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Writing in the Republic of China (52)

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    Chu Jin threw the newspaper aside abruptly, panting, sweating profusely, confused, staring at the newspaper as if looking at some monster.

    ¡¾I'm going to be eaten by filial piety!  ¡¿

    This sentence has been lingering in his mind.

    Chu Jin began to tremble.  The skin contracted crazily, fine goosebumps danced all over his body.  There was a stormy sea in the brain.

    He suddenly remembered a lot of past events.  His father beat him with a stick, because "a filial son is born under the stick"; his mother insisted that he marry his cousin, because "if you don't marry her, you are not filial to me!".

    It's hard to describe how he feels at this moment.

    ? If he had to describe it in words, it would mean that he was blindfolded and walking on what he thought was a bright and spacious avenue, when suddenly a trace of cold air crawled out from the ground and licked his instep.  He took off the cloth covering his eyes, only to find that the long night had come, and the abyss was looking at him faintly.

    What is filial piety?

    The Master said: "I have been admonishing my parents a few times. I do not follow my will, respect and do not disobey, work hard but do not complain."

    ? This sentence means that parents should point out their mistakes tactfully and respectfully when they are wrong. If parents do not obey, children cannot disobey their parents, and continue to serve their parents respectfully and work hard for them without harboring resentment.

    Is this filial piety?  ?  ?

    Is such filial piety really right?

    Does filial piety mean blind obedience?  If parents are wrong and still blindly obey, isn't this helping the evildoers and making mistakes more wrong?

    Confucius asked that no matter what their parents did, children should "work hard but not complain" to their parents.  Confucius was a sage, so he used the standards of a sage to ask his students.  But how many saints like Confucius have existed in China for thousands of years?  The rest of the people are just mediocre ordinary people like him.

    When parents are not loving, who can willingly serve their parents for decades?

    Li Jingran said in the book that the so-called filial piety is "pretending." Only by pretending to listen to your parents and making them happy can you be called filial piety.  As for one's own thoughts and wills, they are irrelevant.

    A foreign sage said that man is a thinking reed.

    The reason why people are human is because they have thoughts. Without thoughts, what is the difference between people and reeds, and those ignorant animals?

    However, if a person violates the will of his parents, then he will be called a beast.

    Isn't this too ridiculous?  ?  ?

    Li Jingran chose to resist, even though it would make him called a beast, he still chose to resist.

    But how many "filial" people in China are puppets in the hands of their parents?  Although they are not animals in the mouth of their parents, what is the difference between them and animals who have lost their mind and will?

    In other words, no matter which path a person chooses, will he become a beast?

    He thought for a long time, and seemed to understand something, but he seemed to understand nothing.  In the end, there was only a feeling of helplessness in my heart.

    He suddenly felt a deep shame.  Because I easily believed the words in the newspaper, I really thought Mr. Night Watchman was such a miserable person.

    Different from the righteousness of the previous few days, now when he thought of the contempt and contempt he had given to the night watchman, he blushed as if he had just been slapped a few times, and he was burning with shame.

    He always thinks he's smart, but his little cleverness isn't really smart at all!  He is nothing but a pompous mediocrity.

    He is very old, and he is ashamed that he is not able to understand the problems and things that a teenager can understand.

    The night watchmen are the real smart ones!  Although he doesn't have a high degree of education, Mr. is a real genius who needs him to look up to!  Although Mr. is young, his thoughts are more extensive than many old scholars who talk about "benevolence, righteousness and morality".

    He too had once been one of those empty-mouthed pedants, but after reading Mr. Night's Watch's article today, he too was one of the "brutes."

    A foreign sage said that life is precious, but love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away.

    Man is born free.

    Instead of destroying free will because of "filial piety", he would rather be a free "beast."

    The sun was rising, and the warm sunlight passed through the window and evenly sprinkled on Fu Kemao, who was lying in front of the desk reading the newspaper, but he began to shiver involuntarily because of the cold.

    This is a new article written by the Night's Watch.

    The name is "Beast Way".

    Very strange name, if it was Fu Kemao beforeAll the time, this kind of sacrifice is secretly carried out on different occasions.  The more lives sacrificed to the father, the stronger and happier the father.

    Realizing this, I suddenly lowered my head, my mouth began to secrete a lot of saliva, my stomach was overwhelmed, and I wanted to vomit even more

    I will be eaten by filial piety.

    Just like Guo Ju in Twenty-Four Filial Piety buried his son and served his mother, now they want to bury me too.

    Regardless of filial piety or not filial piety, the end is death.

    The difference is only to die as a beast in the eyes of parents, or to die as a filial child.

    I don't want to die.

    So I left the house.

    So I became a beast.

    But I'm still going to die after all.

    Just like animals, even if they are free, they are still animals.  ¡¿

    Fu Kemao's hands trembled, as if falling into an ice cave.  In an instant, he confirmed that he saw something extremely terrifying. He stood up suddenly, dizzy for a while, his stomach contracted violently, and he leaned over and retched, as if he wanted to vomit his soul out

    Zhou Dezhang put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up.  With his hands behind his hands, he stared blankly at Can Xue in the yard.

    The warm winter sun spread a layer of broken gold on the dazzling new snow, and a few sparrows stood on the branches and sang crisply.  There were children laughing outside the fence; cats meowed a few times in the yard.

    A strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

    It turns out that the birth of a legend does not require any earth-shattering movements.

    Legends are often born in ordinary days.

    It will be much, much later, so long that he may be dead, that the earth-shattering aftershocks of that silent earthquake will be felt.  On the day when the legend was born, children were laughing and sparrows were singing.

    Although he was convinced that he was a witness to a great legend, his heart was still immersed in a dull numbness at this moment.

    Only time can remove the numbness, just as only time can cause aftershocks.

    He let out a long breath, and suddenly laughed out loud, his whole body trembled from laughing, and tears came out of his laughter.

    He has been trekking in the dark for too long, so long that he himself has to get used to the night.

    If it is Li Jingran, maybe it can really turn off the long night in this country.

    Before that, he only needs to watch Li Jingran move forward step by step, watch him ascend to the sky, watch him turn into a torch, and watch him become a legend.

    (Jinjiang Literature City first release, don't read pirated articles, the author wants to eat, please support the genuine one.)


    There is another update later, it will be very late, don't wait for me.

    The doctor said I can't stay up all night because of my hair Will you still love me if I'm bald qwq

    And to fix a bug, I said in the last chapter that Le Jing's "The Way of the Animal" and his father's clarification letter were published in the newspaper at the same time.  So I will fix it later, please remember that Father Li's letter of clarification will be published after "Beast Way" is published~

    Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution~

    Thanks to the little angels who voted [Line mines]: Yuchen 2; Maoyu, Asheng, Sanlueer, Seven of the Good Moon, Zhuluxia, be a lunatic, abandoning the pit is really annoying!  !  1;

    Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

    37 bottles of Ling Ziqian; 27 bottles of Qinglian; 17 bottles of Xueman;  Square, 10 bottles of Xiangguang; 6 bottles of moni; my wife is about to explode, 5 bottles of insisting on eating vegetables; 3 bottles of summer;  1 bottle of , Yalu and Reward Reward;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!  (Remember the site URL:
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