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Text 1060 [Unification of Java]

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    In the autumn of the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, Pang Chunlai, the Duke of Liao, died of illness in Xiningbao, Yaoxian County, Liaoning.

    Posthumously named King of Liao, posthumously titled Wenzheng.

    The title of King of Liao cannot be hereditary, and his descendants will be reduced by the title of Duke of Liao.

    Emperor Zhao seemed to think of Li Banghua, and he named Li Banghua the King of Ji'an. The title of King of this county is still not hereditary.

    Regarding the posthumous title of Li Banghua, before Pang Chunlai died of illness, he could not give it casually.  Because the officials of Jishui nationality are very powerful, Li Banghua's fellow countrymen are all over the court and the public, so there must be another king with a different surname to suppress him.

    Another reason is that officials from other provinces have gradually shown their prominence.

    ?Officials from these five provinces, Anhui, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Sichuan, have been continuously promoted through the imperial examination, and more and more people are inside and outside the court.  Coupled with the officials from Hunan and Hubei, the number has already surpassed that of Jiangxi officials.

    Although Jiangxi officials still hold high positions in the cabinet, the ranks of cabinet doctors have been balanced, and the native places of local officials have also been balanced.

    In the same year, Yuan Yunlong, Fei Ruhe's eldest brother-in-law, returned home due to illness in his position as a cabinet minister.  There is one less cabinet minister from Jiangxi.

    Zhang Bingwen, a cabinet minister from Anhui Province, had retired from illness for many years, and passed away this winter.  At the age of 81, his posthumous title was Wenzhong.

    In the twenty-seventh year of the first year of the Republic of China, Zuo Xiaoliang, a cabinet minister from Jiangxi Province, suddenly suffered from a serious illness and asked to be appointed as an official.  Three requests and three resignations, Zhao Han agreed, and one was missing.

    Liu Ziren, an old friend Zhao Han met in Hanzhu Academy, is white, fat, healthy, and sits firmly in the seat of chief assistant.

    This shoufu lord has relatively mediocre talents.

    No matter what happens, first discuss it with the cabinet ministers, and then submit it to the emperor after unifying the opinion.  Whenever Zhao Han changed the proposals of the cabinet, no matter how outrageous the changes were, the chief assistant Liu Ziren would follow suit.

    Zhao Han is actually very comfortable with such an uninitiated chief assistant.

    "Minister Zhang Xianzhong, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

    In Yingmin Hall, Zhang Xianzhong saw the emperor again, this time with a completely different identity.

    Zhao Han said happily: "Give me a seat."

    "Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Xianzhong was much more well-behaved than before, and his attitude was correct.

    This gentleman is already sixty years old, and he served as the governor of Semarang after his term of extension. He was not called back to the court until he wiped out all the surrounding countries.

    Zhang Xianzhong first sent troops to occupy the coastal plain of Pamaran, continuously absorbed Han immigrants, and took the initiative to draw a border with the Sultan of Cirebon, but suddenly attacked Cirebon two years later.  Moreover, they still used tricks to send soldiers in advance to pretend to be merchants, and after entering the city, they should cooperate with the inside and outside to quickly take them down.

    When the news got out, other sultans were shocked.

    The Sultan of Burangan (Bandung), the closest to Cirebon, gathered troops in a panic to prepare for war.  Zhang Xianzhong also released the news that he wanted to destroy Brian'an, but he shot a feint and secretly led his troops back to attack the Yogyakarta Sultanate south of Semarang.

    The Sultan of Yogyakarta was unprepared, and the country was ruined and died.

    The rest of the sultans were terrified. The Sultan of Surabaya even took the initiative to abdicate, supported the Han puppets to come to power, and asked Emperor Zhao to make Surabaya a governor-general, provided that the imperial court could not send officials and garrisons.

    Under his son's suggestion, Zhang Xianzhong did not continue to fight. Instead, he developed steadily for several years and killed a large number of Javanese nobles.  Massacred nobles, burned books, destroyed temples, provoked rebellion, sent troops to suppress the rebellion, and continued to slaughter After a few years, people who knew Javanese characters were killed by him, and believers could not even find temples to worship.

    In Central Java alone, Zhang Xianzhong killed tens of thousands of people!

    Even the Han people in Semarang were frightened by Zhang Xianzhong, and the local rich people converted to Buddhism.

    Last year, Zhang Xianzhong captured Surabaya, slaughtered all the non-Han nobles in the city, and completed the unification of Central Java and East Java.

    Zhao Han smiled and asked kindly: "Which yamen do you want to work in? You can enter the Governor's Mansion and stay in Nanjing, or you can be transferred to other places to be the Governor."

    Zhang Xianzhong shook his head and said, "I'm sixty years old, I can't kill him anymore, but I can enjoy it too. Your Majesty, let me go back to Taiwan and give me a magistrate. I've never been a civil servant in my life."

    Zhao Han flipped through the map of Taiwan and said, "In the coastal area south of the chicken coop, there is a large plain that emerges from the Lanyang River. The Taiwan prefect organized immigrants there and planned to educate the local aborigines. But these aborigines were extremely fierce and even killed them.  Two officials and a few people who immigrated there."

    Zhang Xianzhong said: "Just kill some natives."

    Zhao Han said: "The prefect of Taiwan has sent troops to drive the local aborigines into the mountains. Now there are more and more immigrants there, and a large number of plains have been reclaimed as fertile fields, but they are often attacked by the aborigines in the mountains."

    "Your Majesty let me go??Property, as well as land and mines.  Wouldn't it be better for the family to move to Nanjing to enjoy the blessings with the property they have searched for many years, than to stay in Banten and worry about fear?

    Zhao Hongde's devotion to the country filled the last gap, and the Nanjing court officially unified Java Island.

    Locally, there are still Javanese nobles entrenched, but Han Chinese merchants and immigrants can use the power of the people to contend, and they don't even need the governor to bother too much.

    There will only be one post of governor of Java Island in the future.

    The Governor of Coconut City was cancelled, the Governor of Semarang was cancelled, and a new Governor of Java was established to control the entire island.

    ?The Governor¡¯s Mansion is located in Yecheng (Jakarta), Banten, Semarang, Surabaya and other big cities, all of which will be managed by "supervisors".

    Throughout Java Island, spices, sucrose and so on are still secondary, and its main function is to act as a big granary!

    Mainland China can continuously obtain rice from Java Island, which is used to curb the continuous rise of grain prices in coastal areas.

    Perhaps decades later, through immigration and civilization, a Java province can be established.
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