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Chapter 1625 Opportunity

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    The inner layer of the prison.

    A small number of prison guards who fled back from the ground gathered in a huge playground along with the director of the prison, Chigoff.

    In the current critical period, the warden himself will come naturally.

    "The enemy has the ability to tear through the prison, and it is only a matter of time before infiltrating the prison The opponent currently has two advantages: "number" and "infection".

    Initially, it is estimated that the number of zombie legions has reached more than 100 million, among which there are millions of high-level mutants Once our people are injured, they will also be infected by the virus and become one of them.  "

    "In order to make up for the lack of numbers and prevent the spread of the virus I decided to let the prisoners at the middle level and above in the prison assist in the fight, especially the prisoners with special physiques who can be immune to the virus will serve as an important combat team and be stationed in key areas of the prison.

    In addition, every time a prisoner kills an ordinary zombie, his sentence will be reduced by one year, and if he kills a high-level zombie, his sentence will be reduced by 50 years. If he kills a general under the emperor, he will be exonerated and issued a green card for the Pleiades star cluster  .  "

    The warden gave a highly controversial battle plan.

    A group of judges immediately questioned: "Will the warden be too hasty? The prisoners held here are not qualified in terms of psychological evaluation. If they are given a chance to be freethey may escape and even attack us."  attack."

    The warden's attitude was extremely firm: "If they don't resist, they will become food for the zombies. Prisoners stand with us in the united front. I believe that the prisoners above the middle level will make the right choiceand, next, I will also screen  Some felons in the lower area joined the battle and cooperated to resist the zombie army."


    The prisoners above the middle level are okay, they have separate and clean cells, have different jobs every day, and can even go to the outside of the prison as a supervisor to breathe fresh air, and even kill a few wild animals for fun.

    I don't have deep resentment towards the prison in my heart, and I can leave the prison once the sentence is over, plus the condition of commutation and exoneration issued by the warden.

    Facing zombies attacking indiscriminately, prisoners above the middle level have a strong will to resist.

    But the felons in the lower area are different. Once this group of extremely bloodthirsty guys cannot be controlled, it will bring a devastating blow to the prison.

    "There is an assistance operation plan for the 'lower area'. Due to the sudden incident, we don't have time to screen the felons in advance Next, I will select a few prison workers with good psychological quality and good strength to go to  In the lower area, investigate the psychological condition of the felons, and let those capable people who are willing to fight among them participate in this battle."

    The warden immediately gave a very detailed "temporary employment plan for serious criminals".

    "If it is used on serious criminals, if it directly or indirectly causes serious consequences, I will bear all the responsibilities."

    ?The stronger one stands at a high point, the more he can understand the seriousness of the current incident.

    The Deep Space Prison is one of the most important areas in the Pleiades star cluster. Not only the warden is responsible for guarding it, but all the planets are very concerned about the safety of the prison.

    However, since the invasion of the zombie army to the present, no reinforcements have arrived for such a long time.

    Obviously, this Baruch Sangth came prepared and was confident of capturing the prison.

    If extreme measures are not taken, Deep Space Prison is likely to fall.  As a warden, he must understand the overall situation and make correct decisions and decisions.

    "Prison workers who are required to go to the lower area to negotiate with felons must have a combat effectiveness of one million and a personal psychological assessment of 'good' or above."

    A total of 78 workers who meet this requirement are listed on the big screen (excluding the director of prisons and judges, only ordinary prison workers are involved), among which Yu Jing is impressively listed.

    "It is not mandatory, does anyone want to quit voluntarily?"

    Among them, 31 said that they did not want to deal with murderous felons, and thought it would be better for them to stay here and fight.

    "What a great opportunity"

    Just when the warden was about to order the remaining 47 workers to go to the lower area to complete this important task, Yu Jing immediately stood up and said, "Guardian, my friends can act together with me!"  ?"

    Unexpectedly, Centurion Luke also stood up and helped to speak. After all, these three 'recruits' could be regarded as his saviors: "No problem, the three of them will never have any problems."

    Regarding the performance of the three youths in Yujing, the prison can see through the surveillance video.

    It can be said that it is quite amazing, and even almost killed¡¾One of the generals under the Emperor of the Mourning In the eyes of many judges or prison directors at the scene, it would not be a problem for the three of them to stay here as the main combatants.

    "Well, let's go!"

    ?Because of the contributions made by the three of them in the pre-investigation of the misty mountainous area, and their excellent performance in the defense of the city wall just now, the warden nodded and asked the three of them to go to the lower area to assist in the temporary employment of felons.

    "A total of 49 staff members, please follow Director Kakitov to the lower prison area. Let's go now!"

    The Director of Prison Kachitov is regarded as the most trusted confidant of the warden.

    A man made of black slime, the handcuffs that bound ordinary prisoners were made with his ability.

    [Prisoner-Kachitov], the mucus secreted by this person can cause energy disturbance in other people's bodies, making it impossible to successfully perform supernatural powers, but it cannot limit physical strength.

    It is precisely because of Kakitov's help that the management of the lower area saves a lot of trouble.

    The 49 people followed Kachitov and stood on the lifting disk to the lower area, and waves of coercion spread from the chief of the prison.

    "Our task is only to negotiate with the felons, so that they are allowed to go to the upper level to help if they are willing to sign a temporary employment contractDuring the period, there may be extremely troublesome situations, and I cannot guarantee the safety of everyone.  You have to find your own way to solve the problems in front of you.¡±

    "in addition!"

    Kachitov condensed a male head and looked fiercely at the 49 staff members.

    "If you do or want to do things beyond your authority, you will be punished most severelyFinally, no one is allowed to go to the bottom of the lower area under any pretext, that is, to the [Abyss]  The entrance to the prison! Once I find out, I will immediately imprison you and deprive you of your status as guards."

    Time waits for no one, the lifting disc descends!  Take everyone to the chaotic and bloodthirsty lower area.

    And in Yu Jing's mind, he has already recalled the identity numbers of several important prisoners in the lower area given by Hastur when he first came to Black Yaoxing.  (Remember the site URL:
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