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Chapter 1160

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    Chen Xiaoqi's words really came true.

    After Hu Jin heard about the TV news, he asked someone to find out the news materials and read them.  After reading the news, Hu Jin didn't say a word, his face was ashen as a steel plate that had just been tempered.

    In Yanjing TV's section on local economic development, this is the first time in 20 years that Hengyue City has been on the news.  What made him displeased was that when Xu Yishan's high-spirited original speech was broadcast on the news, he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, was only scanned by the camera for less than a second.

    Hengyue City is his Hu Jin's world, his territory.  If he wants to show off, it should be him who goes in and out, how could it be Xu Yishan's turn?

    This is a typical putting the cart before the horse, and it is a political incident.

    Wan Siwei, director of publicity of the Municipal Party Committee, was invited to Hu Jin's office.

    Wang Siwei is still complacent.  It is an honor and an achievement of his publicity that Hengyue City can be featured on Yanjing TV.  The local government wants to appear on Yanjing TV, and it will still show a positive image, and the chances are slim.

    As soon as Minister Wan entered the door, he smiled and asked for credit: "Secretary Hu, we in Hengyue City are on Yanjing News this time, and we deserve it."

    "Really?" Hu Jin replied coldly, "Old Wan, did you approve this?"

    Wan Siwei obviously hadn't noticed Hu Jin's displeasure, so he reported: "Yes, the news was provided by the newspaper reporter Zhang Man, which positively highlights that our Hengyue City has broken the old thinking in the economic development, destroyed the old and established the new, and opened a new one.  A round of reforms."

    "Materials provided by the newspaper?" Hu Jin asked suspiciously, "Isn't the newspaper mainly based on text? Why are you doing video news?"

    "Now is the era of all media." Wan Siwei explained: "As long as the unit has news qualifications, they will report in all directions, from multiple angles, and in multiple forms."

    "The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee didn't review it?"

    "It has been reviewed, and I ran it myself." Wan Siwei smiled triumphantly: "The province expressed its support for our news report this time."

    Hu Jin snorted, knocked on the desk and said, "Old Wan, it's nothing else. Hengyue City is listed on Yanjing News, which is indeed a good thing to be happy about. Go back and review the content of this news carefully to see if there is any news.  Nothing is missing."

    Wan Siwei was still waiting for Hu Jin's praise just a moment ago, but Hu Jin's last sentence woke him up suddenly.

    He suddenly thought of it, it was a big mistake that Secretary Hu Jin was not highlighted in the news.

    Following Hu Jin's tepid knock on Wan Siwei, the news on Yanjing TV Station in Hengyue City soon became an incident.  It quickly turned into a political incident.

    The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee immediately set up an investigation team, and the news provider, newspaper reporter Zhang Man, was announced to be suspended immediately.

    Wan Siwei took the initiative to review at the Standing Committee, expressing that he would thoroughly investigate to the end and purify the unhealthy tendencies in Hengyue City's press circle.

    At the same time, the photojournalist who assisted Zhang Man in the shooting, as well as the post-production and issuance related personnel were also suspended.  The incident affected eight people at once.  The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee has made a preliminary conclusion that the eight people will be revoked their press credentials and dismissed.

    When the Hengyue Municipal Party Committee was strictly investigating the news incident, Xu Yishan and the inspection team were inspecting the work in Maoshan.

    In addition to a cloud rail project in Hengyue City, the camellia oil base and auto parts base in Maoshan County have also been included in the economic development outline.

    In terms of investment volume, an auto parts base is almost comparable to the cloud track project.  Although the investment scale of the camellia oil base is smaller than these two projects, the camellia oil base project is the most extensive and far-reaching project.

    First of all, the camellia oil base project affects no less population than any other project, and it involves a wide range of areas. From a certain perspective, the camellia oil base project will change the industrial structure of the Hengyue area.

    At present, the whole county of Maoshan is vigorously promoting the cultivation of high-quality camellia oil varieties.  And it affects Changning of Lin County.  Following the example of Maoshan Mountain, Changning County actively encourages and supports the transformation of camellia oleifera forests and the cultivation of new varieties.

