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Chapter 1506 Night (2)

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    In an instant, Yu Jing made four movements.

    The fox shadow step cooperates with the space transfer, double confusion, and circles to the position above the head of the old woman who is quickly floating in front of you.

    Spread the five fingers of the left arm, grab the old woman's head, quickly invade her body with plants from the ears, and find the exact location of the core in her body.

    Locking the core, the spear on the back exposed part of the body, and was forced to penetrate directly from the top of the old woman's head, instantly killing it.


    Yu Jing pulled out the wriggling spear, wrapped it in a rag bandage again, and hung it behind his back.

    The old woman at the elevator entrance was so dead that she couldn't die anymore, her body turned into a pool of dark and damp mud, and there were still some worms struggling in the mud.

    "It should belong to some kind of large-scale ghost-making technique. When the plant captured the inner core just now, it can clearly feel that the core is connected to a certain main core It's really troublesome. I hope the master and the dean can find the source as soon as possible."

    Although the battle lasted only for a moment, Yu Jing's left palm, which was in contact with the woman's head just now, began to fester, and maggots kept crawling out from the inside.

    In desperation, he had to cut off his front left arm and grow a new one.

    ? When Yu Jing came back to his senses, he had returned to the normal hotel area, the lights were restored and there was no more soil on the ground.

    It seems that the other party has set up a ghost for each dormitory to interfere, and if you kill the ghost, you can return to the real world.

    At this time, the hotel radio was playing a message in a loop.

    "I am Dean Fang Tianhe. Students who hear the announcement, please go to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to gather immediately."

    There are actually a lot of tricks in the brief notification.

    When Yu Jing tried to return to Zhan Ling's dormitory, it still failed.

    In addition, on the same floor, there is also a group of students who have just returned to reality after slaying ghosts One of them is Ling Tian who has inherited the title of 'Sword God'.

    On this floor, Yu Jing and Ling Tian are the only ones who can kill ghosts at such a fast speed and get rid of the interference.

    "Senior Ling Tian what do you think about the radio broadcast?"

    "Come down with me."

    The two took the stairs to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, and at the same time there were two people on other floors.

    1. The mummy Dong Dong, who is three meters tall but whose body is as thin as a bamboo pole, came to the hall with a stick.

    2. Yi Kun is listless and wearing Taoist robes.

    Only four people arrived in the hall, and there was no sign of Dean Fang.

    When Yi Kun saw that Ling Tian was also present, his casual eyes immediately became serious.

    "Whispering Fog Array"

    Immediately, the chains with light green fluorescence completely blocked all the exits of the hall.  Surrounded by fog, attempting to leave could be completely lost in it.

    In the center of the zenith, a crooked old man with a white beard hanging down his waist and abdomen slowly descended. On his neck was wearing a skull pendant similar to that of the [Ghost Bone] messenger. The lower body covered by the robe had a total of eight skinny long legs.

    "The young people who can quickly kill the 'Ghost in the Graveyard' show that you have extraordinary strength Let me count, among the four of you, there are three targets. It's a pity that the most important target is not among you.  Let the others do it, kill the three of you, and I will be able to gain freedom and certain rights."

    After hearing this, Yu Jing deduced that the opponent's target task was the special eight people brought by the mask.

    It may be because of Jane Lackey Zed's performance in the second game yesterday. In order to win tomorrow's game, this group of people wanted to sneak attack on the body and get rid of all eight of themOf course there may be other  s reason.

    "The most important targetwho will it be?"

    For the time being, Yu Jing couldn't guess the most important target in the opponent's mouth. It might be Shui Bingmiao, who had a great relationship with the power of the old world, or it might be Bi Dongshan, a genius doctor who performed exceptionally well in the competition, and others that Yu Jing didn't know.  possibility of knowing.

    At this moment, a sharp voice directly cut off Yu Jing's thinking:

    "Junior Yu Jing, now is not the time for you to think about problems. Withdrawan enemy of this level, the four of us may be defeated together. We need a perfect battle to delay the time! Show your skills and don't be killed.  gone."

    Yu Jing stepped back five meters quickly, and a lotus imprint appeared between his eyebrows.

    "Okay, listen to Senior Ling Tian's arrangement."

    "Yu Jing, you tend to be omnipotent, and you think very clearly in battle. According to our battle situation, you can cooperate with me in attack or provide support from a distance. It's all up to youDecide.  "


    Ling Tian looked at Yi Kun at the side, "The other party has the ability to delay the four deans, the battle will be very dangerous. I will stand in the front Yi Kun, you are in charge of controlling the field. If I can't resist the head-on, trouble  Help me relieve stress."

    "Cut" Yi Kun looked disdainful.

    Ling Tian sent a voice transmission to the last person, "This person's name?"


    The slightly joyful name made Ling Tian's mouth twitch slightly under such a nervous situation, and at the same time, he misunderstood the name, "Student Dongdong, please provide remote support."

    The shriveled mouth under the bandage kept squirming: "Imy attack is relatively deadly. Please dodge a little when I attackotherwise, you may die. My Mandarin is not very fluentsorry."

    Ling Tian's long hair flowed freely, and he made an OK gesture.

    Seeing the four young people in front of him instantly assigning positions and preparing to fight, the ghostly old man also smiled, "It's really a planet with backbone, and you dare to face this old man when you are less than thirty years old You guys are so interesting.  Before I die, I will also leave my name [Ghost University. Dean of Ghost and Insect Research Institute. Glacis]"

    A strong ghostly aura escaped from under the person, and even the ghostly aura took shape, condensing all kinds of weird ghosts and reptiles in the hall.

    The old man's back exploded, and four pure black spider legs grew out to cooperate with melee combat. The abdominal cavity on the front of his body was cracked, and the densely packed teeth could instantly devour an approaching opponent.

    Facing such a strong man, Ling Tian was not moved at all.

    The seven stars flickered, and under the control of non-subjective consciousness, a certain treasure in the campus card forcibly broke away from the limitation of space storage and was held in Ling Tian's hands.

    When the five fingers fall on the hilt of the sword, the artistic conception is great.

    "Hello, Dihua University. Faculty of Arts. Lecturer and Chief Disciple of Han Lingzong - Ling Tian, ??please enlighten me."

    The seven-star sword shadow appeared in various weak and fatal parts of the old man's body almost at the same time.


    The traces of the seven sword cuts spread around the old man's body.

    Boom!  The spider leg hit the blade, and Ling Tian was forcibly bounced away.

    The part of the old man's body that seemed to be pierced by the blade actually hides an indestructible hard carapace under the skin, which even Ling Tian's sword cannot pierce through.

    "Terrible young people! How could life on your planet have such great potential? No wonder God Wang is so vigilant against you If you let young people like you grow up for fifty years, wouldn't it be that I am in your eyes together with me?  Ants are not as good asUnfortunately, you will perish halfway."

    "Thousands of Gu Biting Hearts"

    ?Without any warning, without any support, the four people present felt a foreign body reaction in their bodies at the same time (Remember the website website:
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