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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> The ancestor is reincarnated again (fast time travel)

Chapter 164 Koi carp in the last days II

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    In the darkness, a pair of sharp vertical pupils peered at Bai Qi in his sleep. The aggressive staring was so creepy that Bai Shangshen woke up almost instantly.

    Sharp eyes swept out of the window, and the soul force followed it instantly. The glass window shattered with a crash, and a piece of cold light was reflected on the ground.

    The opponent's speed was so fast that Bai Qi only had time to catch an unknown black shadow before losing the target.

    Bai Shangshen sat up from the makeshift bed made of tables and cabinets, came to the window and stood against the wind, looking down at the street in the dark night, cloudy or sunny in his dark eyes.

    Judging from the thunderous confrontation just now, no matter whether the opponent is a human or a corpse, if it is an enemy or not a friend, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

    Bai Qi took out the mechanical watch with a broken dial from his pocket, it was already 4:40 in the morning, and it was about to dawn.

    No matter how much he slept, Bai Shangshen simply jumped onto the desk and sat down lazily, took out a can of beer from his backpack, took a sip, and waited for the dawn.

    seven in the morning.

    When the morning sun shines into the room inside the window, Bai Shangshen, who closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear and bright without any trace of tiredness.

    The room has an independent bathroom. The man in the mirror in front of the messy sink is disheveled, his slightly long hair is tied in a small braid with a red string, and his somewhat sloppy face is casual and frivolous.

    There is no barber in the last days. In the past, the original owner trimmed his hair by himself, but the effect was as horrible as a dog gnawing on it, so Bai Qi refused to do it again.

    ?Water resources are scarce in the last days, and many water sources can no longer be used due to virus pollution. Under the current situation, Bai Qi can't take a shower and wash his face luxuriously, so he can only simply wipe his face with a wet towel.

    After tidying up, Bai Shangshen ate a few bites of biscuits to make do, then went downstairs to continue on his way.

    It was still quiet down there, but Bai Qi felt a strange gaze following him more keenly than yesterday, watching his every move, but once he dispersed his soul power to check the other party, he fled without a trace  Bai Qi is too lazy to take care of his traces.

    Bai Qi's goal was to leave the city, but before leaving the city, he drove around a few more times to search for supplies.

    In the past six months, countless teams have come to C City to search for supplies. There should be very few usable supplies, but with the blessing of the original owner's luck, he has reaped a lot, and the small broken car is full.


    Bai Shangshen, who had already left the urban area, was driving on the small road. Perhaps because there were often adventure teams from various bases, the zombies on the road were almost cleaned up.

    ?The hot weather left Bai Qi's upper body with only a short sleeve, and half of the sleeves were rolled up. He was still unable to beat the high temperature, so that he simply called out his soul power to cool down.

    The original owner was very happy with the speed ability itself, which was very suitable for saving his life and running, but in Bai Qi's eyes, it was really useless, and it was not as useful as the water and ice systems.

    Fortunately, the host body in the last world has evolved to withstand a lot of strength, and it can be used with a certain amount of soul power.

    Bai Shangshen, who is alone on the road, is very boring, after all, being a lone hero and killing zombies is also boring.

    On the contrary, the guy with unknown identity has been following behind him, no matter day or night, the prying eyes are on his back, but even if he uses all the tricks and tricks in Baishang, the other party will never show up, which makes Bai Qimo almost lost his temper.

    At noon, under a huge old sycamore tree.

    Bai Shangshen, with sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, was paralyzed on the roof of the car like an ancestor, holding a spatula in his hand with a raw egg on it, and was frying in the sun.

    Hearing an imperceptible sound, Bai Shangshen subtly hooked the corner of his lower lip, took out a can of Coke from the bag under his body with one hand and threw it back without looking back.

    Coke fell on the dry grass and rolled a few times, and soon became silent.

    It seems that after a long time, a pale almost transparent arm stretched out quietly, and took the Coke away without a sound.

    Capital Base.

    Hei Qi flipped through the notes left by the original body, each of which was recorded in great detail.

    Although Lin Haobai is a pervert, he is indeed a rare genius. The content recorded in the notebooks has the key points in the circle, the summed up experience, and his own ideas, which are short and incisive.

    In the previous life, although it learned a lot of medical knowledge with Bai Qi due to its host body, there are many differences in the end. At most, it laid a foundation. The notes left by the original body really helped a lot.

    The bedroom door was knocked on the wall, it was Lin Jinye who came back.

    Hei Qi calmly closed his notebook to let people in, and asked in a flat tone, "Brother?? Gou stared at the man in front of him, the aggression in his eyes was like a python in hunting state.

    He should have killed him.

    But I don't know what went wrong, let him stop again and again, not only did not kill him, but followed him all the way like a demon.

    Bai Shangshen didn't care what the boy was thinking, he stretched out his magic claws and pinched him on the face, he was too thin and the touch was too bad.

    The boy stared at Bai Qi for a long time without responding, until Bai Shangshen's actions became more unscrupulous, he suddenly closed his eyes and fell heavily in the rain.

    "!!" Bai Shangshen.

    He doesn't hit hard, does he?

    Touch porcelain!  This kid must be touching porcelain.

    The boy was lying on the ground, and the storm hit his thin body fiercely, as if he would die in the next second.

    Bai Qi looked at it for a while, and after a while, he sighed softly, stepped forward into the rain and picked him up.

    The first impression is that it is very light.

    Then very thin, as if what was being picked up was not a person, but a human skeleton, as if a little weight would crush the person in his arms.

    This time Bai Shangshen really frowned.

    He quickly went back to the house and found a bedroom and put him on the bed. Looking at the thin and small ball on the bed, displeasure and coldness flashed across his eyes.

    In the past few lives, even if they were not rich and powerful, they were healthy and lively. How come this life is so embarrassing?  (Remember the site URL:
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