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Chapter 686 Pursuit

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    The window of Ye Feng's bedroom was broken.

    Ye Feng, with blood dripping from his arm, jumped out of the window on the second floor. After landing, he didn't stop, and quickly ran towards the depths of the forest.

    At the broken window on the second floor, the deformed man holding three black dogs showed a troubled expression, scratching his head with his fingers.

    "Master Frederick said that this person must be killed in the room, what should he do now that he ran out?"

    Suddenly, a drop of blood spilled from the floor, forming a ferocious face.

    "Idiot! Hurry up and chase him out. You have 10 minutes to bring this man's body to me Also! Remember to check his body for marks before killing him."


    Obtaining Frederick's order, Xiao San jumped directly from the broken window, crawled on all fours and ran with the vicious dogs around him, chasing the blood trail left by Ye Feng when he escaped to the depths of the forest.


    The noise from Ye Feng's dormitory woke up the three of Yu Jing in the next dormitory.

    However, when the three of them pushed open the bedroom door, they were not in front of the corridor of the mansion, but in the center of a square they had never seen before. Rainwater the size of peas in the sky was continuously dripping, and with the hazy white mist spreading around, it was amazing.  The viewing distance is less than ten meters.

    By the circular fountain in the center of the square, a woman in a white raincoat was squatting by the fountain and staring at the crowd.

    "Crackling!" The sound of raindrops falling on the ground disturbed the three people's hearing.

    "Rainwater illusion freezing."

    With a wave of Shui Bingmiao's hand, all the rainwater in the whole world was frozen. Although the influence of the rainwater disappeared, the illusion around him was not broken.

    "Shui Bingmiao, it's okay. Don't rush to do it."

    Yu Jing signaled that there was no need to take the next step.

    From the woman in front of her using the illusion mainly to trap the enemy, and the movement coming from Ye Feng's room, Yu Jing has almost analyzed and deduced the enemy's thoughts in the mansion.

    "From the situation in Ye Feng's room, there was only one person who did it. Then, this woman trapped the three of us with illusion.

    As for the other two of the four, the man who pretended to be the owner of the mansion and the old housekeeper. Considering certain factors that did not show up, even if the assassination failed, they could keep away from these two people who did the work and continue to communicate with us.  Maintaining a normal relationship on the surface is really a good plan It's a pity that your assassination target is wrongly selected. As long as you don't have A-level strength, there is absolutely no threat to Ye Feng.  "

    "Yu Jing, don't do this? When the other party comes to the door, he can kill only one person." Shui Bingmiao stared at the woman in front of her.

    "It's not easy to kill, do you know where the opponent's body is?"

    "of course I know."

    With a wave of Shui Bingmiao's hand, an ice-spike spear instantly formed in his hand, and he stepped forward, throwing the spear forward with graceful movements.

    When the ice spear pierced the woman by the fountain, only a white raincoat was left behind, but the ice spear continued to fly forward, facing the fountain facing everyone, a woman showed her original shape, stretched out with one hand and melted the flying ice spear  For the water droplets.

    All the ice in the sky also melted, quickly turning into torrential rain.

    "Don't worry If we kill this woman here, Ye Feng may be surrounded by the other three. Ye Feng, he deliberately showed weakness and escaped from the dormitory to the depths of the woods. Of course he has his intentions. We just need to wait for him here  The good news is enough. Once Ye Feng succeeds, it will not be too late for us to kill the woman in front of us."

    Yu Jing made a decision and raised his hand to signal Shui Bingmiao not to do anything.

    "Listen to you, I hope Ye Feng has this strength."

    With a wave of Shui Bingmiao's hand, three ice chairs and a huge ice umbrella formed, and the three of them sat beside the square and waited quietly.

    "Shui Bingmiao is quite good at keeping his promise." Yu Jing sat on the ice chair and took a rest with half-closed eyes.

    The woman under the white raincoat just received an order to restrict the three of them. Since the three of them had no unnecessary movements, she just stood still and never took her eyes off the three of them.



    The barking of dogs kept coming from the woods. Ye Feng clutched the wound on his right hand and continued to move towards the depths according to the memory route when exploring the woods in the afternoon, staying as far away from the mansion as possible.

    "Yu Jing should be able to see my intentions. This vicious dog man should be one of the four people who killed the 'Blood Demon'. Let me solve it."

    When arriving at the clearing in the center of the forest, Ye Feng's arm injuryIn the blink of an eye, it was back to normal.

    With a jump, Ye Feng, who was squatting on the small wooden roof, waited for the other party's arrival.

    There is another purpose to lure the other party here, Ye Feng wants to use this person's hand to completely destroy the seal of the wooden house.

    Following the barking of dogs approaching, Xiao San, who was also crawling and running on all fours, jumped out of the woods with several black dogs at the same time, and came to the open space in the center.

    Xiao San may have some obstacles in the thinking level of the brain, but his fighting instinct is stronger than that of beasts.

    Seeing that Ye Feng's injury had recovered as before, and his aura was completely different from before, Xiaosan held the vicious dogs beside him and did not let the group of vicious dogs go to die.

    "Are you are you pretending? My sense of smell is indeed right, you are very strong."

    "What's in this wooden house?" Ye Feng asked.

    "Boss Frederick said that these are secrets and must not be told to others. Before killing you, there is one more question that must be asked clearly. Do you have a special mark on your body?"

    "You didn't answer the question I asked. Why should I answer the question you asked now?" Ye Feng planned to take advantage of the other party's obstructed thinking and take advantage of the loophole to ask some key information.

    "What you said seems to make senseThen let me tell you, there is a part of Mr. Lance's body in the wooden house."

    "Sure enough." Ye Feng's eyes lit up.

    "It's time for you to answer my question."

    "I don't have any special marks on me."

    "Oh, that's good. Then you don't have to worry about anything, just kill you, and then go back to see Boss Frederick."

    The dogs around him suddenly wailed a few times, and then they were crushed by Xiao San, turning into balls of black matter and returning to Xiao San's body.

    A certain kind of special canine bacteria in the third body began to multiply in large numbers.

    The slightly longer right arm gradually swelled and grew bigger, with some disgusting black hair growing, sharp teeth grew between the fingers and the thumb turned into a tongue, and finally his entire right arm evolved into the head of a black dog  , the forearm completely turned into the sharp mouth of a black dog, with saliva dripping from between the teeth.

    And between the skin of Xiaosan's relatively short left arm, several canine teeth with a length of more than 30 centimeters grew first, and held a dagger made of canine teeth in the palm of his hand.

    The muscle cells of the two lower legs are mixed and strengthened with bacteria, and a kind of curved bony toe grows on the heel and buckles into the ground.

    "Prey, die."

    Xiaosan's calf exerted strength, leaving a footprint of ten centimeters on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Ye Feng on the roof.  (Remember the site URL:
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