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Interstellar Movie (54)

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    At such a critical juncture, the invitation of the President of the European Federation gave Le Jing a bad feeling, as he seemed to smell a conspiracy.

    Le Jing knows how big a wave his film has caused in Europe. The demonstrations on the streets are becoming more and more violent. At this time, the president invites him to visit Europe to exchange films?  The Hongmen Banquet is about the same.

    But I have to go.

    On the surface, Europe is here to invite Lejing for a film cultural exchange, but in fact it has other plans.  Le Jing's visit seems to be just a shield.  In order to deceive others, the Chinese Congress sent special diplomats to hide in Lejing's traveling team to discuss serious matters with the European side.

    The European side has hinted that in view of the current international situation, they want to discuss matters related to the Zerg with Hua Guo. As for the invitation to Lejing, it is more like a casual mention.

    To be honest, Hua Guo has long tried to lead the countries of the world to unite and resist the Zerg together.

    It's just that it is a "coincident" that whenever Hua Guo shows some intentions, various political events and conflicts will always occur in the world.

    Ten years ago, it was the closest to success. All countries in the world have sat on the negotiating table and started to discuss the formulation of a unified cultural control policy to limit the proportion of Zerg themes in cultural works.

    ? If this agreement can be reached, it will effectively curb the Zerg's invasion of the earth's cultural field, and maintain the purity and independence of the earth's ideological field.

    However, the negotiations ultimately failed.

    At this critical juncture, vigorous demonstrations suddenly broke out in Europe and the Americas due to territorial disputes.  The angry people of the two countries even broke out a large-scale gun battle on the streets, and several radical patriotic citizens of the American Federation even tried to attack the European Prime Minister.

    Under the excitement of the people of the two countries, Europe and the Americas withdrew from the negotiations one after another, and this policy of cultural control against the Zerg eventually came to naught.

    Now, the European side once again reveals the tone of restarting the negotiations, and the Chinese side is of course happy to see the results.

    So Lejing's trip to Europe is a certainty

    Luo Bao feels that his recent life is very mysterious.

    He just invited foreign students to watch a movie from Huaguo. As a result, the foreign students were greatly inspired, and they dropped out of school and returned to China to participate in political movements.

    And after Luo Bao watched "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", he would only say "the time is awesome".  In such a comparison, it seems that he is quite useless?

    However, this also reflects the excellence of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet".  Phenomenal film and television works can inspire a generation and guide the direction of an era.

    Luo Bao saw the potential of phenomenal film and television works from "The Dawns Here Are Quiet".

    At least a few years later, when future generations mention this year, they will never forget "The Dawns Here Are Quiet".

    Luo Bao heard that Allen recently united students from many universities in the Americas to take to the streets to oppose the current government's loose cultural policy against the Zerg, and called on the government to increase cultural control and be wary of the infiltration of Zerg ideas in the ideological field.

    Allen sent him a video.

    In front of the presidential palace, the robot policemen pointed their guns at the approaching parade crowd and strictly ordered them not to approach.

    Allen and his young partners wore the Soviet-style military uniforms in the movie, facing the cold muzzle, shouting slogans, and their faces were determined and calm.

    At first, a voice sang softly: "

    Facing the dawn, the morning dew gently caresses your wounds, the exhaustion of traveling all the way is pressed on your shoulders, enduring the pain, the sun seems to be cold, where to pursue the road ahead"

    Then there were five voices, ten voices, a hundred voices In just ten seconds, the solo quickly evolved into a generous and tragic chorus: "When will this journey end? How long is this journey? The long journey begins with me  In my hometown, I have gone through a smooth road and crossed thorns and dangers. The road is bumpy, ups and downs, twists and turns, and the dawn here is quiet "

    With tears in their eyes, the sincere young people choked up and sang "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The hot emotion seemed to be hotter than the hot weather. Luo Bao's eyes were reddened by this passionate emotion through the screen.

    The weak water droplets gather together to form a long stream of water, and the long stream of water gathers together, and one day it will turn into a vast ocean that can swallow everything.

