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Chapter 796 Virus Analysis

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    "Professor Liang, I'll follow you to the microbiological laboratory building. I'm also curious about the analysis results of the g virus. In addition, I have some questions about the 'level'. I would like to ask Professor Liang."

    "Alright, let's order two takeaways."

    Professor Liang contacted the faculty cafeteria in the building of the School of Life Sciences by phone, and the two set off immediately after a simple dinner.

    The Microbiology Laboratory Building belongs to the most mysterious area in the School of Life Sciences. It is also located at the farthest point from the main building, and there is an isolation area around it. It needs to pass through a sterile passage and a full-body test to allow entry and exit.

    Under the leadership of Professor Liang, many hard inspection links were skipped directly.

    Just as the two were about to take the elevator up, they bumped into three acquaintances in the corridor on the first floor.

    Unexpectedly, Professor Liang, who was in the same group, also became nervous.

    The three sisters Xuejuan, Feng Baobao and Guo Xiaoyu walked in the passage.  Guo Xiaoyu has a rare bacterial constitution among this year's students, and she is currently relatively weak, and she is slowly walking from the other side of the passage with the support of Xuejuan.

    "Vice Captain! Long time no see."

    Feng Baobao hadn't seen Yu Jing for a long time, and the round-faced Feng Baobao immediately ran over excitedly after meeting by chance, and hugged Yu Jing with outstretched arms.

    As the owner of the slug gene, Feng Baobao suddenly sensed a kind of violent and murderous blood in Yu Jing's body at the moment of physical contact with Yu Jing, and Feng Baobao immediately took three steps back in fright.

    "Baby, you're gaining weight again."

    "Hey, I've eaten too much recently."

    Seeing Yu Jing's smile, Feng Baobao also forced a smile But Feng Baobao felt that there was a big difference between Yu Jing standing in front of him and the vice captain who used to be in the Pingjin Hotel.

    "let's go¡­¡­"

    As soon as Xuejuan saw Professor Liang, a series of sad past events immediately recalled in her mind, and she helped Guo Xiaoyu away from the two of them.

    "Xiaoyu, are you feeling unwell?" Yu Jing asked suddenly, so Guo Xiaoyu had to stop to answer the question.

    "We just took an elective course. The microorganisms in the body became abnormal due to the absorption of foreign objects. Now that we have just undergone conditioning, the bacteria in the body have returned to normalThank you Yujing for your concern."

    "Xiao Yu, come with us."

    Since I happened to meet here, Xiaoyu, who knows how to manipulate microorganisms, should be able to help me with the next g-virus research.

    As for other teachers in the field of microbiology, Yu Jing didn't dare to ask for help.  The g-virus stock solution and the alien implant must be kept secret, and the teachers of Dihua University may leak the matter.  But as far as Guo Xiaoyu is a classmate, she can absolutely guarantee that Xiaoyu will not tell this matter.

    "Yes." Professor Liang nodded at the side, indicating that the help of a student with a microbiological physique would improve the efficiency of the analysis.

    "Didn't you see that Xiaoyu just recovered? She needs to rest."

    Xuejuan immediately replied in a more irritable tone, and at the same time helped Xiao Yu to leave.

    "Sister Juan is fine, you and the baby go back first. It's not to complete the dangerous elective courses, but to help in the laboratory building And Yujing has saved me many times, I have to help him."

    During the speech, Guo Xiaoyu couldn't help but blushed on his face, and slowly dragged his pace to follow beside Yu Jing.

    "Baby, let's go."

    Xuejuan didn't look directly at Professor Liang at all, and took the baby's hand to leave the laboratory building.

    "Professor Liang, your daughter is a bit too much"

    "Xuejuan has been with her mother since she was a child In order to win a higher professional title in school, when Xuejuan grew up, I basically never went home and spent most of my time in the laboratory. I  I don't have the right to control her, I just hope she won't be too prominent and not cause trouble."

    Speaking of Xuejuan, it can be regarded as Professor Liang's biggest knot.

    "Xiaoyu, is your body okay? I just need your help to do a pathogen analysis."

    "No problem." Xiaoyu with twin ponytails obediently followed Yujing, and the three of them took the elevator to the top floor of the laboratory building.

    In the laboratory on the top floor, an associate professor, two lecturers, and several junior students are conducting related research.

    Professor Liang said unceremoniously: "I need to analyze a confidential virus sample urgently, so I can borrow the microbiological analysis room on the top floor. You should go to your office first and take a rest."

    "Professor Liang needs the right to use the entire floor?"

    "Yes, confidential items are not allowed to be disclosed, you can go to Dean Long for inquiries.  "

    "In this case, let's deal with the sporozoites that are being cultivated later."

    The associate professor's experiment was forcibly cut off. Although he was dissatisfied, since Professor Liang moved out of Dean Long, he couldn't say anything, so he had to leave temporarily with the team.

    Professor Liang completely sealed off the top floor, prohibiting anyone from entering.

    Then go to the high-end micro-life laboratory in the center of this floor. The internal facilities are all the world's top analytical equipment, which can create an operating environment under any conditions at any time.

    When Professor Liang took out the vial of g virus stock solution, Guo Xiaoyu seemed to sense the danger, and immediately hid behind Yu Jing, muttering in a low voice: "Dangerous virus species! My ability is mainly to control bacteria.  It may not be possible to do a thorough analysis.¡±

    "It's okay, the next thing about the current virus must be kept secret."


    Three hours of research passed.

    All the petri dishes and operating tables in the laboratory were destroyed, and the infectivity and lesion of the g virus exceeded Professor Liang's prediction.

    "Forcibly changing the genetic arrangement at the genetic level This kind of thing is really dangerous. It is indeed a fictional virus that only exists in the movie world. Once this kind of thing falls into the wrong hands. It only needs a 'mother body' to reproduce  , you can create a formidable army.¡±

    "Let's stop here for tonight, and the g virus stock solution will be handed over to Professor Liang for your safekeeping."

    After all, on the one hand, Professor Liang is researching alien implants and storing the virus in Professor Liang's hands. Maybe one day the research will accidentally discover the connection between the two, and thus prepare a pathogen that can completely suppress alien implants.

    "Didn't you say that you wanted to know about the issue of rank? I have a private house in Sea Devil, let's take the school bus together and talk to you about the real stage issue so that you don't suffer After all a-e  The most basic division of level is only given based on strength, and has not really been refined to the division of stages between humans and ghosts."

    "Xiaoyu just happened to listen together."

    "Ohthank you, Professor Liang!"

    During the experiment just now, Xiao Yu with the twin tails was concentrated and her physical condition basically recovered.

    "Let's talk about human beings first. Our Dihua University uses "Ghost Beads" to break through the limitations of the human body, and the division of grades is also slightly different from othersDuring the university, the growth of students is divided into three stages.  "(Remember this site URL:
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