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Chapter 509

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    Shen Siqing closed the door of the tomb tightly, walked out slowly along the path, feeling as if there was a big stone pressing down on her heart, heavy.

    The vengeance of his grandfather's family and his mother's wish were fulfilled, but Shen Siqing did not feel relieved.

    Shen Xiang never raised him for a day, but he was his biological father after all.  Sending Shen Xiang into the tomb with his own hands, only Shen Siqing can understand the taste of it, it's not for outsiders to understand.

    Walking out of the dark cemetery, the sun was shining on her body, Shen Siqing couldn't open her eyes, and fell to the ground.

    All kinds of painful things came to my heart, and I thought about it, and I cried a lot, crying until the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and passers-by who had nothing to do with him would feel heartbroken when they saw him.  He cried until his voice became hoarse and he couldn't cry anymore, then he stood up and staggered forward aimlessly.

    He didn't know where to go, didn't know what else he could do.

    He has lived a very difficult life since he was a child. Sometimes his mother loves him very much, but sometimes hates him to death.  He knew that it was all because Shen Qian killed his grandfather and made his mother homeless and miserable all her life.  Gradually, he also hated Shen Qian, hated this ruthless man who lied to his mother and harmed his mother's family, hated this so-called father who never cared about him.  Gradually, he also hated himself, because Shen Qian's blood flowed on his body, and he was in the same line as Shen Gan When his mother left her last words before she died, "Bring Shen Gan to me alive, let him repent and make amends to me."  , Let him tell me the sweet words that lied to me before. Let him stay with me and never leave again." Shen Siqing agreed without hesitation, "Mother, I will definitely do it."

    He really did.

    He really brought Shen Qian to his mother alive, and he would never leave.

    However, after doing all this, why is he feeling so uncomfortable and heavy?  It was so heavy that he could hardly bear it, and he was about to fall down

    Shen Siqing walked in the mountains with one foot shallow and one foot deep, with a dazed expression, not knowing where he was.

    Before you know it, it is already evening.

    In front is an unnamed monastery, from which came slow and firm bells, ethereal and melodious.

    Shen Siqing couldn't help walking towards the monastery.

    The sound of bells and monks' chanting is serene and calm, and has a wonderful effect of calming people's hearts.

    Shen Siqing's heart, which has nowhere to rest, seems to have found a place to rely on at this time.

    He walked into the monastery.

    This is a remote and secluded place.  From the incense burner in front of the Buddha Hall, the fragrance floats, and the breeze blows, and it floats far, far away

    The Buddha Hall enshrines the Buddha of the third generation, with a solemn treasure appearance, overlooking all living beings, and there seems to be endless pity in his eyes.

    ? Shen Siqing prostrated himself in front of the Buddha, throwing himself to the ground.

    He became a monk here.

    Dr. Han has some connections with him, so he came to him specially, "Why bother? You have a good future now, marrying a wife and having children, spreading branches and leaves, your mother is happy to know about it under Nine Springs." Shen Siqing has fallen  With hair cut, his expression was serene, "I sent my own father to the grave with my own hands. Why should a person like me marry a wife and have children, and pass on the blood that I hate? No need to say any more, I have made up my mind."  Dr. Han wanted to persuade her again, but Shen Siqing did not wait for her to speak, and said: "Being a monk can also cure diseases and save people. I am determined to study medicine, treat diseases for the poor all over the world, and atone for my sins." Doctor Han was silent.  After a long time, he said, "That's fine."

    Later, a monk named Kuqing gave lectures on the altar, healed diseases and saved people, and became a well-known master with a radius of hundreds of miles. This is Shen Siqing.

    ? Monk Kuqing often walks in villages and mountains with bamboo sticks and straw shoes, delivering medicine and medicine to poor people. If he meets someone who really can¡¯t afford food, he will also send rice and noodles.  He was originally in an unnamed monastery, but later because his incense became more and more prosperous, the monastery became rich.  He allocated the money to set up a nickname not far from the monastery, accepted poor children who could not afford to go to school, and taught them how to read.  He is very generous to the poor, but he is not particular about his food and clothing. He is often dressed in rags, and sometimes he has no shoes and bare feet.  Some people praised him for his great love, some called him a fraud, some thought he was unreasonable, and he didn't take these things to heart.  No one knew that the more he suffered physically, the more relaxed he felt.  The years of being a monk who had exhausted his body and body were much better than those years when he lived with hatred and wanted revenge.

    Because there are countless living people and benefiting many families, the bitter monk is called "Medicine Bodhisattva" by the people and is very loved.

    This is another story.

    Shen Qian's wife Zheng was exiled to Tutai in the northeast.?.  She was old, and her husband's family and her mother's family fell overnight. She couldn't bear the blow, nor could she endure the hard journey on the road, so she died on the way.  At this time, there were no adult males in the Shen family. Shen Mingyu cried bitterly when he heard the news of her death, and Yang Luo Wenli ordered her body to be sent back to the capital.  Luo Wenli's life is not as good as it used to be. Although it is not embarrassing, he does not have a lot of money. How can he do such a thing as sending people far away?  Helpless, Shen Mingwei repeatedly begged with tears, but Luo Wenli was too shameless, so he had to send an old and useless family member to cremate Zheng's body locally, bring the ashes back to Beijing in the urn, and bury it hastily.

    Although Luo Wenli and Luo Wenxuan were also very dissatisfied with Xiao Lan, Luo Yan and Shen Mingyu living at home, they were all their relatives after all, and although they were dissatisfied, they could bear it.  The whole family is full of resentment, "They are all responsible for the land today! Why are they still eating and drinking in the capital, while my husband suffers in the northwest?" She is in charge of the house, because  Feeling resentful in his heart, he gradually became less willing to take care of Xiao Lan and the others, even lacking adequate food and clothing.  Xiao Lan and Luo Yan were just cursing, they couldn't bear to tell the embarrassing things about the second room, but Shen Mingyu saw that his grandmother and mother couldn't even eat hot food, and felt really distressed, so he changed into the servant's clothes and sneaked out.  I went to the Hou's mansion to ask to see the Marquis of Jinyang, and cried a lot.  Marquis Jinyang found out that his back was like water, so he called Luo Wenli over and whipped him with his own hands, "Is this how you want to honor your grandmother?" Luo Wenli was miserable, "My mother is in charge of the houseit's my mother."  Grandmother, would I be willing to let her not have enough food and clothing" Jinyang Hou kicked him down with a black face, "Get out!" (Remember the website URL:
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