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    "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

    Xu Kunjie, who thought his plan was flawless, looked at Tang Ao's mutant dog in disbelief, as well as Chi Ruojin and others who had just used the ice ability.

    He didn't expect that he was defeated, nor did he think that there were actually two reborn people in the small village of Hou'an Village.

    Xu Kunjie is not a completely stupid person. At the beginning of his rebirth, he also saw different versions of doomsday prophecies circulating on the Internet. At that time, Xu Kunjie guessed that he was not the only reborn person in this world.

    Later, when more news spread on the Internet, and even some videos of domestic and foreign supernatural beings appeared, Xu Kunjie vaguely had a guess. Maybe those supernatural beings were people who had the same rebirth experience as him.  Their abilities in the previous life came to this world together with their rebirth.

    So when he saw Tang Ao and Chi Ruojin, Xu Kunjie immediately connected them with the Reborn.

    It's a pity that he was exhausted, and he fell into the hands of such two villains.

    Xu Kunjie looked at Tang Ao and Chi Ruojin bitterly. If it wasn't for the concealment of these two people, so that his informants didn't know that there were such two reborn people in the village, he might not have been arrested.

    "I will kill you!"

    ?The family members of the victims who were murdered by Xu Kunjie and others before could not control their emotions and rushed towards them, punching and kicking them, venting all the sadness and resentment these days on them, wishing to beat them to death directly.

    "Hey, please forgive me."

    "What do you want to do, kill someone, help me."

    "You can't kill me, killing is against the law."

    ? These people who followed Xu Kunjie and did all kinds of crimes forgot the fate of the contamination on their hands, and cried out for killing and breaking the law, hoping that the people in Hou'an Village would let them go.

    However, the villagers on the side just watched with cold eyes, and no one stepped forward to stop Jiang Bin and the others who were sad and mad. If it wasn't for the help of dogs and gods, the whole village would probably be killed by these people. For things that are not as good as animals,  How could they feel sympathy, wishing to beat them up.

    "The sun is coming out soon, take the man to me first."

    Li Dong used his hands as a palm-leaf fan, but now that the temperature is rising, the wind blown out by the fan is hot. He glanced at the sky, thinking that the sun is about to rise at this moment, so he directly asked Xu Kunjie and others to be brought to him.  .

    His house is spacious and equipped with a solar generator, which is just right for an interrogation room.

    "Xu Bao, what are you running for?"

    Everyone is now in a rush of anger, so naturally there is nothing wrong with it. A group of people walked towards the house of the village chief Li Dong, with the exception of a few people. Those people were Widow Xu and her daughter-in-law.  grandson.

    "The sun is out, am I not sleepy, I want to go home and sleep."

    Widow Xu tugged at the hem of her grandson's clothes, pulled him behind her, and used her fat body to block everyone's eyes from looking at Xu Bao.

    "It's not too late, besides, at this time, Widow Xu, can you still sleep?"

    Everyone has doubts in their hearts, this is not like Widow Xu's style, especially the little Widow Xu, who doesn't know that she is a well-known eighth woman in the village, and most of the rumors in the village come from her mouth  It doesn't make sense that such big news, big news, and little widow Xu dare not be interested.

    "Wait, why do I think this person looks familiar?"

    A thin old man approached Xu Kunjie, "Look, who does this kid look like?"

    "Like, like Xu Bao, by the way, I really want to remember that Xu Bao's grandfather had a brother who moved to the city in his early years."

    "I also have this impression, hello, what's your kid's name?"

    Jiang Bin, who had lost his loved ones and hated the murderer to death, would not let go of any bad guy involved in the murder and robbery, so when he realized that the behavior of Widow Xu's family was wrong, Jiang Bin immediately began to interrogate Xu Kunjie.

    "He, his name is Xu Kunjie."

    Before Xu Kunjie could confess himself, some of the people he brought with him couldn't wait to atone for their crimes.

    "Is your surname Xu?"

    It's okay to look a little like Xu Bao, but it also happens to have the same surname as Xu, so there's a big problem here.

    "Hi, you widow Xu!"

    Jiang Bin doesn't beat women, but when he thinks of his parents, wife and children who died tragically, he can no longer feel any pity for Widow Xu's family of three.

    He is not stupid, so he naturally guessed that Xu Kunjie and others would choose these time slots to come over because of their inner feelings.sp; To complete the task, he has to destroy himself.

    "Rare is the most precious thing. I am the only zombie in the world. Shouldn't I protect it if it is so precious?"

    Jiang Liu waved his hand. Who said that to eliminate zombies, he must kill himself. He can't live until he is seventy or eighty, and choose to be cremated when the human lifespan should end?

