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Chapter 595 Looking for the water gate

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    Looking up, my companion not only did not get better, but became more and more evil.  The crowd quarreled, muttering that it was a ghost or something Seeing their companions approaching step by step, they all hurried back, as if avoiding the plague god.

    The man under Ye Han's control was worried, but he couldn't do anything.  He only heard voices in his mouth.  This is so weird and scary!

    "Gigglejokegive me life, give me life"

    The crowd was afraid to retreat and kept shouting "ghost" and "mother".  They panicked and ran away.  The only one who didn't escape was the leader.

    Although the leader stood firm and did not flee, he shook hands and could get rid of them at any time.

    Ye Han knew that he was also scared, so he added a bit of fire, which made the corners of the performer's mouth rise slightly.  He is very proud of himself.  His eyes rolled over, only his eyes were white.  The teeth in his mouth were chattering, and his body was even weirder.  He rocks like a goat.

    The leader said that courage can no longer resist, throw away the hardships, and run!  Seeing that there was no one around, Ye Han took a deep breath and released the control.

    The performer seemed to have just come out of the deep sea, panting and coughing.  It took a long time to regain consciousness.  Recalling the scene just now, he felt even more shuddering, his neck was stiff and his legs were weak.

    Ye Han took advantage of his lack of attention and hid behind a tree.  He looked at him without saying a word.  He saw the man trembling all over, turned his head, worried about what he saw, hesitated for a long time, and then reluctantly quickened his pace, gritted his teeth, and ran back step by step.

    Ye Han couldn't help laughing, thinking, this old man is really right.  This is the best way!  Ghosts are always on those people's minds.  They are not afraid to be afraid.

    After this ordeal, Ye Han may understand what happened.  The Watergate incident and Yin Yue met here.  After a fight, most of Yin Yue's men fled, leaving only two men and women to single out the water gate incident.  Afterwards, the two mysteriously disappeared Seems like that was the problem.

    In this world, very few people can catch Watergate alive.  Even if they fall into the hallucinations of the blood eye, they can be summoned back through reverse psychic spells, but now

    Ye Han was confused.  Since Watergate was not captured alive, why didn't he come back?  Also, reverse spirituality doesn't work either.  What kind of space will it be?  No, I have to go to Miaomu Mountain and ask the two Toad Fairies.  Maybe they've seen a lot and know what's going on!

    Ye Han returned to Huo Ying's office first, and told the story again.  Then he said he would go to Miaomushan to ask.  Maybe they know what's going on.

    Three generations under one roof, one idea, that's okay.  Both Shenshen and Ma Zhi are hundreds of years old.  I've heard that knowledge is definitely much better than us mere mortals.  Ask them, maybe I can really know the whereabouts of Watergate!

    Ye Han reminded the third generation: "Yin Yue will never give up on losing his two men and women. Although those people are scared away by my ghost, old man, you must be preparedthey may send more  People!"

    "Don't worry, I will arrange it," said the third generation.  You go to Miaomu Mountain, if there is any result, please come back and tell me immediately!

    Ye Han replied, and then went to Miaomu Mountain.  The third generation thinks that Yunyin Village also sent human capital forces to capture Nine Tails' human capital forces It seems that they are going to win.  Has Jiuxinnai's status as a human capital force been exposed?  No, we have to find Watergate ASAP.  It is the safest to have him by Jiuxinnai's side!  (Remember this site URL:
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