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Chapter 354 Scars Are Suicides

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    Ye Han, who was pinching his scarred leg, suddenly felt a gust of wind behind him.

    Mo, who knew he was not good, ran around quickly, turned around from Scar, and missed Scar at the same time.

    Scar struggled to get up from the ground, and seemed to have learned something amazing from Ye Han.  He didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards Ye Han with a dagger in his hand, stabbing him straight in the neck.

    Ye Han didn't rush, he took a step back and opened a distance.  Since the opponent has shown great promise, it is best for him to have strength and patience.

    Scar certainly didn't want to give up his advantage in attack, and he still had a weapon in his hand. Seeing Ye Han take a step back, he hurriedly took a step with a sinister smile.

    However, unexpectedly, this step is in the middle of the inkblot.

    Moran seemed certain that Scar would charge.  This is another effort.  One foot hooked Scar's left foot, and the other kicked Scar's right foot.

    I heard Scar growl, but I actually used his unique ability: Beat the horse with an egg!

    Ye Han didn't expect it at all.  Scar looks silly, even practiced a word horse.

    That's great, because their legs are entangled with each other, and the two of them are entangled, Scar laughing wildly, dagger in both hands, running to the side of the conformist.

    In desperation, Ye Han firmly supported Dao Scar's wrist with both hands, and the sharp blade of the dagger just hovered between Ye Han's eyebrows

    On the other side of a small construction area that includes Scar, six people are gesturing to each other.

    At this time, the roof has basically been sieved into a sieve, making some sounds that can be heard by the other party.

    A man has died of too many words.  Naturally, others will not make the same mistake again.

    The ax pointed at the two people closest to the door, signaling them to go out first.  Now, how many can be used up?

    The two looked at each other at the door, nodded, pushed away the table in front of them, and ran towards the door.

    However, after a burst of gunfire, he fell to the ground before reaching the two men at the door.

    Seeing that this method didn't work, Axe was obviously a little frustrated, took a deep breath, and made another gesture.

    It took a while for the other three to figure out what the ax meant, which meant two people going through the door and two people jumping out the window, acting at the same time, resigned to their fate.

    Several people looked at me, I looked at you, and sighed at the same time, it seems that we can only see who has better luck.  If you don't, chances are no one will leave in the end.

    Seeing that everyone agreed, Ax slowly stretched out three fingers.  The remaining three took a deep breath and prepared themselves for the game.

    "Two!" Although no one said anything, the two fingers of the ax seemed to be a timer, beating everyone's heart.

    "One!" When the ax counted to one, the three challenged at the same time, rushing to the door and the window according to the lines they had rehearsed countless times in their minds.

    Ax frowned and snorted coldly, but did not move.

    The gunshot rang out again, and the two rushed to the door and fell down.

    However, the minions who were standing by the ax and giving orders jumped out directly from the windows on the second floor.

    No. 85 did not expect that someone would jump out of the window to escape, and quickly jumped down from the upstairs and chased towards the alley.

    The ax was terrified, worshiping all the gods it could, but it seemed to be working, and indeed was chasing him at a distance.

    After a while, gunshots and screams sounded at the same time.

    The ax quickly pushed the debris away in front of it, preparing to run for the door.

    However, after the debris was cleared, a young girl in purple suddenly appeared in front of her and pointed an automatic pistol at the man's head

    In the central area of ??the two floors downstairs, the fight between Ye Han and Dao Scar, who was wrestling, had entered a heated stage.

    Now the game has reached the point where you die and I die.

    The tip of the knife was pushed to Ye Han's forehead again and again, and was pushed away by Ye Han again and again.

    Both of them were breastfed, but no one took advantage of them.

    At this critical moment, the Mexican soldier risked his life by turning his palm into a "knife" and inserting one hand into Scar's throat.

    A sudden discomfort in his throat caused Scar to retch, and most of his strength disappeared immediately.

    Ye Han seized the opportunity, put an elbow on Scar's face, staggered directly towards Scar, and rolled away again.

    Ye Han eliminated this huge advantage.  scar??The mind is visibly growing impatient.

    After coughing dryly twice, he clenched the dagger again and stabbed Ye Han in the neck.

    Ye Han lowered his head calmly and dodged, Dao Scar also knew that Ye Han would hide, so he hurriedly bent his arms and turned around, pointing at Ye Han's back again.

    Ye Han seized the opportunity, put his hands on the ground, and kicked with his back foot, scorpion tail, hard on Scar's arm.

    The dagger that was originally rushing towards Scar's own body was kicked by Ye Han, and with Ye Han's strength, it pierced straight into Scar's chest

    Scar miraculously watched the sudden change in front of him, his eyes were very complicated.

    There is resentment, reluctance, and perhaps a trace of regret

    Zhan Mo still sat down on the ground, panting.

    I didn't expect that this scar could push me to such an extent

    After a short rest, Ye Han picked up the gun and slowly stood up.  He looked at the two floors in front of him, stood up and walked over.

    Gently push open the door of the small building.  There is only one room on the first floor of this small building.  It looks like a factory building, but there is still no finished factory building.

    This large space is divided into several bright and dark areas by several dim light bulbs.

    There are other party's sundries, worn-out sofa furniture, clothes and TVs everywhere, and it looks like a place without women

    Oh, by the way, it cannot be said that there are no women, it is a bit one-sided.

    Passing through all kinds of debris, Mo carefully ran to the stairs. The stairs can lead to the second floor or to the basement. They don't even have handrails, and they are a bit worn out.

    Ye Han hesitated for a moment, but for safety's sake, he went upstairs first.

    The space upstairs is slightly smaller than downstairs, but also limited.  It's also pretty simple: a big sofa and bed, a big TV and VCR, and a big wardrobe.

    As you can see, this is where Bald Qiang usually lives.

    There are still gourds on the TV screen, and the snake spirit has just been crushed by a colorful mountain.  No wonder there are no boxes

    Just then, there was a slight bump in the closet.

    Ye Han took a closer look at the closet, raised his gun and walked cautiously towards the closet.

    Just as Ye Han was getting closer and closer to the wardrobe, a cold voice sounded from behind.

    "Boss?"  (Remember the website URL:
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