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Chapter 3 Take a Little Brother

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    When Ji Junming succeeded in transforming, strange fragrances fell from the sky, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, eight-tone fairy music resounded throughout the universe, and five-color rays of light illuminated the heavens. Boundless purple air descended from the sky and permeated Fanghu Island.  Countless beings have inherited their wisdom and thus opened their spiritual wisdom.

    Ji Junming is not surprised. The innate holiness conceived by heaven and earth like him is like the son of heaven and earth. Not only will there be no catastrophe when he transforms into form, but he will be blessed by heaven and earth, and there is no possibility of failure at all.

    At this time, the vision is that heaven and earth celebrate the birth of a great supernatural being, who is also the lord of pure yang, who enjoys boundless luck and is destined to play an extremely important role in the evolution of heaven and earth, making the development of heaven more complete  .

    Therefore, this vision is much more magnificent than ordinary great gods, almost comparable to the birth of a saint.

    Ji Junming watched the auspicious visions one after another, while silently thinking about his new identity.

    Now that he has become the Duke of the East, let him pass away with the wind because of his previous identity.  Innate divine like him, each one corresponds to a kind of good fortune, the name is born of the heaven and the earth, corresponds to their respective roots, fits their path, and is not taken casually.

    Ji Junming remembered that Dongwanggong had many names, such as Dongwanggong, Mugong, Donghuadijun, Dongjun, Donghuang, Fusang Emperor, Qingtongjun, Qingtijun, etc. There were even two lay names, namely Ji Junming and Wang Xuanfu.

    He seriously suspected that the reason why he would cross over to Duke Dong was most likely because he took advantage of Ji Junming's name.  Thinking about it this way, he felt a little bit pained again. If he had been named Hongjun in his previous life, wouldn't it be

    Shaking his head, Ji Junming decided not to use the three characters Ji Junming in the future, and just use them casually among the seven or eight Dao names of Duke Dong, since they are all himself anyway.

    As for the smuggling issue that ordinary cross-travelers worry about, he is not worried.  He traveled through the beginning of the opening of the sky, and directly merged with the Qi of the most yang, not a rebirth, but the most authentic creature of heaven and earth, there is no such thing as a difference.

    At that time, the Dao of Heaven had not yet been born, and he could not be supervised at all. He was naturally regarded as an out-and-out native.

    As for the Dao, everything in the universe, from ancient times to the present, is under the operation of the Dao, and it makes no difference to the Dao whether he wears it or not.

    As for what to say to change the general trend of the world, he is even less worried.  The so-called number of days is just a general trend formed naturally in order to maintain the benign development of the world during the operation of the Dao of Heaven. This general trend is not static, and it is adjusted at any time with the causal development of heaven and earth.

    The way of heaven has no thoughts, no emotions, no desires, it is a collection of the rules governing the operation of the entire world, and it will only make choices that are beneficial to the development of the world.

    In his view, the so-called general trend is the process of Tiandao maintaining the healthy development of the world, and thus growing and promoting. In this process, no matter how they toss about it, it is a small trend.

    If you do things that are beneficial to the world and meet the standards of the Tao, it will reward you with merit. If you hinder the normal operation of the world, it will generate karma and make you thorns every step of the way.

    Dong Wanggong never believed in the so-called conspiracy theory of the Dao of Heaven, and he even sneered at the idea of ??destroying the Dao of Heaven at every turn. The Dao of Heaven was born in the rules of heaven and earth.  Powerful, unless one world is completely destroyed, it is impossible to destroy the laws that everything obeys.

    As the vision of heaven and earth gradually disappeared, Prince Dong began to wander around the island. The first thing he should pay attention to was the big tree. After all, this is one of the top ten spiritual roots, the hibiscus tree. Even saints are greedy for its existence.  He naturally wanted to take it back into his pocket as soon as possible.

    "Eh?" Dong Wanggong walked in front of the Fusang wood, and suddenly felt a wave of consciousness fluctuating inside, and the Fusang wood had already produced spiritual wisdom.

    Duke Dong conjectured after a little thought. This should be the coincidence of the spiritual root caused by the vision of heaven and earth and the strong rhyme of Dao just now, which opened up the spiritual wisdom.

    "Fortunately, it was me who ran into me, not the original owner, Dong Wanggong." Dong Wanggong said to himself.

