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Chapter 1738 The Plan of the Mask

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    Whether it is Ning Yanzhi's 'big reshuffle', or the 'undercurrent' surging within Dihua University.

    The principal of the mask has so far not taken any large-scale response.

    The commanders and personnel in several major theaters have not changed, only a few supplies have been provided, and no additional personnel have been deployed.

    Most of the deans and top combat forces stayed on the earth as much as possible and did not move.

    Four days passed.

    Yu Jing came to Professor Liang's office again.

    A total of 9,130 ??"plant embryos" cultivated from excellent human fertilized eggs have been planted in Zhenfu World.

    The botanical garden named [New Life Garden] was completely entrusted to Fang He's care. Once the plant embryos hatched and the basic system of the tribe was established, Yu Jing was ready to break through to the next stage with all his strength.

    In addition, an auction will be held in the underground magic city, and related information has been conveyed to all parts of the world.

    It can be called the largest and most valuable auction in history. In addition to the auction of conventional props, there are also out-of-print treasures brought out from the old world by many people who risked their lives.

    With the great battle in the Czech Republic, this grand auction naturally attracted many strong people in need.

    Even several deans and executives of the world government chose to hide their identities and secretly participated in it.

    On the experimental bench, the shirtless Yu Jing slowly sat up from the bed, while Professor Liang was arranging the equipment.

    "By the way, you probably won't be playing in the near future, right? Tomorrow there will be a grand auction in Shanghai. Are you interested? I can provide you with a sum of money. If you want to buy something better,  You can use your ten outstanding status to go to the school to apply for a loan, and you should be able to apply for a maximum of 10 million black coins."

    Yu Jing hurriedly said, "Don't worry about Professor Liang. I will go there with Dean Qian tomorrow. If there is something you like, you should be able to buy it directly."

    "You boy! Dean Qian has really been dealt with!?"

    This time, even Professor Liang was a little jealous of Yujing's 'opportunity'.

    The relationship between Yu Jing and Dean Qian is not just about interests or ordinary friends, the relationship between the two is obviously deeper.

    "No, I'm just helping Dean Qian to end a wish that has been accumulated in my heart for decades, and I will give you a series of massage services as a giftBy the way, Professor Liang, when are you going to take care of your business?"

    When Yu Jing changed the subject in this way, Professor Liang's expression also became serious:

    "No hurry, no hurry, since you have been waiting for so many years, it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer Come and help me after Yujing's Zhenfu reaches the level of "Guoyu".  A specific 'regeneration' plan has been formulated, and now try to increase the success rate as much as possible.  "


    Yu Jing bid farewell to Professor Liang.

    Since the auction will start tomorrow, Yu Jing went to Dean Qian's office as soon as he left the School of Life Sciences to work as a part-time fitness trainer.


    Office of the President of Dihua University.

    School of Mechanical Engineering - Fang Tianhe, Shentu Zhongshan, School of Life Sciences - Long Zonglin, Old School - Great Priest, Ministry of Secrets - Yu Gan.

    All five real heavyweights are gathered here.

    Moreover, for this secret opportunity, the mask personally came to find five people, and sealed the whole process with the ability of time, so no outsiders knew about it.

    "Thanks to Dean Fang Tianhe's strong performance, our large army was able to safely withdraw from the black hole world At the same time, the outstanding student Yu Jing even penetrated into the enemy's interior and stole Ning Yanzhi's recent recruitment plan."

    "Why don't you send troops now? I am willing to be the team leader and completely destroy the opponent before they gather strong men!"

    Fang Tianhe was extremely angry. Originally, he only needed to get rid of Wang Shen, and everything would calm down!  Now suddenly a traitor ran out and messed everything up.

    "Be calm, Ning Yanzhi has his own means, once the reckless attack fails! Our follow-up battles will all fail At this juncture, we must accumulate strength to give the opponent an unexpected attack Everyone please  look here."

    With the mask waving, the star map of the special fourth war zone was fully unfolded.

    The commander of the fourth war zone is the general manager of the confinement building.

    At the same time, the fourth war zone is also the only area where humans have an absolute advantage. On the other side of the exile point, many evil gods gather here. The base has already been completed, and the entire star field is full of human eyeliner.

    "Once Ning Yanzhi wins over the 'Seven Allied Forces', he will definitely attack the Fourth Theater, occupy the exile point and carry out his final planso the five of you will secretly go to the Fourth Theater?Your whereabouts are kept strictly confidential During your absence, I have created a 'stand-in' to take over your affairs.  "

    Yu Gan, who was leaning against the corner, said in a low voice: "What if it fails?"

    "Good question In case of failure, the enemy will completely control the exile node! The soldiers under King God will directly cross all external defense lines and appear on the land of our planet. We will face the danger of extermination So I hope  Please don't let this happen."

    At this time, Dean Long also asked: "Have there been any investigation results for Huangfu Yunhai and the people who framed me?"

    "Old dragon, there is nothing you can do about it. The things you committed in the past were exposed. If it wasn't for the victory in the battle, even if the general manager and I came forward to protect youjust taking this opportunity,  Dean Long, you have to behave well and make up for your mistakes At least you can stay in Dihua University afterwards, so you won't be completely exiled."

    "I want to ask if there is an investigation result? Did it happen unintentionally!?"

    Recently, Long Zonglin seemed extremely irritable because of these trivial matters.

    Even if Long Zonglin has used all means to mobilize his staff to conduct dual-phase investigations from the outer space and the interior, he still can't find out who is doing the tricks The guy who caused the "undercurrent" this time has a careful mind and no mistakes  Moreover, setting a large number of interference options makes it impossible to cut in.

    Because of personal grievances, Dean Long believed that all this was secretly manipulated by Dean Wuxin.

    The mask tried to appease Dean Long's anger: "President Long, please be calm, there is no progress yet That's why you are allowed to act secretly this time. Since someone is playing dirty tricks, he has not yet achieved his ultimate goal."  There will definitely be some action ahead of time. Therefore, Dean Long and everyone sitting here should not be in a hurry, and settle the most important matter before us."

    "If this person holds all the strength and power in his hands before the war beginseven if we win the battle, it will become meaningless! Moreover, if this person is related to Ning Yanzhi and colludes internally and externally, our war will definitely  Undoubtedly defeated."

    The index finger of the mask stood in front of him: "Be safe and don't be impatient, please trust my ability to handle things!

    If the 'Undercurrent Incident' really involves many people, in the end, due to my poor handling, the battle in the fourth theater will fail, and Shentu Zhongshan will take over as the principal again and I will be the main force against the invading guys.  "(Remember this site URL:
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