    According to the statistics of Maoshan County, the population involved in the camellia oil base project has exceeded 300,000.  A new type of cooperative mechanism has emerged, led by the government and invested by local farmers.

    According to the current progress, it is estimated that this winter, the tea oil base will produce the first batch of high-quality tea oil.

    Xu Yishan and the comrades of the inspection team, after listening to Sun Wu's report, said happily that they would compile the experience of the Maoshan Camellia Oil Base into materials and send them to the leaders of the provincial party committee for review, and strive to obtain more policy support.

    After the inspection of the camellia oil base project, Xu Yishan and the others did not stop for a moment, and rushed directly to the auto parts project.??

    The two projects are only separated by a road.

    This was originally a deserted land.  Yuan Coral, a college student who returned to his hometown to start a business, once ran a 10,000-head pig farm here.  Regrettably, Yuan Coral's pig farm was demolished by Duan Yanhua during the one-size-fits-all environmental protection improvement.

    At the beginning, Xu Yishan strongly advocated planning this land as a new industrial park. After inviting experts to investigate, a blueprint was drawn up.

    Today, the blueprint has become a reality.  A two-way eight-lane entrepreneurial avenue separates two foreign-funded enterprises.  The tea oil base is on the left, and the auto parts base is on the right.

    The infrastructure of the two bases has begun to take shape. From a distance, a new city rising from this uninhabited land is showing its vitality.

    Du Juan was waiting at the gate, and when she saw Xu Yishan and the others coming, she hurried up to meet her and called affectionately, "Brother."

    The fellow inspection team comrades asked in amazement: "Secretary General Xu, is this your family's property?"

    Xu Yishan explained embarrassingly, "No, no, this is the property of the Wu family. Boss Du Juan is Mr. Wu's daughter."

    "People call you brother." Comrades from the inspection team said puzzledly: "There should be a story here, right?"

    Xu Yishan didn't explain further.  Du Juan called him "brother", and he didn't want to refuse.  Du Juan is a kind girl, but this girl who was born overseas has a lingering affection for Maoshan.  Without her, there would be no auto parts base today.

    The auto parts base is the base that Xu Yishan has the most high hopes for.  Wu's auto parts have long been known as the best products in the world.  It can be said that any car running on the road now will have one or several spare parts from Du Juan's company.

    The establishment of the auto parts base in Maoshan County will completely change the future of Maoshan.

    According to Du Juan, Maoshan Auto Parts Base currently has four production lines.  It mainly produces spare parts for heavy trucks.  In the future, the base will expand ten production lines, mainly to produce small auto parts.

    The comrades of the inspection team were excited when they heard it, and immediately gave Du Juan an idea to start the production of new energy vehicles.

    Du Juan smiled faintly, looked at Xu Yishan and said, "I will listen to my brother."

    Maoshan County's economic work inspection, in addition to those who were accompanied by the city, Maoshan County arranged for Yuan Shanhu to accompany him throughout the process.

    Yuan Shanhuo is now the assistant of Zhou Qin, secretary of the county party committee. Her feed factory has been handed over to Santang Town, and the mayor of the town, Luo Zhou, has become the actual owner of the feed factory.

    Secretary Zhou Qin only met once when the inspection team came.  She is too busy now to accompany the inspection team.

    The county magistrate Peng Bi did not accompany the inspection either.  County Magistrate Peng set up a pilot project in Yangquan Town, and now he is devoting all his energy to the pilot project.

    The inspection in Maoshan County took only one day.  After the inspection, there must be a symposium.

    Just when Xu Yishan was waiting for the symposium, he received a call from Chen Xiaoqi, telling him that Hengyue City had suspended Zhang Man's job, and the speed of his action exceeded everyone's expectations.

    Just as he hung up Chen Xiaoqi's call, Lao Dong's call came in.

    ? Stormy seas (remember this website URL:
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