    Robau wondered if Allen and his young companions would be able to realize their political ideals.

    He also doesn't know how many young dreams and persistence will be destroyed in this cold and cruel world.

    But some years laterTian Hui, as well as the judges of the Ark Award, these people gave Le Jing the same feeling at that time.

    "It's noon, do you want to have dinner with me, Mr. Shi?" Even though he asked, the president smiled kindly but didn't give Le Jing a chance to refuse, so he got up first and said enthusiastically: "There is a burger restaurant nearby, and the beef cheese there  The hamburger is the most delicious hamburger in Europe, Mr. Shi has come all the way, I invite you to eat our special food."

    Le Jing's vigilance was raised to the highest level at once. He quietly and the president went around in bureaucratic circles, and imperceptibly made a gesture to ask the security personnel around him to step up their vigilance.

    At first, the burger shop was very calm.

    In order to show closeness to the people, the President did not clear the burger restaurant. Customers in and out of the restaurant crowded their shoulders and crowded around, stretching their necks to watch.

    Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the president smiled calmly and waved to several customers taking pictures from time to time.

    Such a turbulent crowd naturally poses a huge challenge to security.

    Le Jing was a little absent-minded and talking to the president. He looked around calmly, trying to find signs of danger.

    During the unbearable wait, the hamburger was finally finished.

    The President stood up, looked at his watch, and said that he had a meeting to come and would leave early, and there would be a receptionist to take care of Lejing's next itinerary.

    Le Jing was not completely relieved.

    In order to clear the suspicion, the killer is likely to act after the president leaves.  It's too early to worry now.

    Watching the back of the president leaving, Le Jing stood up, intending to quickly leave the crowded area.

    It is at this time that the mutation occurs.

    "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

    Le Jing opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and saw the president's back was smeared with blood. He staggered forward a few steps, and a broken voice came out of his throat.

    A second later, he fell heavily to the ground, his eyes wide open, and a large pool of blood quickly formed under his body.

    All this happened so fast that no one could react.

    Even the security personnel didn't notice the assassin's bullets.

    It was not he, an insignificant man, who died, but the President of the European Federation.

    Le Jing stood aside, and for a moment, he felt that the wheel of history was crushing him.

    It was at this moment that he once again felt the elusiveness and drama of history.  He is a mortal after all.  In the vortex of the times, no one can clearly see the trajectory of history and the direction of the trend of the times.

    In Interstellar 6019, the Zerg assassinated the President of the European Federation, which was known as the Hamburger incident in history. This assassination became the fuse of the second Star Wars.

    The flames of war are not extinguished, and this hatred that has spanned thousands of years seems to be coming to an end.

    When historians of later generations mentioned this day, they would invariably mention a video recording the entire process of the assassination of the president.

    A tourist inadvertently recorded the whole picture of the assassination.

    The old man in the video is covered in blood, but his eyes are smiling, his lips are opening and closing, making a weak sound.

    Afterwards, according to the lip language interpreted by lip language experts, they restored the last sentence of the president before his death:

    He said: "I'm sorry I was controlled by the Zerg, let my death be the fuse of the war."

    "Long live mankind!"


    1 "Bible. 2 Timothy"

    Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-26 23:59:29~2020-01-27 23:59:06~

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: , every day is very leisurely and comfortable, 39447754 1;

    ?Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 41553005, I don¡¯t know who I am in my dream, Ying, 37713913, Qingqi, Bingdie Youlan, Yiyi Nanping, Mu 1;

    Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 206 bottles of Nangeer; 89 bottles of Shude every day; 20 bottles of Sitri, 39985595, and Liangliang; Yuyan, Xingchen, Xinma, Qianchuanxing, Jiang Duojiao, Invincible Panda  , 39792316, please call me Xiaozu 10 bottles; Garden Appreciation 6 bottles; Chaoyu, Fumeizi 5 bottles; Bingdie Youlan, Single Cat 3 bottles;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!  (Remember the site URL:
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