    In the previous life, I have never heard of the successful transformation of the hibiscus tree. It should be forcibly erased by the East Prince and then refined.

    This is also normal. After all, this tree is a rare treasure in the world. Anyone who sees it can't help but want to keep it for himself.

    Besides, once this hibiscus tree is successfully transformed, it will share the luck of Fanghu Island. The original owner, Prince Dong, wiped it out. It is naturally very cost-effective to get rid of an enemy who is vying for his resources and get a top-level spiritual root.

    But the current Eastern Prince does not intend to do this. Although a spiritual root is very precious, once he reaches a certain level, the help is limited.

      Duke Dong is determined to be the Emperor of Heaven, how can he do it without help from anyone around him?  Naturally, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing like picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon at this time.

    This is a ready-made powerful team. With the luck of the roots of the hibiscus tree, as long as you give it a little time, once it is cultivated, it will not be long before it will be a great master, enough to be his right-hand man.

    Moreover, the two were born together, and their luck is linked to each other. As long as he owes him a few more big karma, the two will be as inseparable as Dijun Taiyi, and it is impossible to separate them.

    Thinking of the powerful lineup of the Yaozu in the future, Duke Dong made a decision in an instant. Not only would he not erase the wisdom of the Fusang tree, but he would also help him change his form.

    You must know that it is almost impossible for this top-level spiritual root to produce spiritual wisdom. Even if you have spiritual wisdom, you will experience many disasters if you want to change form.

    Gein and their roots are a spiritual root. Once they are enlightened, their nobility of birth is not inferior to the innate gods such as the East Prince.  It is said that what is not lost is not gained. Because of this, if you want to change your fate, you will naturally have to go through many obstacles.

    This hibiscus tree met the Duke of Dong just as soon as it was enlightened.

    Dongwanggong brought more auras to gather, and at the same time passed on his comprehension of Taoism after he became a Daluo Jinxian to the Fusang tree.  Both of them are yang attributes, and their luck is deeply connected, so his help to the hibiscus tree is naturally great.

    Seeing the shrinking hibiscus tree, Dong Wanggong decided to add more fire, saying: "Although you have already developed spiritual wisdom, it is only enlightened the day after tomorrow, and it was not conceived by the great way of heaven and earth, so there is no harmony bestowed by heaven and earth."  Your name, I will give you a name today, it can also be regarded as a gift for my brother to give you birth."

    After the hibiscus tree heard about it, its trunk shook for a while, conveying a sense of joy and gratitude to Prince Dong.

    ?As a top-level spiritual root, the hibiscus tree is not in the state of an ignorant child, and naturally knows what it has experienced, so it can be said to be grateful and respectful to the Eastern Prince.

    Dong Wanggong smiled and nodded, and said: "Brother is called Dong Wanggong, others call me Dong Jun, you can call me elder brother. You are watching a little bit of spiritual wisdom for brother, so I will take it for you today.  A name of Qingtongjun, this is the Taoist name you will use in the future. From now on, you will be Qingtongjun, and you will be called Qingtijun as your brother, and you and I will be on the same road together."

    The hibiscus tree seemed to be very satisfied with these two names, and the trunk shook again, and even bent down to gently wrap around the East Prince, full of intimacy.

    Feeling the luck of the hibiscus tree and his further entanglement, the East Prince felt that it was almost indistinguishable from each other. A stone fell to the ground in his heart, and he thought: "I even gave you my own name. You didn't run away this time. I will give it to you obediently in the future."  Let me work, and when I become the Emperor of Heaven, I will also give you a real emperor."

    Fusangshu still doesn't know that he has fallen into Duke Dong's trap. Even after he transforms into form, he can't think about it. After all, it is still in the period when the three clans are fighting for hegemony. Who would have thought of what will happen in the future?

    Anyway, he is full of joy now, and he regards Duke Dong as a father and brother, and is determined to obey his orders in the future.

    This kind of result is not only the spontaneous thought in Fusang tree's heart, but also the result of being influenced by the emperor's fate on the East Prince after the two people's luck is connected.  driven by him.

    Ji Junming nodded in satisfaction, and passed on his understanding of the Tao to the Fusang tree, and then found a large defensive formation from the inheritance, just in case.

    After telling Qing Tongjun to practice well, he left this place, intending to look for innate treasures on the island.  (Remember the site URL:
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