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Chapter 532 Opportunity

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    The second floor of the Shen family compound.

    In a certain antique room, it doesn't look like a meeting room, but ten wooden stools are randomly placed in the room.

    When the meeting time arrived, the current nine senior cadres of the Zede family attended the scene one after another, plus the head of the family, Shen Zhao, a total of ten people sat in this room.

    Shen Zhao was sitting upright in the south of the room, and the other nine senior cadres sat on wooden chairs in different postures.

    "I convened an impromptu meeting today, mainly to prepare for the big gathering of my 'Zed family' tomorrow. At present, the invitation letters sent to all six districts through the 'efficacy paper' have already received 652 invitations.  Come to sense. The venue for the big gathering is set in the central street of Chaxiang County, please go there tomorrow and prepare in advance.¡±

    "Our Zed family has continued to expand and grow in the past 30 years. Except for the two newly promoted senior cadres, the other seven people have witnessed the process of family growth. But now the family has reached a bottleneck stage. If we want to continue to develop,  It¡¯s not enough to just stay in Chaxiang County, we need to expand our manpower to annex the powerful organizations in the neighboring counties. Tomorrow¡¯s big gathering is a good time for the family to recruit talents.¡±

    "Of course, the whole process of the big gathering will not be very smooth, because there are no restrictions on the invitation letter, and there will inevitably be troublemakers among the capable people and strangers who will arrive tomorrow. All the cadres sitting here, I need to use your strength to dispel the hostile people who have mixed in.  The execution of members of the faction, if necessary, can also be used to demonstrate the strength of my family."

    "Every time you kill a malicious outsider, you will be rewarded with black coins according to the level. E-level 50 black coins, d-level 300 black coins, c-level 500 black coins, and b-level will give 10,000 black coins. Of course, if you find that there are  When a B-level big shot arrives, it's best to notify me directly to deal with it."

    The amount of the reward is quite satisfactory, and it is basically impossible for the senior cadres sitting here to kill B-level characters.

    "Do you need our help in the selection of personnel?" Police Chief He Tianzheng asked,

    "Tomorrow will not be used for the time being. The main purpose of the gathering is to let them have fun, get to know our family fully, and have the intention to join. The assessment of the cadres is reserved for the next day, and it can be carried out normally according to the family's regulations."

    "What about the government's problems?" The devil boy, who looked to be only five years old, squatted on the bench and asked.

    "Although our Zed family has been classified as a dark force, we have never done anything that violated the rules for so long. Besides, the most powerful dark organization 'Baiyang Tomb' in the provincial capital of the six districts has behaved in recent years.  We all know that the unstable situation has caused the Sixth District Government to suffer, and the possibility of it being in our hands is very small Besides, one of our newly promoted cadres has a government official, and the status is not low. "

    Shen Zhao looked at Yu Jing, "Would you like to help? Future son-in-law?"

    "I will greet the Baiyang City government tomorrow and ask them to hand over the situation in Chaxiang County to me."

    Yu Jing also didn't want people from the government to intervene, otherwise his plan would be ruined if the 'chaos target' escaped or was captured by the government.

    "If you have no doubts, let's end the short meeting tonight. I still need to go back to the room to check the information provided by the Personnel Department. Please be there before 9:00 tomorrow morning.  I leave it to you."

    Shen Zhao didn't have the slightest pretensions of a big man in front of several senior cadres, and bowed deeply to everyone after saying everything.

    "I will definitely do my best to complete the task given by the Patriarch."

    Several cadres also bowed deeply, and this short meeting came to an end.

    When Shen Zhao was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, and waved to the few people who were about to leave: "Yu Jing and Xia Suo, you two stay, and the others go back to rest first."


    There are only three people left in the closed room.

    "You two are newly recruited cadres who I want to change the status quo of the family. According to my previous cautious personality, I would never do such a very risky thing At yesterday's auction, Yu Jing took the initiative to assist Iron Sentence  I, the head of the family, is very pleased with what happened, and through some daily understanding, I can basically feel at ease with Yujing cadres, and the relationship between me and Xiaoxuan also needs you to coordinate."

    ? Shen Zhao, with half-white hair, is like a kind old senior at present, coming to shake hands with Yu Jing on his own initiative, not at all like the cruel butcher Shen Yixuan described.

    "I'll leave it to you, Yujing, to deal with government affairs."

    "En." Yu Jing just nodded and didn't say much.

    Shen Zhao turned to Xia Suo, who had a skinny face, and walked over with a smile on his face.

    ?"Friend Xia Suo, I haven't been able to thank you in person for saving Han Mei.  Han Mei's spiritual power plays an important role in the family, if she dies like this, it will be a big loss to the family.  Therefore, I don't have much opinion on the matter of Han Mei directly bringing you into the family.  "

    Xia Suo looked a little flattered, and shook hands with Shen Zhao humbly: "Master Tu is too polite, I have to thank you for this matter, I am in my thirties and have not had a girlfriend because of my appearance.  This opportunity has a certain intersection with Ms. Han Mei, and maybe it can lead to a major event in life I will definitely do my best to help eliminate dissidents at the big party."

    "Both of you are fine, let's stop here today."

    Shen Zhao led the two of them out of the room with a smile on his face, and headed towards the secret office room on the third floor.

    Leaving Yu Jing and Xia Suo to leave the Shen family compound alone, such an opportunity to be alone will be an excellent opportunity for Yu Jing to verify Xia Suo's identity.

    "Find an opportunity to have physical contact with him."

    While Yu Jing was thinking about verifying his identity in his mind, Xia Suo, who was walking aside, kept scratching the skin of his neck with his fingernails because of troubles, and the fine skin dregs fell to the ground.

    "Should I kill it? Or should I control it? I'm so annoying. It's not the same as the original plan. I planned to kill this man in the end. But the opportunity to be alone now can't be wasted. Let's do it now."

    The moment the two stepped out of the Shen family's compound, they turned their heads to look at each other at the same time.

    "Friend Xia Suo, do you want to go to my room and have a chat?"

    "Friend Yujing, are you interested in sitting in my room?"

    The two spoke at almost the same time, with strange emotions in their eyes, and then both smiled awkwardly.


    In the main mansion.

    When Shen Zhao was walking in the corridor leading to the third floor, Shen Yang, who was supposed to finish his math homework in the room, ran out.

    "Father, there are some problems with the newly recruited senior cadres in the family."

    "Didn't I tell you before? There must be some problems. Now it is a special case and special treatment. Only the corresponding risks can be exchanged for the corresponding rewards."

    "Xia Suo has a huge problem. I have collected reliable information. Is father interested in taking a look?" (Remember the website URL:
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