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Chapter 52 The Primordial Race

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    Chu Xuan also took a fancy to a strange stone called "Feisheng". From a distance, it looks like all oval-shaped strange stones with strange shapes, as if they are about to fly into the sky and shield them from far away at any time. It looks very strange.

    Chu Xuan walked up to him, sized it up, and felt a special dao rhyme. Finally, he decided to cut the stone, looked up at the few people who were almost attached to him, and said with a smile: "This is it.  Buy it."

    Fairy Yu Xin was always by his side, seeing that Chu Xuan had taken a fancy to this strange stone again, she smiled sweetly and said, "My lord, this strange stone costs eighty thousand catties."

    Chu Xuan didn't care. At this time, he fully showed a heroic posture called a local tyrant. He easily threw out two hundred thousand catties one after another, but he just laughed it off, and everyone present was a little terrified.

    "What is the origin of this man, two hundred thousand catties! He was thrown out without changing his face." Someone in the crowd whispered.

    "I don't know, maybe it's the illegitimate son of the Lord of a certain Holy Land!" someone said.

    "No, I think it might be a closed-door disciple accepted by a certain Juedian old holy master. Didn't you see a guardian next to him?"


    People became curious about Chu Xuan's origin and began to talk about it. To this, Chu Xuan really laughed and said nothing, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and never answering.  Let others judge.

    After a while, Xia Yiming walked over, imposing and heroic, and seemed to be full of majesty, with imperial dragon aura spreading.

    "Brother Chu, I have already chosen, I don't know how you found it." Xia Yiming laughed.

    "I've already found it." Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Chu Xuan came to the side of the stream, and brought over an ordinary bluestone that people used to rest on weekdays.

    Suddenly, there were some laughing voices from the crowd.

    "Is he stupid! Why did you move such an ordinary bluestone here, just to make up for it?" A young monk in purple asked among the crowd.

    Zi Mu frowned when he heard the words, and always showed a trace of power in everyone's eyes. Immediately, everyone seemed to feel that there was a supreme existence standing on the sky and looking down on them.  Drenched in cold sweat, I felt like I was having difficulty breathing and was about to suffocate.

    Soon this supreme coercion disappeared without a trace, and everyone returned to normal.  They all sighed softly, and no one dared to speak anymore, and they all stared at the two in the field intently.

    Soon the stone cutting began.  The first one to cut the stone was Xia Yiming, the prince of Daxia. He personally cut the knife and began to cut his own stone.  rush.

    "This is the source of the alien species - the source of crystals." A source master said.  He also sighed a little, Prince Daxia is already considered pretty good.  Even the priceless stones are finally cut into a meal of powder, which is normal, and it is no longer a minority.  After all, this kind of thing is too mysterious.

    All eyes were on the three stones chosen by Chu Xuan. At this time, Zi Mu performed the knife herself. She moved gently and cut it down with a knife, and the stones continued to fall off.  All of a sudden, the dust flew up, the powder fluttered and scattered everywhere.

    "It came out, it turned out to be a strange object. The divine light flickered and rushed to the sky." Everyone began to get excited and cut off the magical object.  This is also the first time they have seen it. Looking at the two stones above the Xiantian Dao map, the vision is extraordinary.

    "Is this a living existence?" Everyone was trembling with excitement, and it was really hard to imagine that a living life would be cut out.

    The strange stone was cut a little bit, and everyone felt a weak will to live, calling softly.

    Immediately, everyone felt like they were about to get bloody, and they crowded forward excitedly, which made Zi Mu angry. She shot directly, and Qian Qianyu grabbed a young man in a brocade robe, "Shua"  With a bang, the young man turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky. It took a long time before the scream came.

    In the crowd, everyone was covered in cold sweat immediately. They all looked at Zi Mu, who had a dusty appearance, and their secret ways were dangerous, but luckily they didn't offend this woman.

    At this moment, Zi Mu successfully rose to become the head of the female devil in everyone's mind.

    But at this time, Zi Mu didn't have this awareness at all. She looked at the flustered people coldly, and said: "It's okay to watch, but they must be at least five meters away from me, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

    With a sound of "»©À²", there was a distance of five meters between Zimu and everyone in an instant. The middle was empty, and no one dared to approach.  The edge of the five-meter line?setting.  Stretching his neck, he watched the strange thing.

    "What kind of creature is this?" The strange stone was cut in half, and the golden light inside was shining brightly and colorfully, making it hard to open your eyes.

    Faintly, a mysterious image was projected, and it looked like a young dragon-shaped creature.

    "Could it beis this a real dragon?" The young people were all excited, this was the first time they saw a strange creature inside the strange stone.

    Chu Xuan also calmed down, his eyes were like cold electricity, and the light was flickering. He was carefully staring at this magical creature.  What are you looking at?

    "Brother Chu, I, Linglong Holy Land, want to buy this strange stone at a price of 180,000 jin." Lin Gongfeng of Linglong Holy Land said first.

    It is said that some people have started a sensation, 180,000 catties, this is not a small amount, and it is shocking to say it.  But Zi Mu frowned and said, "Do you think we will sell it?"

    "Yeah, they spent 120,000 catties on their own. This priest Lin, does he want to pick up a bargain again?" Someone said dissatisfied.

    Apparently, someone in secret was dissatisfied with this priest Lin, and refused to tell him that this happened more than once.

    However, this is not surprising, Lin's backstage is the Linglong Holy Land, so everyone is extremely afraid of him.  It's normal to let him pick up the bargain.

    But this time he met Chu Xuan. When Emperor Linglong was alive, he was not afraid of Linglong. He once defeated her, let alone now.

    "Sorry, this stone is not for sale." Thinking of the relaxed and natural voice, it really made Lin Gongfeng's face suddenly darken.

    "Brother Chu, you must know that gambling with stones is extremely risky. Sometimes it looks like a real dragon, but it may also be just a fantasy. It's better to make tens of thousands of catties and stop quickly, so as not to end up in a bamboo basket.  It's useless to fetch water." Lin Gongfeng said pointedly.

    "Thank you for reminding me, but I like excitement the most. If I win, I will win big, and if I lose, I will lose my fortune. It's not worth mentioning that it's just a small fight." Chu Xuan laughed.

    "Brother Chu, you have to think carefully. Sometimes once you lose, you will not only lose your fortune, but also be heavily in debt, and even lose your life." This is a naked threat, and everyone present can't help but look pale  a cold.

    "Lin Gongfeng, what do you mean?" Fairy Yuxin also turned cold. If Lin Gongfeng was not a distinguished guest of Linglong Holy Land, she couldn't help but want to teach him a lesson.  (Remember the site URL:
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