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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Immortality

Chapter 1180 House of Fear

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    "Which 'House of Fear' do you want to use? Since the customers you receive are of a higher level, all the rooms on this floor are available for you to choose freely I recommend you to choose according to your own abilities and the psychological weaknesses of the customers,  I believe that you should have done a lot of work in private to catch such a big client, right?"

    The manager of the 'House of Fear' in front of him is responsible for providing a scare place for the terrified people who attract customers to fully develop their abilities.  People also seem to be quite enthusiastic.

    "Well, can you give me a little introduction? This is my first job."

    "Can you receive such customers for the first time? It's amazing No wonder I said you are a bit unfamiliar. Come with me, and I will introduce you to a few typical horror houses. You can follow the instructions for other rooms.  Go find out."

    "There are three basic types of 'House of Fear' - [campus dormitory building], [barren hill cemetery] and [abandoned hospital].

    For example, [campus dormitory building] is the most fear house used by fear people, come in and have a look.  "

    The administrators used the unique key in their hands to open the white metal school gate on one side of the corridor, and the three of Yu Jing walked into it.

    In a blink of an eye, the scene in front of me changed to a dormitory gate with a wooden sign of "Mingshan High School Dormitory".

    "Space technology? This company really has a lot of background."

    The old dormitory building is constantly filled with a gloomy and cold atmosphere, and some black shadows can even be glimpsed hovering around the dormitory windows.

    "You can use the task card to open the control panel of the 'House of Fear'. The simplest thing is to adjust the temperature, humidity and lighting. Then you can also create some strange appearances at regular intervals. For example, every ten minutes, a ball will come from the  The corridors jump and roll down, or the door of a certain bedroom will suddenly open."

    Yu Jing opened the panel through the employee card, and there are many internal functions.

    All of the advanced features are provided with paid options.

    For example, if you want blood to spill out of the stairwell, you need to spend 10,000 yuan in technical fees. When the intimidation campaign is over, the technical fees will be paid by the fear commissions you get. No wonder there is no commission sharing option in the contract.

    "Free online games, built-in shopping mall" Yu Jing couldn't help but think of some cheating free online games in China.

    Led by this manager, Yu Jing also visited two other 'Basic Fear Houses'. Although they have many functions, they cannot create any living creatures, at most they can create some false supernatural phenomena.

    Fear, for a person, comes more from novelty.

    Once these false phenomena are frequently used, the client will gradually adapt to this non-aggressive supernatural phenomenon from the fear at the beginning, and will not be able to arouse the real fear deep in his heart.

    After everyone finished their visit, they returned to the outer corridor.

    The staff continued: "The advanced 'House of Fear' involves various scenes, and can even simulate a bus driving at night, a changeable maze, and even a deep-sea environment. At the same time, there will be more in the advanced House of Fear.  intimidating function."

    "Since you are working for the first time and the client is more important, you can dictate to me the general information of the client, and I can recommend a suitable 'House of Fear' for you, so that your work can be completed smoothly."

    Yu Jing didn't expect the manager in front of him to be so enthusiastic, "To be honest, I contacted this client ten minutes ago, and I'm not familiar with his personal information at all."

    "Oh? So that's the case, so I can't do anything about it." This person didn't show any surprised expression.

    "Thank you, I'm not very good at using advanced fear houses. Just use the most basic [school dormitory building]. I haven't been in contact with society yet, so I'm more familiar with this kind of school building."

    "Well, the key is handed over to you! The use time is twelve hours after the client enters, I wish you good luck."

    The manager handed the key to Yu Jing, bowed slightly, turned and left.

    "Come on, let's set up the scene."

    The three of Yujing came to the [school dormitory building] area again, and adjusted the temperature, humidity, and some basic environmental layouts according to Shen Yixuan's experience. Zhen Zhen also made suggestions with Hua Ji.

    Only Yu Xiaoxiao has no experience in this kind of intimidation, only knows how to kill people.

    "Yu Jingwill I appear useless?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

    "It's okay, there will naturally be a need for you at that time. This mission will not be as simple as being scary, and there will inevitably be unexpected things in the processExtraordinary circumstancesand corporations have begun to intervene in our operations.  "

    "Okay, if you want me to kill someone, just tell me."


    When the person in charge of the management of the "House of Fear" was about to leave, he bumped into a man wearing a crying mask at the elevator door.

    "Master Weeping, are you here?"

    This weeping master belongs to the company's executives, and his position is equivalent to that of the director.

    The ability to create fear with one hand is quite good, and it can make many clients at the end of the fear experience trigger deeper panic from inner fear and express it in the form of crying, so it is called the crying master.

    "Did you see the newcomer just now? The company asked me to be in charge of the finishing work. Which fear house did they choose?"

    "The most basic [campus dormitory building]."

    "The worry from above is indeed correct. The client is already in his fifties and has long forgotten his experience in school. The school dormitory will not allow the client to have an immersive experience at all. It is simply a dream to touch the real fear.  Give me the spare key, and I will directly intervene in their tasks so as not to harm the interests of our company."

    "Direct intervention? According to the regulations, it is necessary to let the original fear staff perform the work for a period of time, and it is completely sure that the client will not be frightened before asking the master to intervene, right?"

    This manager Yu Jing had a series of conversations just now. According to his personal feelings and experience, although Yu Jing is a novice, it is definitely not easy.  It is natural to be able to make appointments with such high-level clients with just one phone call.

    "You little manager, you don't even listen to my orders."

    The weeping master wearing a mask took out the 'intervention power of attorney' given by the company's senior management

    "Since the weeping master insists on this, here is the spare key."

    "Don't worry, I can control any situation, you just have to watch the show. These young people can make appointments with high-level clients, so let them work in the customer communication department. Fearful jobs are not suitable for them."

    This master had read the materials of Yu Jing and others, and looked down on these young people from the bottom of his heart.  (Remember the site URL:
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