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Chapter 393 Does This Lady Look Familiar?

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    Shadow, who had just walked up the stairs, suddenly found a figure flickering in the stairwell.

    Shadow turned his eyes, stopped, turned around slowly, and asked: Why do you care so much about our police officer all of a sudden?

    She is actually a very lonely person.  Mu Ran said: "I went to the police station today and learned some unknown things about her. You have nothing to tell her!"

    "I think we have a lot in common, so I won't bother you." Shadow gave a smirk, turned and walked upstairs.

    Ye Han didn't think too much, and concentrated on studying the map.

    Early in the morning, the first ray of sunlight just sprinkled across the lake from the mountains.

    The shadow of a person is dragged into the slightly rippling lake.

    At this time, the figure has a row of fine beads of sweat on its pink forehead, and it is doing stretching exercises on the shore, and it seems that it also has some kung fu movements.

    In the early morning, the sound of birds singing is very clear, as if waking up the quiet and sleeping land.

    Ye Han slowly pushed open the iron gate of the villa courtyard, the fresh air made his body tremble.  He loves the crisp morning air and the earthy mornings here.  Let him have a desire to stay out of things and not relax.

    Looking suspiciously at the stretching figure in the distance, Ye Han thought for a while, then walked over quietly.

    The person exercising by the river is Tang Lanlan.  At this time, she was wearing a tight suit and had a good figure.

    At this time, the slender waist is bending back and forth to the limit, as if there is still some illusion of basic dancing skills.

    Suddenly, Tang Lanlan felt a figure flash in front of him, and his waist was directly pressed down by a pair of big hands.

    Tang Lanlan squinted her eyes in surprise, her feet stretched a little on the ground, she turned a somersault in the figure's arms, and even stood up straight while being hugged.

    The two men acted selflessly and cooperated tacitly like dancers in the morning light.

    Tang Lanlan stood up, put her hands close to her body and stretched them into her waist, and lifted them outward.  The graceful figure is like a lotus flower in the water, blooming gorgeously, breaking through the shackles of the body.

    The movements are smooth, coherent, graceful and picturesque.

    Breaking free from Mo Ran's shackles, Tang Lanlan turned around and looked behind her, to see who was so blind that she dared to provoke her.

    However, there was no one behind him, except for the lake glistening in the morning light, and even the mountains and forests in the distance.

    Seeing that there was no one behind him, Tang Lanlan was not nice to Dao'an, and took a quick step forward, but it was still too late, his arm was already pinned down by the opponent.

    At this moment, Mo was following Tang Lanlan, and locked her arm behind Tang Lanlan directly to the joint technology.

    Tang Lan's shoulder hurt, so she turned around and walked into Ye Han's arms in a hurry.

    At this moment, the whole world seemed to be frozen, but Mo Lan held Tang Lanlan in her arms. Tang Lanlan raised her head slightly, looked at Mo Lan with a look of surprise, and at the same time looked down at Tang Lanlan slightly.

    The surface of the water is glistening, and the two are completely integrated with the beautiful scenery, like the perfect ending of an idol drama or the most perfect work in a photo contest.

    "Get out!"

    Suddenly a shutter sound interrupted this short beauty, and the two looked to the side at the same time.

    I saw Zhao Feier holding a Polaroid camera and recording the scene of the two of them.

    "Dead fat boy, you will die!" Noticing that Zhao Feier's Tang Dynasty has a red complexion, it is about to run towards Zhao Feier.

    However, Tang Lanlan, who reminded him of the pain in his arm, still held his arm.

    "Let go!" Tang Lanlan shouted, "Why did you attack me?"

    "I'm not sneak attacking!" Ye Han let go of Tang Lanlan and said, "You change clothes every day. I thought the villa was full of people."

    "You" Tang Lanlan glared at Mo, but had nothing to say.

    "How beautiful! For me, learning photography is definitely a wise choice." Zhao Feier said regretfully, "If I had a SLR camera, I would be more handsome."

    "Fly boy! Give me the photo!" Tang Lanlan's eyes instantly locked on Zhao Feier as if she saw a rabbit eagle, and Zhao Feier hurried to the villa in fright.

    Ye Han looked at Tang Lanlan curiously, this girl's fighting skills are very familiar

    Back in the room, Aunt Liu has already gotten up and started preparing breakfast.  She also didn't expect young people to get up so early.

    The whereabouts of the final photo are unknown.  In any case, these two beauties have been chatting all morning, which is considered to be a unique landscape in the villa.

    After breakfast, Ye Han never asked anyone about this.?? task.  It is rare for everyone to take a day off.  Ye Han didn't want everyone to think about this task all the time.

    On this day, everyone had a great time.

    85 took Da Zhou and David to hunt in the mountains;

    Tang Lanlan and Zhao Feier paddled on the lake all day, just like they did when they were children.

    Heiying and Xiaomei got together to watch a TV series for a day!  all day!  The eyes should be aligned with each other, and Mo also admires it;

    No. 1 is still silently practicing shooting as usual, very diligent.

    As for Ye Han, of course, he stayed in his room all day.

    When Tang Lan and Zhao Fei'er were rowing, Ye Han was resting on the bed.

    When Tang Lan and Zhao Fei'er were swimming in the water, Ye Han sat on a chair on the balcony, looking at the charming lake and forest scenery in the distance.

    In the evening, the 851 people who returned with a full load brought back a lot of delicious and fresh food.

    Rabbit, goatthese three also met a bear.  Zhou Gang was about to fight, but they were stopped by 85 people.

    Looking at these dead animals, Xiaomei was already crying.  If there were more bears, it would be impossible for her to have dinner.

    Finally, the happy day ended with an open fire barbecue.

    The bonfire in the yard ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

    Even Tang Lan and Zhao Feier danced around the fire.

    Although Xiaomei feels sorry for these little animals, the matter is over and cannot be undone.  It's not good for everyone.

    The ordeal kept everyone asleep until well after midnight.

    And this time, apart from Aunt Liu, Ye Han also arrived at noon at the earliest

    In Sombra's words, this is the tradition of the Vanguard Mercenary Group.  They will go on missions at night.  At noon that day, everyone was unaware that there was a mission.

    It wasn't until one o'clock in the afternoon that Ye Han held a pre-war meeting to discuss tonight's arrangements.

    Since Ye Han had already considered all the strategies, the meeting went very quickly.

    Tang Lanlan and Zhao Feier listened to the whole meeting, but ignored Mo, which showed their absolute trust.

    From this meeting, Tang Lanlan admired Ye Han's brain very much.  A person who thinks of everything and arranges it well.

    I cannot believe that such a mercenary group led by a colonel could be reduced to the point of no viability.

    After the meeting, everyone checked their equipment and started heading to their destination.

    In the afterglow of the setting sun, I watched the black off-road vehicle start slowly, and the villa that had been noisy all day finally quieted down.

    At 8:30 in the evening, the van of the Pioneer Mercenary Group slowly drove into the mountains and water near Qingshui Villa.

    Everyone knows what they are going to face, but everyone believes that this time it will be the same as before, and there will be no mistakes.

    Director Parker, they have entered the gate. A man in a suit and tie is standing at the desk, bowing his head to report.

    "Ma'am, what's the matter? Is it possible?" White looked at a woman in leather leaning against the corner of the room.

    The woman didn't speak, she just jumped from upstairs to the window with a gun in her hand.

    "Hello! This is the third floor!" The man in the suit was about to stop, but was stopped by Zhong Fa.

    Suddenly, a hook shot out from the front of the two men, firmly grasping a tree on the hillside.

    A black shadow, as if flying in the air, flew into the woods and disappeared (Remember the website URL:
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