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Chapter 1008: The Worried Maoshan Political Situation

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    What Chen Xiaoqi said next made Xu Yishan almost jump out of bed.

    Some time ago, Maoshan County held a cadre meeting, and all the in-service cadres above the official department level in the county attended it as non-voting delegates.  Chen Xiaoqi is the deputy secretary of the county Youth League Committee, and her level happens to be a regular department, so she was also arranged to attend the meeting.

    The main topic of this meeting is to discuss the main direction of Maoshan's development in the next stage.

    Secretary Zhou Qin made a keynote speech at the meeting.  She plans the future development of Maoshan to be a development path that develops both industry and agriculture, supplemented by trade and logistics.  Take the strength of the whole county to build a large-scale industrial park.

    At present, there are two large foreign-funded enterprises stationed in the new industrial park, namely Sun Wu's oil base and Du Juan's auto parts factory.

    The investment of these two enterprises has exceeded 10 billion, accounting for one tenth of the county's gdp.

    In the future, the county will make efforts in township enterprises and individual investment enterprises, and strive to work in the county without leaving the county, so that a lot of money can be made at the doorstep.  Efforts will be made to build a Maoshan characteristic tourist area, and the unique geographical environment will be used to actively introduce and cultivate aquaculture.

    After Chen Xiaoqi finished speaking, she smiled and said: "To be honest, I always felt familiar when I heard Secretary Zhou's report. At that time, I thought, didn't you tell me this before?"

    Xu Yishan hummed, "This is indeed all my plan."

    "Why did she take your plan for herself without saying hello?"

    "I took the initiative to tell her." Xu Yishan smiled and said: "She is the secretary, so she can push these things forward. The plan is in my hands, and it is worthless."

    "You just like to make wedding clothes for people." Chen Xiaoqi gave him a white look, "Zhou Qin has done all these things well, and her political achievements will be brilliant. But does it have anything to do with you?"

    Xu Yishan said sternly: "My wife, you can't look at the problem this way. We mainly look at whether the people can benefit. As long as the people can live a good life, I personally don't care."

    "But some people don't think like you." Chen Xiaoqi curled her lips and said, "Did you know? Peng Bi publicly had a conflict with Zhou Qin at that conference, and Zhou Qin shed tears on the rostrum."

    Xu Yishan was startled, and quickly asked: "What happened? Why don't I know anything?"

    "You are a temporary deputy secretary, who cares about you." Chen Xiaoqi said disapprovingly.

    "What exactly happened?" Xu Yishan asked cautiously.

    It turned out that on the day of the meeting, immediately after Zhou Qin finished her report, someone raised an issue.

    Feng Youjian, director of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, publicly questioned at the meeting, who should the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security listen to as a government agency?

    This sentence was like a bomb, instantly pushing the atmosphere of the meeting into an extremely embarrassing situation.

    Zhou Qin obviously didn't expect Feng Youjian to ask such a question at this time.  It stands to reason that all work in the county is under the jurisdiction of the county party committee.  However, Feng Youjian brought up a relationship between ideology and government affairs.  He publicly stated that Zhou Qin, as the secretary of the county party committee, should focus on the ideological aspects of the county instead of economic development.

    If the control of ideology is neglected because of economic development, this is a very dangerous thing.

    Huang Xiaofeng, assistant to the county magistrate, immediately followed Feng Youjian's speech, accusing the secretary of the county party committee, Zhou Qin, of taking the power of the county magistrate Peng, which is not conducive to unity.

    A good meeting was disturbed by the two of them.  Many people believed that Zhou Qin had indeed exceeded her authority, and she shouldn't have seized everything that should have belonged to County Magistrate Peng, making the government an empty shell.

    The wind direction of the meeting changed, and soon it became a one-sided situation.

    "A woman is a woman after all." Chen Xiaoqi sighed: "At that time, I saw tears in Zhou Qin's eyes, and she looked really pitiful."

