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Chapter 883 Blood Dog

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    "What's your name?" Yu Jing asked.

    "Wendy von Haperfina." The zombie girl said her name softly.

    "Well, my name is Yu Jing."

    The zombie girl smiled and nodded, "I know your name is Yu Jing, and many classmates know your name. I heard Brother Gedun also mentioned your strength in the title conference Although I don't understand it well, I feel that you are super  Awesome! It's really amazing to snatch a precious king-level title from the abnormal genius of the Vatican Kingdom! It's a pleasure to meet you."

    When the zombie girl stretched out her icy palm to shake hands with Yu Jing, she suddenly found a white arm exuding a creepy aura splitting from Yu Jing's backpack.  ¡¯ The sound of twisting joints made the zombie girl stand on her head, and immediately took three steps back.

    "This what is this!?"

    Zombie girl was ranked fifteenth through the competition in her sophomore year at Military University, but she was not able to show her full strength because of her cowardly nature. In fact, she is fully capable of ranking tenth.

    During her daily missions, Wendy has at most encountered a "full body" b-level ghost, but has never met a "disaster-level" a-level ghost. Now that she feels the breath of Kayako, she is naturally quite frightened.

    "It's okay, it's just my helper! Let's go, follow me to the secret room in Nanvlas, can you hide your breath?"

    "Yes, I am already considered a complete zombie, and it is easy to cover up my breath I also want to ask, did you use space-related abilities when you came to me just now?"


    All of a sudden, the zombie girl's foggy eyes shone with admiration, "Wow! I heard that only a real genius can learn to use such a top-level ability as 'space transfer'. Moreover, the longer distance  It needs to reach a very high level at least! Can you take me directly to Nanvlas' house?"

    Yu Jing shook his hand, "Long-distance crossing space will be quite laborious. Considering that the plants in this jungle can replenish my energy at any time, I chose to use it and the space transfer will be limited, like the Nanvlas family.  In such a place with strong and concentrated Yin Qi, it is quite laborious to cross the space, and it will cause great space disturbance, attracting the attention of the enemy."

    The lost girl doesn't seem very smart, and she nodded half-understanding: "Oh then I will hide my breath and lurk there with you."

    Zombie girls can stop all organs of the body without breathing, and only need the brain and blood to work slowly.

    "Let's go."

    With a thought in Yu Jing's mind, the long yellow clothes directly wrapped his body.

    "Yellow clothesit feels so evil."

    Zombies are also a kind of evil, walking beside the yellow clothes has a feeling of being completely suppressed.

    The two quietly approached the top of the mountain. The house in Nanvlas was made of a kind of gloomy and hard black wood. Occasionally, the distorted face printed on the wooden house could be glimpsed, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

    This two-story black secret room is quite huge, not at all what it looks like from a distance.

    The area is at least half the size of a football field, and the surrounding windows are locked with iron chains and covered by airtight curtains, so that the inside cannot be seen at all.

    "I smell a sense of resentment."

    Kayako squirmed in the sealing position of the backpack for a while, exposing the lower half of his face, and spit out eerie words.

    The zombie girl Wendy was terrified by Gakoko's eerie words, "Who's talking?!"

    "It's okay, it's my friend!  Jiaye, what level is the other party?"

    "I guess it's almost the same as me, and there's more than one smell in the house However, I still prefer a slightly rougher solution. This little zombie girl is pretty good. With the three of us working together, it should be very easy to get in from the main entrance."  Exciting, right?"

    Yu Jing immediately denied Kayako's idea, "Don'twe just entered the secret realm, it will be bad if we accidentally get hurt."

    "Okay." Kayako was a little disappointed, and buried his head completely in the backpack.

    The lost girl obediently waited until the conversation between the two was over, and immediately asked excitedly: "What did you call her just now!? Gayako, is that Kayako from the famous horror movie "The Grudge"? Wow!"

    "Well, yes Now is not the time to talk about this topic, we have to find a way to sneak into the Nanvlas house."

    "Okay, okay!" The zombie girl scratched her head in embarrassment.

    "Let's go around Nanvlas's house first to see if there is a sneak entrance."

    Yu Jing's goal is only "the blood dog of the Nanvlas family", maybe this kind of watchdog is tied up in the courtyard.

    It's a pity that the watchdog was not found after going around.

    There are only two places that can enter Nanvlas's house, the unsealed front door and the underground passage hidden in the back door cemetery, which Yu Jing later discovered by using plant perception.

    "Let's go through the back door If you don't find the passage to the cemetery at the back door, it may be quite dangerous to go through the front door."

    "Wow, how did you find out!?"

    When Yu Jing opened the coffin in the cemetery and entered the secret underground passage, the gray eyes of the zombie girl shone brightly.

    "I have plant abilities, and there are many ferns in the cemetery."

    "Oh! So that's it Plant attributes are really convenient. They can sense, bind enemies, and heal themselves Unlike me, zombie viruses are so tasteless."

    "You are amazing."

    Yu Jing could clearly perceive that the virus in Wendy's body was unusual, even different from the t-virus and g-virus in "Resident Evil", which belonged to a new type of powerful virus.


    Being praised by a genius like Yu Jing, Wendy's face blossomed into a smile.

    However, there are still some carrion residues in the open mouth. Obviously, they usually eat raw meat or carrion. Normal cooked food will make the zombies upset.

    The two walked through the secret passage and arrived at the basement area.

    "The basement! This is the basement of ghosts!"

    The underground of the Nanvlas house is even bigger, like a primitive natural cave, only a small part has been artificially trimmed, and there are upward stairs on the east wall.

    At the same time, there was a smell of carrion in the huge underground cave, and there were bursts of loud snoring coming from the front right.

    Yu Jing, who has night vision ability, saw in the corner of the cave, a huge blood-red dog lying on its stomach. It is estimated to be more than 20 meters long. The most important thing is that there are many mouths on its limbs.  , Occasionally, blood spilled from between the teeth.

    There are a large number of "unloading ports" near the blood dog connected to Nanvlas's house. From time to time, the corpses and mutilated parts of various animals will be sent down as food for the blood dog.

    "What a big very powerful dog! Let's go up quietly."


    Yu Jing nodded, not planning to fight the blood dog now, otherwise the Nanvlas family at the top would be disturbed.  According to Kayako, the Nanfras family is very difficult to deal with (Remember this site URL:
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