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Main Text Chapter 57: World Rankings and Acquaintances

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    The 'Heaven and Earth' list announces all the strong ones in various cultivation systems, and they are sorted one by one according to their achievements over the years, and it is not like the two lists of 'Genius' and 'Beauty', which say that there is no one in literature and no one in martial arts.  Second, if those two lists are open to question, the 'Heaven and Earth' list has no water at all, and the strong and powerful people on it are all recognized by Da Chu.

    Of course, some hidden old monsters are not included in this list.

    Meng Xia was surprised when he looked up from the last place.  The 100th Wuliu Villa Ye Jiangfeng, the fourth rank of martial arts, the following is Ye Jiangfeng's life.

    That is to say, all those who are on the list have the lowest cultivation level of the fourth rank.  However, there is a large population in the world, so the list not only includes heroes from all walks of life in the Great Chu, but also the northern barbarians, monster races, Buddhist cultivators, and Taoist cultivators.

    Meng Xia looked carefully at each person's cultivation level and general biography.

    Xiao Mentou stood aside, not saying a word, for fear of disturbing Meng Xia.

    As he browsed, Meng Xia found that there were a few of his own people on the list. Meng Yu, Bai Changgeng, and Su Tan were all on the list, and even Sha Wanyong's father, Sha Tongtian, the leader of the Shahe gang, whom he had met in Yongzhou brothel before.  Also on the list.  Chu Shaoqi's father, Prince Jing Chu Yuanlei was also on the list.

    Sha Tongtian ranks the lowest, ranks 93rd on the Tiandi list, and ranks fourth in martial arts.

    Bai Changgeng ranked eighty-seventh on the list, fourth rank of demon cultivator.

    Su Tan ranked sixty-seventh, rank four in martial arts.

    King Jing Chu Yuanlei is the 61st, third rank of martial arts. This is a bit interesting. Although Prince Jing is a third rank of martial arts, but judging from the position on the list, he is at the bottom of third rank.

    When it comes to Meng Yu, the span is really very big, ranking twelfth on the list, second rank of martial arts, killing God Meng Yu, there is a direct sentence in his life, "Da Chu Town North Marquis", and nothing else.

    The top five didn't even have a name, so they were directly hidden.

    Seeing this, Meng Xia couldn't help asking: "Why are the top five on the 'Heaven and Earth' list hidden?"

    The little doorman was obviously asked this question a lot, and he replied directly: "Young master, this villain doesn't know. For details, you need to ask the landlord of my house, or the gentleman who made the list."

    "Oh? Then which gentleman made this list?"

    "Returning to my son, the villain only knows that the gentleman claims to know the heavens and the earth, and he has an inseparable relationship with the landlord of my house, but the villain doesn't know the exact surname."

    Meng Xia nodded. It's normal for the little doorman not to know, after all, his status in Jinyulou is low, so it's pretty good to be able to introduce him here.

    However, Meng Xia still has a question, "I still have a little doubt, please answer it for me."

    "My lord is serious, and the villain can't be a plea. If you have any problems, the villain will know everything."

    "Isn't Confucianism included in the 'Heaven and Earth' list? Why didn't I see a great Confucianist when I browsed it just now."

    What is missing on the list is the name of any great Confucian, just Shi Kan, as a descendant of the sage, who claims to be invincible under the first rank, how could he not be on the list, and should even be in front of Meng Yu.

    "My lord doesn't know that the great Confucian scholars are not included in the list. This is our Jinyu Tower's respect for the great Confucian scholars. After all, the great Confucian scholars represent more than just cultivation."

    This explanation makes sense to Meng Xia. Great Confucianism does not represent himself or a certain force, but the prosperity of literati and the great collection of the world.  The second rank of Confucianism Cultivators is a Great Confucianism, the first rank is called a sub-sage, and those who transcend the first rank can be called saints.

    From ancient times to the present, there are only a few people who can be called saints, and even sub-sages are rare. If it is said that the Confucian who is most likely to be promoted to the first-rank sub-sage today is only the head of Qingshan Academy.  Not even Shi Kan, which claims to be invincible under the first rank.

    "Today's trip is indeed worthwhile."

    Meng Xia took out an ingot of broken silver and handed it to the little doorman.

    "Thank you, Young Master, for the reward!"

    The little door boy happily took it, seeing that Meng Xia didn't look at him, he secretly weighed it with his little hand, the broken silver was quite heavy.  Although the little door boy looked simple and simple, but he was serious in his heart. Relying on his years of welcoming guests, when he saw Meng Xia, he knew which young man this must be coming to take the exam, as expected.

    Meng Xia turned around and prepared to leave. After all, the biggest benefits here have already been obtained, which are these four lists.  He has engraved the names and life stories of every person on each list in his heart, and if he has the opportunity to meet in the future, he will at least have a chance.

    Just as he was about to lift his feet to go downstairs, a scholar dressed as a student walked up to him, and was also walking upstairs under the guidance of a little doorman.

    One went downstairs, the other went upstairs, their eyes met.

      "Why are you here?"

    "How did you come!"

    Meng Xia and the other party said in unison.

    I saw the other party waved his hand, and after the two little doormen around him retreated, the other party raised his head and smiled at Meng Xia, but it was Fan Ruru, the only daughter of Fan Lang, the dean of Qianzhou Academy who disguised himself as a man.

    "Miss Fan, why did you come to the capital and still dress like this?"

    Although Meng Xia had guesses in his heart, he still couldn't believe it.

    Fan Ruru looked at Meng Xia's puzzled expression and smiled coyly, "Why? If Mr. Meng is here, why can't I come?" "Eh naturally."

    Meng Xia was at a loss for words when the other party asked back.


    "Call me Mr. Fan, but don't call me Miss. If people hear me, how will they think of me?"

    Fan Ruru didn't wait for Meng Xia to finish speaking, so she interrupted and corrected him.

    "Oh, that's right, then why Mr. Fan is dressed like this, maybe you think so"


    Fan Ruru tugged on Meng Xia's skirt, put her jade finger on her lips, and made a silent movement.  Then he took Meng Xia back to the fourth floor, leaned against Meng Xia, and whispered,

    "Mr. Meng is extremely smart, and Ruru admires him, but you must not expose me, Mr. Meng."

    Meng Xia was stunned, he really guessed it right, but how could this be possible.

    "Nonsense! Ms. Fan, this is not a joke. Why did Chief Fan let you do this?"

    "Of course my dad won't let me do this, but he doesn't know. As long as you know now, I just want to compare with men to prove that we women are not inferior to men!"

    It turned out that Fan Ruru also came to take the Chunwei exam this time, and wanted to prove it to her father. At the same time, in Fan Ruru's heart, she also had the idea of ??wanting to attract Meng Xia's attention.  But this meeting in Jinyulou was purely a coincidence, she really didn't know that Meng Xia was here too.

    "However, you don't have official documents and ID cards, how can you enter the examination room? Besides, even if you enter the examination room, aren't you afraid that the examiner will find out your identity?"

    Meng Xia still couldn't believe that Fan Ruru actually came to take the exam. As he said, this is really no joke. Whether it is replacing others or buying officials, it is a serious crime in Dachu!

    "Hahahaha, Mr. Meng, what are you thinking? Although I didn't tell my father, I naturally have my way."

    When Fan Ruru said this, her laughter stopped suddenly, as if she had thought of something, her voice was mixed with a little joy,

    "Mr. Meng, were you worried about me just now?
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