    Xu Yishan felt angry in his heart, and said angrily, "Why is she crying?"

    Chen Xiaoqi said: "What can she do? You didn't see the scene at that time, she was alone, and no one spoke for her."

    Xu Yishan reminded her: "Did she forget that she is a majestic county party secretary?"

    "So what about the secretary, she's outnumbered." Chen Xiaoqi shook her head and said, "She's a woman, so she shouldn't have come to Maoshan to be the leader. She doesn't even know how complicated Maoshan is. To put it bluntly, if Xu Yishan didn't  My dad will fight for you, you have already been torn to pieces by some people."

    "Is it that scary?" Xu Yishan said with a sneer: "Feng Youjian Huang Xiaofeng should not be so bold to make such a trouble."

    "you're right."Chen Xiaoqi said with a smile: "Who doesn't know that Peng Bi is behind the back. It's not his fault. This Zhou Qin is a little carried away. For example, she shouldn't be at the front when she signs a contract with a company this time. Others say that she  Snatching away all the glory that belongs to Peng Bi, can you blame Peng Bi for not fighting back against her?"

    "Peng Bi is a very powerful person." Chen Xiaoqi praised sincerely: "It has only been a long time since he came to Maoshan, and now all the people in Maoshan are his people."

    Xu Yishan groaned, and couldn't help but feel worried for Zhou Qin.

    In fact, before that, he was worried that there would be conflicts between Zhou Qin and Peng Bi.

    ?Peng Bi came to Maoshan with great pride.  Since Maoshan was still in the hands of the Secretary of Huangshan at that time, even though Peng Bi had the ability to fly, he could only bow his head and listen obediently in front of Huangshan.

    When Huangshan was transferred to Changning County, Peng Bi thought that spring had come for him, but he didn't expect that the higher-ups would arrange for him to come down with Zhou Qin.  The key point is that Zhou Qin is still a woman, so how can Peng Bi swallow this breath?

    Conflicts were buried when Zhou Qin took up her post in Maoshan, but she was just waiting for an opportunity to explode.

    "What do you say?" Xu Yishan pinned his hopes on Hengyue City.  After all, if such an open conflict occurs in the county below, the leaders above must promptly resolve and reconcile it.

    "How do I know what the attitude of the higher-ups is?" Chen Xiaoqi complained: "I am not familiar with the people above. Besides, who should inquire about such a sensitive issue."

    Xu Yishan nodded, pondered for a while and said: "It seems that I have to finish my studies here and go back to Maoshan."

    "You?" Chen Xiaoqi was taken aback and said, "Xu Yishan, why are you crazy? Let's not say that you are a moth to a flame, the province will let you finish your studies and go back?"

    Xu Yishan teased her and said with a smile: "Honey, isn't this what you like? I'm going back, so you don't have to think about it."

    "No, I would rather you study here with peace of mind. I don't want you to get involved in that right and wrong. Also, when you go back now, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty, vent your anger on Zhou Qin, or what do you want to do?"

    Xu Yishan smiled wryly and said, "My wife, according to you, Maoshan is now in a mess. If the party and government are not in harmony, the cadres below will be at a loss. They don't know who to listen to, and this will cause the work to fall into a passive situation.  .¡±

    "You think you are the savior of the world." Chen Xiaoqi said disdainfully: "Xu Yishan, listen to me, read your book with peace of mind, and when the book is finished, go away and fly to any other place, it is ten thousand times better than staying in Maoshan.  "

    Xu Yishan said: "Why do you have so little confidence in Maoshan?"

    Chen Xiaoqi shook her head and said: "It's not that I don't have confidence, but that I have seen a lot. Let's put it this way, Maoshan is like a person who has become blind and has no cure."

    "Since there is no cure, a surgical operation should be performed." Xu Yishan smiled and said, "Honey, we are husband and wife, how can we discuss these things? The only thing we should talk about is romance." (Remember this website URL  :
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