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Writing in the Republic of China (48)

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    Although Ji Qi's remarks were short, the amount of information revealed was too great.

    ? On the opposite side, Yang Jinglun was obviously still awake. He put on his clothes and opened the door when he heard Ji Qi's knock on the door, and asked anxiously, "Is this true? Has Mr.'s new pseudonym been exposed?"

    "What did I lie to you for? That's what the telegram sent by the telegraph office said." Ji Qi took out the telegram from his pocket and handed it to Le Jing.

    Le Jing took it and didn't look at it, "Let's talk first."

    The windows were foggy, and the night outside was deep and cold, with heavy snow falling.  Ji Qi's face was flushed from the cold, his eyebrows were frosted, and the frost and snow outside still remained on the padded clothes.

    "Shake your clothes quickly." Le Jing said, "Your clothes will be soaked before the snow melts."

    Ji Qi quickly shook off the snow on his body, then sat by the oven and started to warm his hands.

    Le Jing sat down in front of the window, carefully reading the telegram in his hand by the warm candlelight.  Yang Jinglun didn't care about greeting Ji Qi, he walked behind Le Jing and stood still, his eyes also stayed on the telegram.

    Because telegrams are charged according to the number of words, the telegram in Le Jing's hand is also very concise and concise. It only uses a few dozen words to briefly explain the situation. What Ji Qi just said is all of the telegram.  content.

    The overall tone of the telegram is relatively peaceful, and it can be seen that the situation is actually not as serious as imagined.

    Le Jing put down the telegram and fell into deep thought.

    Ji Qi asked worriedly: "Jing Ran, do you have a way to deal with it?"

    ? Yang Jinglun also cast his expectant eyes on Le Jing. From his point of view, his husband is thoughtful and meticulous, and he will definitely come up with a way to deal with it!

    Le Jing pondered for a while, "Now we can only wait."


    He spread his hands helplessly, "The information given by the telegram is limited, so we can only wait now."

    Yang Jinglun blinked his eyes, and seemed to understand a little bit: "Sir, do you want to see who will jump out?"

    Le Jing nodded, feeling a little helpless.  If it is modern, things that can be explained clearly with a phone call, but in the Republic of China, we can only wait.

    At least he had to wait until tomorrow when the telegraph office went to work, and he sent a telegram to Peiping to inquire about it in detail.

    "Don't worry, it's just repeating the same old tune." Le Jing smiled and comforted the worried two: "I was released on bail at the beginning, and now I think I won't be arrested again."

    "If there is such a contingency" Le Jing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Then I'll just wait until Shanghai and not go back."

    In a week.


    Wu Yi, the editor-in-chief of "Literature Daily", has been a little annoying recently.

    There are quite a few authors in their newspapers who have changed their pseudonyms and started over because they were banned. As long as the authors do not continue to publish some sensitive articles, the authorities will turn a blind eye to this.  Why did just one night watchman cause so much trouble?

    The fact that the wheat field is the night watchman is a tacit secret among many people in their newspaper office.  After all, Yang Jinglun used to be the editor in charge of the Night Watchman, but now he has changed to the editor in charge of Wheat Field, who came out of nowhere. The fool also knows that Wheat Field is the new pseudonym of the Night Watchman.

    Wu Yi issued a sealing order on this, prohibiting the insider from talking nonsense outside.

    Even so, I still haven't guarded against it, money touches people's hearts.

    One of the editors of their newspaper office was bought by someone who came out of nowhere, and the matter was exposed, and there were related reports in the newspaper immediately.  Wu Yi immediately fired the editor when he found out about this incident, but the incident spread in the end.

    Before the night watchman was banned, he was already a representative of emerging writers who were in the limelight.  There are not many of his works, but each one is excellent.

    Although the novel "Murder in the Fengtian Chamber of Secrets" is Mr.'s first novel, the writing, conception and plot are all excellent, and it has also triggered a series of imitations.  Wu Yi has seen many follow-up novels with similar themes in many tabloid newspapers, but they are all painted tigers rather than anti-dogs, and they have not learned the essence of the husband.

