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Chapter 281 Shen Yu's Request

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    Shen Jiayi's delicate appearance made Yang Ling's heart flutter, and without hesitation, he directly carried her into the bathroom!

    After a while, there were bursts of heavy breathing in the bathroom.

    After a long time, the two hugged each other on the bed in the room.

    Shen Jiayi's little hand wandered over Yang Ling's body: "You are mine tonight, don't even think about going anywhere!"

    "Don't worry, I'll take care of you today!" Yang Ling smirked.

    Shen Jiayi suddenly turned over, propped her head on her hand, and looked at him seriously: "It will open tomorrow, and the business will soon be on the right track. Do you have any plans for the future?"

    Seeing her seriousness, Yang Ling was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I never thought about it, I don't have any plans for my life, I always go with the flow."

    "Well, it seems that I still have to stay in Shanghai for a while!" Shen Jiayi said with some disappointment.

    Yang Ling was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

    "I still don't understand, I can't leave Shanghai until you are strong enough!" Shen Jiayi rolled his eyes at him.

    "How strong does it have to be?" Yang Ling asked.

    "Anyway, regardless of financial resources and manpower, they must reach or exceed the level of the three major families in the capital!" Shen Jiayi said, wringing her fingers.

    Yang Ling was speechless when he heard it. This seemed like an impossible task!

    After thinking for a while, he looked at Shen Jiayi: "Actually, why do you have to do that? If you directly appoint someone to take over, you can leave?"

    Shen Jiayi sighed slightly: "That can't be done, after all, it is the property left by my grandfather, and he trusted me so much that he handed over the family to me, how can I let it go?"

    Yang Ling was also at a loss. Looking at her exposed upper body, he couldn't help but reach out and grab it: "What do you want to do so far away, let's cherish tonight!"

    "Oh, you!"

    Although Shen Jiayi's mouth was coquettish, her body did not refuse. After all, she hadn't seen her for a while. Xiao Biesheng was newly married, how could she be satisfied once!

    The next morning, just after the sun rose, the two sleeping people were awakened by a knock on the door.

    Standing outside the door was Qiu Yumei. When Yang Ling opened the door sleepily, she couldn't help but glared at him: "I haven't woken up yet, have you forgotten what day it is?"

    "What time is it? Doesn't the opening ceremony start at eight o'clock?" Yang Ling yawned.

    Qiu Yumei was speechless: "That also needs to be prepared in advance. I gave you all the clothes. Change them quickly, and you will need to make up later!"

    "Me? Still need makeup?" Yang Ling suddenly felt relieved and asked in amazement.

    "Of course, you are going to be on TV today, you must have a good image!" Qiu Yumei pushed him into the room.

    Shen Jiayi, who was lying on the bed, hadn't gotten up yet, when she saw her come in, she blushed immediately.

    "Jiayi, get up quickly, I'll wait for you outside."

    Seeing her embarrassment, Qiu Yumei put down her clothes, turned around and went out.

    Yang Ling and Shen Jiayi looked at each other, knowing that not only Qiu Yumei was waiting, but everyone was waiting, so they hurriedly began to get dressed.

    When everything was tidied up, it was 7:30 in the morning, and there were already many people in the scenic spot at this time.

    The reporters who participated in the opening ceremony, officials at all levels, and ordinary people from ten miles and eight villages came to join in the fun, which made the resort crowded with people and it was very lively.

    Fortunately, A Biao organized a security team of hundreds of people, otherwise the order would be very chaotic.

    At eight o'clock, the ceremony officially began.

    After going through a series of procedures, the scenic spot officially announced its business.

    The ticket price is not expensive, only 50 yuan. If tourists only visit the scenic spot, they don't need to spend another penny.

    However, if you live in a resort or take a hot spring, you will be charged separately, but the price is not very high, and they are all civilian prices.

    As for the hot spring club opened by the sisters Shen Yu and Shenxue, only part of it is open to the public for the time being. That place was built by them according to Master's last wish, and the closed part is specially reserved for some people.

    After the ceremony, Yang Ling naturally wanted to lead the guests around the scenic spot, so a large group of people walked out of the resort and walked along the scenic road to the depths of the mountain forest.

    I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the fruits on the two giant trees are also ripening today. The huge fruits hang on the trees, and you can smell a fragrance from a long distance.

    And all kinds of flowers on the hillside are also blooming, looking from a distance.The colorful clusters make people mistakenly think that this is not the early autumn season, but early spring and March!

    A large number of photos and videos were circulated through the Internet, and news about the scenic spot quickly dominated the headlines of major news websites.

    It wasn't until noon that Yang Ling returned to his home after seeing off the reporters and leaders.

    After tossing all morning, he felt a little tired, so he planned to go home and rest for a while.

    However, just a few minutes after lying down, there was a knock on the door outside. Yang Ling got up and went out to open the door, only to see Shen Yu standing at the door.

    "Hey, you're not in the guild hall, why did you come to my place?" Yang Ling asked.

    Shen Yu pursed her lips: "There is Shen Xue taking care of you there, I came here specially to find you!"

    Yang Ling snorted, "Come in and talk."

    The two sat down in the living room, and Shen Yu looked at him: "It's a bit embarrassing to say that"

    Yang Ling smiled slightly: "There is nothing to be embarrassed about, we are all on our own, so just speak up if you have something to say."

    Shen Yu looked at him: "I need your help with something!"

    "Okay, what's the matter?" Yang Ling asked.

    "I think things in the scenic spot are on the right track, so don't worry about it for now, can you go somewhere with me?" Shen Yu asked.

    Yang Ling became curious: "Where?"

    "South, Wuling Mountains."


    Yang Ling had never heard of this place, but just by the name, he knew it should be a virgin forest or something, so he was even more curious: "What are you going to do there?"

    "Finding something is also my master's unfulfilled last wish." Shen Yu replied.


    Yang Ling hesitated for a while, this is not as simple as going to Xishan Township, it will take at least ten or eight days to go back and forth!

    Seeing his hesitation, Shen Yu hurriedly said: "I know this is a bit abrupt, but it's not in a hurry. It's okay to go after a while. If you don't want to go, then I can ask someone else to help me."

    Yang Ling smiled suddenly: "What are you thinking, we are partners now, I will definitely help you with this, but I need to tell everyone."

    "Of course, I understand." Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

    "By the way, what are you looking for, can you tell me first?" Yang Ling asked curiously.

    Shen Yu looked at him: "It's something my master gave to a friend to keep. He only said that it has very magical powers, but I don't know exactly what it is."

    "Well, I'll know when I get it." Yang Ling nodded.  (Remember the site URL:
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