rang suddenly.

    Hu Jin's voice came from the phone, "Secretary Baby, you are going to take a rocket."

    Xu Yishan smiled wryly: "Old Hu, don't you see when? If you call me at this time, aren't you afraid of disturbing my rest?"

    "Come on less. I know you haven't slept." Hu Jin said, "Old Xu, you've done well this time. I have to ask you one thing."

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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