    His other task is to take care of the cutie for the original body. No matter what, he has to cook delicious food for the snack food for a lifetime. When the cutie doesn't need him anymore, he can retire.

    001 didn't know what Jiang Liu was thinking, but he was thoughtful after hearing Jiang Liu's words.

    It thought that humans would not welcome zombies as protected animals, even if it was the only zombie in the world¡ª¡ª

    The first wave of new seedlings has been harvested, and the yield of new seedlings is not high, but being able to grow in such a harsh environment is enough to make people cry.

    Everyone regards this as the dawn of a new era, but disasters are not static.

    Not long after the third wave of seedlings were planted, a snowstorm suddenly struck.

    Those who slept on the mats naked were woken up by the cold. They put on the thickest clothes, took out the thickest quilts, and prepared themselves. When they opened the window, it was already white outside.  All covered with ice and snow.

    Sometimes extreme cold is more terrifying than extreme heat. Because of this snowstorm, many wires were frozen and cracked, communication was disconnected for a while, and electrical appliances could not be used normally.

    People transition from one catastrophe to another.

    It's just that people's tenacity is beyond imagination. Some people were frozen to death, some people committed suicide in despair, and more people chose to grit their teeth and survive. The two harvests before the snow disaster gave them hope to persist.

    The earth has only two seasons since then.

    Six months of high temperature, the highest temperature can rise to more than 60 degrees, and six months of ultra-low temperature, the lowest can be as low as minus 30 degrees.

    Gradually, everyone began to learn to grow food in the high temperature season, store ice and snow in the low temperature, and wait for the high temperature season to be used. Life must go on¡ª¡ª

    "I'm eating mutton soup."

    A lot of meat was stored in the space before, because of the cold weather, Jiang Liu simply boiled a pot of mutton soup.

    "Is my sister back?"

    Chi Ruoyu came back from the ice cellar, closed the door and stomped his feet to keep warm.

    Just last year, Chi Ruojin and Tang Ao were recruited by the state, and the state gave very generous treatment to capable reborns.

    Over the years, more and more reborns have chosen to join the official organization. Most of them stay in the place where they registered and are responsible for maintaining the law and order in the place. Chi Ruojin and Tang Ao's office is in the municipal party committee, and they will go home every few days.

    Possibly because of having similar experiences and becoming colleagues again, the relationship between Chi Ruojin and Tang Ao has become closer and closer, and there is only one person between the two who pierce the window paper.

    As for Jiang Liu and Chi Ruoyu, the relationship between the two is unpredictable. One likes to cook and the other likes to eat. The relationship is neither like brother and sister nor like relatives, but both of them feel that getting along like this is very strange.  Comfortable, so Chi Ruojin didn't interfere in the affairs between her sister and Jiang Liu.

    Not long after Chi Ruoyu returned home, Chi Ruojin also came back in the wind and snow.

    A family of three gathers together to drink hot mutton soup, as if before the end of the world, life is plain and warm¡ª¡ª

    "I still want to know what you are."

    Several years later, Chi Ruojin stood in front of Jiang Liu's bed and asked.

    At this time, Chi Ruoyu had passed away, and because she was a supernatural being, Chi Ruojin, who was over 70 years old, still looked like a beautiful woman in her thirties or forties.

    Jiang Liu was dying, or he felt that he should die when the time came.

    "You promised me before."

    Jiang Liu smiled, didn't answer the question, but looked at Chi Ruojin and said something softly.

    When Chi Ruoyu passed away, Chi Ruojin promised her that if he died one day, his body would be frozen and then cremated. Although he didn't understand the condition of freezing more, Chi Ruojin still  agree to come down.

    After saying this, Jiang Liu closed his eyes. Chi Ruojin felt that he was out of breath, closed his eyes, held back his grief and froze his body, and then sent him to be cremated.

    "This thing was burnt out of Mr. Jiang's body."

    When Chi Ruojin got Jiang Liu's ashes and was about to bury his ashes and his sister's ashes together, the staff brought a crystal-like object and handed it to Chi Ruojin.

    Although more than fifty years had passed, Chi Ruojin still recognized it as the crystal nucleus of a zombie at a glance.

    The man who accompanied her sister all her life was actually a zombie!

    Now Jiang Liu didn't need to tell her, the puzzle she had been wondering was solved.


    Chi Ruojin was relieved, she put the crystal nucleus into the urn, and then left the cremation ground.  (Remember the site URL:

    Although more than fifty years had passed, Chi Ruojin still recognized it as the crystal nucleus of a zombie at a glance.

    The man who accompanied her sister all her life was actually a zombie!

    Now Jiang Liu didn't need to tell her, the puzzle she had been wondering was solved.


    Chi Ruojin was relieved, she put the crystal nucleus into the urn, and then left the cremation ground.  (Remember the site URL:
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