    Many readers are still thinking about the series "Dog's Eyes Sees People Low", which ended abruptly because the author was banned, and now their newspaper office still receives many letters from readers asking when the article will be republished.

    The play "Memoirs of a Famous Prostitute" is still being performed in major theaters today, not to mention that "Memoirs of a Famous Prostitute" is now being remade into a movie in Shanghai.  Although the film was not screened in Peking, the newspapers in Peking also reported on it.

    And then there's "The Last Man Without Drugs."

    The banning of the night watchman actually made "The Last One Who Doesn't Suck"Mr. Sheng is meaningful, he is useful as a person.

    Even his father, who has always been cold-hearted towards him, has been much gentler towards him recently.  Dad even patted him on the head with relief yesterday, saying that he has grown up.

    At that time he was crying.

    The corners of Dad's eyes were also a little wet.

    It was at that time that he suddenly remembered the conversation he had with his father that day.

    At that time, my father asked him: "If you fight, you will die, and if you don't fight, you will live. What will you do?! What can you do?!"

    Fu Kemao has not figured out the answer yet, he is too stupid.  But he vaguely felt that as long as he continued to do what he could to help others, he would be able to answer his father's question one day.

    He will also one day be able to find the thing that his father said is "more important than everything in this world" and can make him "throw his head and blood, and do whatever it takes".

    Fu Fanlin thought he was on the right path, but at this moment he found that his guide was probably a liar, why didn't this make him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and was shocked and indignant?

    After all, he couldn't help but ran to find Fu Fanlin: "Father, tell me, is the night watchman that kind of person?"

    Fu Fanlin looked up at the hesitant young man, feeling in his heart that he was still too young.

    "It doesn't matter who he is," he told his young children: "The most important thing is who you want to be."

    Fu Kemao seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.  Fu Fanlin waved his hand, "Go down and think about it yourself."

    After Fu Kemao left, Fu Fanlin turned his attention to the newspaper spread out on the desk again, and the front page was the article criticizing the night watchman that Fu Kemao was reading just now.

    "What will you do?"

    Fu Fanlin fell into long contemplation.

    Living to his age, of course, he will not be easily influenced by one or two articles.  It's just that this article still aroused doubts in his heart.

    There is no doubt that he appreciated the night watchman's article before.

    However, the circle of Chinese literati has believed in the saying since ancient times that literary quality is like character.  In other words, an article written by a good person must be a good article, and an article written by a bad person must be rubbish.

    Just like Qin Hui, in fact, his writing is very good, he is also quite strategic in governing the country, and his calligraphy is even more outstanding.  But because he killed Yue Fei, he is a courtier, so his calligraphy and articles are rubbish, not worth studying and learning for future generations.

    So if the night watchman is really as bad as this article says, then there is no need to study the article written by a villain.


    So, what will the night watchman do?  If he can't prove his innocence, then he will be exiled by the literati circle forever, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever.


    Recently, I was reading Dianjia's novel, it was really good. Hey, hey, I strongly recommend "Lord of the Mysteries" to you!  No cp plot flow, this is the first time I read this steampunk novel combined with Cthulhu!  It really opened the door to a new world!

    Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution~

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: Jinjin 1 piece;

    ?Thanks to the little angels who voted [Landmine]: Luzi, moni, Nanxuan Tingfengxue, Chuan, Dao, Reed, Qidaomo, 36343108, Jinjin 1;

    Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

    ©pSlightly cool at the end of summer ¤£67 bottles; Mo Xu 40 bottles; Xu Alai. 30 bottles; Xiao Hanyo, Luzi, Desperate Everyday, etc. 20 bottles; Tianshengmeow, Wuya, Yueshuangshuang, Yunduo  56. Quzhuma, Jiangbai 10 bottles; 25502955 8 bottles; Remind yourself to work hard, 3 bottles a month; Yan is justice ¡ã 2 bottles; Yi Ya Yi Ya, Ya Lu, Sai Wen wants to be a farmer, Dong Huan, angel, Maple Leaf  1 bottle of chooser;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!  (Remember the site URL:
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