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Chapter 465 Final Test (Part 2)

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    Seventy-five first-year students from the School of Mechanical Engineering who were fully equipped with exoskeleton armor were all defeated in just over 20 seconds.

    This is the result of Lu Chuan only showing part of his strength. Such a gap in strength made the other college students watching around sigh.  Yu Jing almost expected such a result. It is only natural for an outstanding senior graduate to deal with a group of newcomers who have not yet reached the "ghost-controlling stage".

    "Next, the freshmen from the School of Foreign Languages ??will take the final test, five minutes of preparation time."

    The head teacher of the freshman class of the School of Foreign Languages, Yu Jing once met in the dormitory, is a foreign teacher who hates the sun very much - Belmont.

    Among the freshmen, Yu Jing knew only three acquaintances from the School of Foreign Languages, Joseph and Vivica, the priest and witch couple, and Ning Yanzhi.

    During the five-minute preparation time, Vivica used the evil ritual to summon many skeleton soldiers to protect herself, trying to buy as much time as possible.

    Joseph also applied prayers to himself to increase his defense, and at the same time created a special enchantment formation with the pages of the Bible.

    Ning Yanzhi looked extremely sloppy no matter where he was. All the freshmen from the School of Foreign Languages ??were preparing intensely, but Ning Yanzhi looked sloppy.

    "I don't know if this guy Ning Yanzhi will show his real strength. There shouldn't be too many possibilities."

    Five minutes of preparation time passed quickly.

    When the vice-principal announced the start of the game, unlike the last round where the School of Mechanical Engineering launched an attack immediately, all the students in the School of Foreign Languages ??focused on defense, and many students even formed teams to defend together.

    "No one attacked? It really disappoints me."

    Belmont really hates the sun, and as he uttered an ominous spell, the sky above the stadium was immediately covered by dark clouds.

    Belmont took out a dagger and cut off his own head. Blood sprayed out from the neck artery, quickly overflowing the entire stadium, restricting the movement of all the students, and even forming bloody hands from the blood to attack the students.

    Only the formation area that Joseph made with the pages of the Bible is not immune to the invasion of blood that can temporarily resist it.

    Lecturer Belmont, whose body and head were separated, turned into tens of thousands of blood bats and attacked the students in the stadium who were restricted by blood.

    The number of blood bats quickly broke through most of the students' defenses, and Vivica's skeleton soldiers were completely turned into skeletons and scattered in the blood.

    Joseph saw a large number of students lying in a pool of blood, and when the black vampire bats approached him, he took off the priest's robe, and suddenly a dazzling holy light emanated from his body, holy restraining evil, and a large number of blood bats turned into blood and evaporated.

    "The body of the Son"

    The remaining blood bats condensed into Belmont's body, carrying the holy light and stunned Joseph.

    It took 38.01 seconds. When Belmonte thought the battle was over, he suddenly turned his head to look at Ning Yanzhi who was not far away from him.

    "Huh? A fish that slipped through the net, right?"

    According to Belmont's original perception, Joseph should be the last student who persisted. He couldn't understand why Ning Yanzhi slipped through the net.  Just as his right hand turned into a blood blade and was about to attack, Ning Yanzhi raised his hands above his head, signaling to throw him.

    In this way, the test of the School of Foreign Languages ??was over, and Joseph's performance was extraordinarily impressive, and all the judges saw it.

    The blood overflowing the playground was quickly cleaned up by Belmont, and the final test of the next college continued.

    "Next, we will invite teachers and students from the School of Chemistry, and we will also have five minutes of preparation time."

    "School of Chemistry, is Shui Bingmiao, who defeated Bai Xiao in one minute, about to appear? Just to see what kind of abilities this guy has, how long can he hold the lecturer?"

    It's not just Yu Jing who is interested, everyone in the college is very interested in this male student who passed the school uniform test and ranks first in the grade, as well as some freshmen who hide their strengths are focusing their attention on this battle at this moment  superior.

    A total of 79 students from the School of Chemistry walked towards the center of the playground. Shui Bingmiao, whose hair was tied up with a scarf, was naturally in it, maybe a little nervous, maybe a little excited, maybe adjusting his state.  The cold air in his body escaped slightly, and the green grass was frozen everywhere he walked.

    The students of the School of Chemistry belong to a very small number of physique alchemists like Feng Tao, and most of them are students who are born to control elements.  The four elements are wind, fire, water, and earth. Students who want to enter the School of Chemistry must at least have certain talents in these four elements.

    The head teacher of this year's freshmen in the School of Chemistry is a female teacher who controls the dual attributes of wind and fire¡ª¡ªYun.

    Completely different from the approachable appearance of Teacher Muyan, this female head teacher of the School of Chemistry has a hot temper and strictly manages every student in the class on weekdays.

    Most of the current freshmen of the School of Chemistry stood on the playground facing the head teacher, their backs were soaked in cold sweat.

    "A group of useless things, I have told you countless times, once you are afraid, the victory will be decided. Show your backbone, cowards."

    Yu Jing, who was on the sidelines of the game, was very fortunate that he did not meet such a hot-tempered head teacher, otherwise his daily life would not be peaceful.

    "Game start!"

    Because the students of the School of Chemistry are proficient in different attributes, at the beginning of the battle, some aggressive students began to look for the weakness of the head teacher to try to attack, while some defensive support students chose to assist others.

    The freshmen of the School of Chemistry fight together like an army. This is the result of the teaching of this teacher Liang Yun on weekdays.

    It's a pity that no matter how coordinated the army is, it will be disintegrated when faced with the wrath of nature.

    Teacher Liang Yun did not use the deadly fire attribute ability, and when she waved her hands, a super-ten-level hurricane ushered in the stadium. The howling wind easily tore apart the thick walls made by students who were proficient in the earth element ability, and most of the students were involved in the storm  Loss of mobility.

    After ten seconds of strong winds, only five people were left standing in the playground.

    Among them, Shui Bingmiao's feet were frozen and connected to the ground, facing the howling wind indifferently, and had no intention of fighting yet.

    After class teacher Liang Yun glanced at Shui Bingmiao, she first focused on the other students. With a gentle flick of her fingers, several wind blades attacked the students who stood firm in the strong wind.

    Without the slightest mercy, the four students were struggling in the storm, let alone dodging the wind blade, and their legs were cut off directly.  With a movement of Liang Yun's palm, a gust of wind sent the injured to the area of ??the medical school.

    In the end, only Shui Bingmiao was left on the playground. When several wind blades cut away, a thick ice curtain blocked all the wind blades.  (Remember the site URL:
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