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Chapter 480 Only World War I

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    "It doesn't matter, as long as I kill you all, everything will come back!"

    Hearing Murashi Jinpachi's arrogant and fierce words, Akai's friend Sean sank: he had just taken a great risk to seize the weakness of his opponent's tolerance and shot him.  Even so, his own strength was unable to overwhelm his opponent, or worse.

    I have to say that Murashi Jinhachi is still well prepared.  If it wasn't for Ye Han's coincidence to leave at the beginning, and asked them to change their strategy and try to solve it twice, both sides would definitely die ugly, because they were facing each other.  Afterwards, Ye Han came back at the right time for the battle, and decided to lurk temporarily, waiting for a chance to successfully kill a patient with a sneak attack. This can be said to have turned the tide of the war in half.

    At this time, the enemy has a top ninja like Murashi Jinhachi who can rival him, and a child who can endure and look down on others.  This really gave Ye Han a headache.  Murashi Jinhachi had to be dealt with by himself, and the outcome is still unknown.  If only one person can bear it, Ye Han's friends can rest assured, because these three children may be better than an ordinary child now, but if there are more such supercilious children, the situation will be very bad.

    "What's the matter, dare not do it? Then I'll be rude!" Seeing that Hongjing's friend didn't respond, Wuli Jinba smiled ferociously, and rushed over with a big knife.

    "Huh¡ª¡ª" The heavy knife wind pressed down on Hong Jing's friend in front of him. He kept thinking but did not relax jng's warning, and immediately lowered his body to avoid it, and at the same time, the pain in his hand did not stab upwards.

    Jingle is heard all the time.  It only listened to it dozens of times for a while.  Looking at the tumbling figure in front of them, the three of them also knew that they couldn't wait any longer.  Instead of doing unnecessary hard thinking and meditation, it is better to take the initiative first.  They immediately move together.

    This is the toughest and least skilled playstyle, but it's an option.  No matter who smoked the three of them, even if they were famous, fighting Murashi Jinhachi would be a dead end.  Even if it's delayed, it won't be too long.  Therefore, they cannot implement Tian Ji's horse racing tactics.  They can only fight against kings and generals.

    However, even if these three people can't think, even if they take a step first, they can't achieve the expected result.  After Ye Ping's death, because of Hezhong's slackness, the whole person's police advice was raised to the highest level. He was afraid that Kono Yinbi and his evil students would have some tricks, so when he saw three people, he would be the first to react.

    Fire escape, fireball!  Unexpectedly, Ye Ping, who was enduring the heavy fog, started from the fire, and this was the first time he met in all the battles of the three.

    A huge fireball roared past.  Although the three escaped unhurt, the combined attack scattered.  This is Ye Ping's purpose, even if he is a bear facing three bears attacking him, with only two hands he will at least be in a hurry, maybe a few more injuries, and it's easier to disperse them with a ninja that doesn't consume much  many.

    "Cunning guy!" In the name of Dao'an's heart, the hands started a new action, and the three people who were not wearing shoes were tied with detonators.

    "Haha, kid, where are you playing?" Seeing the pain of being unpunctual, Ye Ping smiled mockingly, and focused more on her Zuo Wei and Rio Tinto.

    If you run out of water, you'll get the original!  Zuo Wei and Rio Tinto quickly understood the meaning of it after seeing the pain of the famous Steele who cooperated with each other.  First inserting the knife into the sheath, Zuo Wei quickly developed this controlled ninja.

    "What's still a kid, do you think it's useful as long as it's ninja art? Huh! It consumes a lot of chakra, but I don't know that I just need to hide"

    "What!" Just as Ye Ping was about to get out of the way, he suddenly found that three detonators named Shilei had just been inserted around him, confining himself to a triangle.

    "Boom!" Three explosions sounded, and Ye Ping, who had lost time, had no time to escape.  The only way now is to jump up to avoid Shui Yi, take the original one, and tie a lot of chakra to his feet to prevent it from getting stuck.

    This is also a good way.  no loss.  As soon as Ye Ping thought there was no problem, she was ready to take off.

    Fire escape, fireball!

    Who knew that when he jumped up, Rio had already launched a fireball!

    "Damn it, it's already been counted, it's been counted!" Ye Ping, who was already in mid-air, looked a little ugly, she didn't expect that she thought she was careful enough, and she was raped by the three children.

    "That boy Green? What did you do?" Thinking of his passive situation, it seems that the comrades who have not acted have an unshirkable responsibility. He turned his head and looked rather resentfully, only to find that the name was already entangled.  he.

    "Ah!" Feeling that the temperature ahead is getting hotter and hotter, Ye Ping can't imagine howling, breaking the 30% Chakra Strike.

    The former name often sees ninjutsu in xxx's body in animation, but this is not to say that ninjutsu is not strong enough, but that the attacker detonates the chakra in his body as a defense in a crisis.

    This practice is generally only used in times of life and death, because a few people make full use of Chakra's skills and return to their homeland.  In an instant, the chakra's defense broke out, and the cost of restoring life was that the consumption of chakra was much higher than the enemy's ability to bear.

    Like Rio's fireball, it will consume 20% or less of his chakra, and Ye Ping will consume 30% of his chakra to save his life.  That's the difference.

    What makes people vomit blood the most is that paying that much doesn't necessarily make them feel much better.

    hoe-scr-r-ritch!  Although the fireball was successfully dispelled, the hot air waves and the impact of the explosion still caused Ye Ping to fly to the ground.  He gritted his teeth, and a small mouthful of blood spurted from his teeth.

    "Whoosh¡ª" A black figure flashed in front of him, and the cold long knife slashed straight down.

    When your illness is tormenting you, this is the belief that the team brought by y and n daggers has always adhered to.  Waiting for you to relax and openly compete is not our style.

    Only dead enemies are the cutest enemies!

    "Ding" is a long knife without style.  Unbelievably, the injured Ye Ping gritted her teeth and punched Zuo Wei back when she was behind¡ªthis is the power of a bear!

    "Son, you made me angry!" Before Rio rushed forward to make amends, Ye Ping spat blood from the corner of her mouth with her left hand and threw it on the ground, throwing a big bird.

    He jumped onto the eagle's broad back, and when the eagle's wings flapped, the wind howled, sand and dust flew everywhere, and a man and an eagle rose into the sky.

    "Damn you stinking water ghost, this is cheating!" As soon as Ye Ping lifted her front heels, Rio Tinto, who ran over from her heels, burst into tears.

    Zuo Wei held a long knife, squinted at the eagle's head, and focused his eyes on Man Yi.

    Ye Ping, just to deal with these two children, did you call me out?  Carrying Ye Ping and seeing the enemies below, this giant eagle seemed to have a lot of opinions.

    "Feng Yi, come with me, first help these children kill. Naturally there will be someone worthy of your fight!" Ye Ping said slowly with hatred in her heart.

    "Oh?" An eagle named Fengyi looked down and found that Wuli Jinba and Ye Han were playing enthusiastically, and said, "Is it that person? Okay. We will do it as soon as possible!"

    "It's just what I want!" Ye Ping heard that Feng Yi had finally concentrated on fighting, and shouted: "Fire escape, thank you!"

    Just hearing him yell, a wave of fire several times hotter than Hao Huoqiu rushed towards Zuo Wei from the air.  What's more frightening is that the big bird's front wings broke off at the same time.  The strong wind that condensed it in the chakra hit the hard fire wave on the head, and the wind and fire surged together at once.  Its strength is at least three times that of a first-class ninja!

    Seeing the attack overhead, the overwhelming heat frightened Rio Tinto's face.  (Remember this site URL:
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