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Chapter 34

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    3 years, 36 months, 1095 days, 26280 hours, 1576800 minutes, 94608000 seconds.

    Three years alone is actually not bad, but in such a conversion, Xu Ni can't stand it-so many days and nights, minutes and seconds, and they will be separated for such a long period of time in the future.

    In fact, Xu Ni is not desperate and has no other options. She still has a choice - transfer to Nantah University and continue her studies, so that she can barely "best of both worlds".

    But this means that she needs to give up H University, the university she dreamed of since she was a child, and the best institution for further study in this major.

    "Brother Ye" Xu Ni closed her eyes and didn't look at the stars in the sky. She was afraid that the starlight at night would be too dazzling, so she shed tears.  The palms and backs of the hands are all fleshy, but she really wants both.

    "Can you talk to me about your original plan?" Ye Xiuyuan gently stroked her shoulder, trying hard to calm her troubled heart.

    Xu Ni was stunned for a while, but she didn't dare to look him in the eyes when she raised her head: "It's different, you can't compare it that way. We were not together at that time, and the original plan didn't include you at allit's not fair to you."

    "Xu Ni, tell me first, I can judge for myself."

    Ye Xiuyuan's voice was smooth and steady, but I don't know if his heart is also calm like this.

    "After the gap year, I went to the UK to study for a Ph. D., and then returned to China after finishing my studies, and went back to Nancheng to find a job."

    The original plan was like this, go abroad alone, live alone, simple and no worries.

    "So you later chose to come to NTU as an exchange student because of me?"

    "Yes." Xu Ni said frankly.

    After they got together, Ye Xiuyuan was naturally added to Xu Ni's plan - come to Nantah University as an exchange, and stay by Ye Xiu's side for an extra year.  After the end of the year, she went abroad for further studies as planned.

    Many people say that love has a fresh period.  At the beginning, novelty and hormones collided, and soon fell into a period of passionate love, and after that period of time, the relationship between the two would gradually fade.

    And Xu Ni is a counterexample.  Perhaps because of her personality, she has always been very calm.  It's the same when you first fall in love. Unlike many people who fall in love immediately after falling in love, her liking is faint.

    Then as time goes by, the love deepens from shallow to deep.

    Why can't the original plan go on now, because I love you more than yesterday.

    "According to the original plan, you will go to the UK to continue your education from September next year, right?"

    Ye Xiuyuan remembered that when they first got together, Xu Ni did mention this matter to him.  He was indeed a little unhappy at the time, but after all, it was Xu Ni's life, H University's best choice for her at this stage, and it was not easy for him to interfere.

    "Three years" Ye Xiuyuan paused, and comforted softly: "It's okay, just persevere and it will pass. You don't have to stay for me. H University is very good, you deserve it."

    H University is one of the top universities in the world, and its admission rate is very low.  Ye Xiuyuan wanted her to go to England to continue her studies, which was what she expected.

    "Ye Xiuyuan, I regret it. I don't want to make a choice"

    Human beings are all selfish and greedy, and it is difficult to let go of what they have got and what they have not got for a while.  Xu Ni is greedy right now, she can't rationally choose between her studies and Ye Xiuyuan.

    Ye Xiuyuan laughed, and said lightly: "That's right, children only make choices, adults need both."

    While he was talking, the phone in his pocket was vibrating constantly.  He smiled apologetically: "I'll answer the phone first."


    After about a minute or two, Ye Xiuyuan returned to Xu Ni's side again.

    "Huh? Why so fast?" Xu Ni remembered that Ye Xiuyuan usually took a long time to answer work calls.

    "It's not about work. Mom called me just now."

    Xu Ni looked at Ye Xiuyuan with some curiosity in his eyes: "What's the matter, is there something wrong at home?"

    "It's okay. Mom needs to find a real estate certificate when she goes abroad to apply for a visa. She put it in my place last time, so I put it away for her by the way."

    Oh, I see.

    "By the way, Ye Xiuyuan. Tell me how I can do both" Xu Ni buried her head in his arms, wantonly enjoying his warm embrace at the moment.

    "I will find a way." He hugged her waist with one hand, and stroked her back with the other: "You study hard, and leave the rest to me. Promise me not to think about it"

    "Okay." Xu Ni murmured softly.


    Probably because of being raped the night before yesterday, Xu Ni slept until three o'clock the next day.However, if it¡¯s not a weekend, if it¡¯s just for sleep, you don¡¯t have to do the last step.

    Alas, he just planted a small strawberry before and almost drained her energy.


    Xu Ni woke up very early.

    I don't know if it was because of the inexplicable loss of security in my sleep, but it was four o'clock in the morning when she opened her eyes.

    The sun hadn't risen yet, Xu Ni looked at the time and planned to lie down and continue to sleep, but realized something was wrong.  She rubbed left and right, and found herself alone on the bed.

    What about people!

    Where did Ye Xiuyuan go?

    Xu Ni sat up and looked in the direction of the bathroom in the room.  There was no light or sound.

    So Ye Xiuyuan has something to go out?  It should be something urgent Otherwise, I wouldn't just fall asleep and leave her behind.

    Xu Ni suddenly lost the desire to sleep.

    It was a little cold in Hong Kong City at four o'clock in the morning, but Xu Ni didn't bother to put on a coat. She stood up, put on her slippers and went straight to the door.

    Pushing open the door and looking around, I didn't find any reason. Standing at the entrance, I vaguely heard movement from downstairs.

    Xu Ni held on to the banister of the stairs and walked down tiptoe. Gradually, the light downstairs became brighter and brighter, as if someone was talking downstairs, but at the same time, it seemed that someone was arguing.

    Xu Ni's distance from the first floor kept shortening, but her heart became more and more uneasy.

    Well, it's only one floor away, and she will reach the first floor after walking another floor.  She has to keep her voice down so that no one can find out.

    However, this is just a thought, because Xu Ni hid behind the stairs and saw the scene in the hall on the first floor. She was so shocked that she fell down the stairs, and she fell very loudly, which was so miserable.

    Can anyone tell her why she came here!  Why are her mother and aunt Ye here?  (Remember the site URL:
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