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Main Text Final Chapter 14 6 Can't Be Hidden

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    If it is true that the two existences jointly taught the disciples, it would be quite amazing to have such a background.

    Ma was the first person in the old sage period, and he was considered dead for a while, but it has been confirmed recently that he is only three parts of the body, and he will be a part of the good fortune after his return.

    Wu is the first forbidden item in the period of the saints, and it is extremely mysterious, and it may have two sides of the same body, and the "Tao" may be his predecessor, and Rukong is suspected to be the other side of the Tao.

    ? If it is calculated in this way, if Wu, You, Dao, and Emptiness are still alive, they will be unfathomable when they may merge into one in the future

    Fushino was swept by the field of "Nothing", and his back exploded, and his shoulder armor bones collapsed and flew out, bringing a large amount of blood.

    He flew away at a very high speed, and when the ripples expanded, his hair was scratched, and part of it disappeared out of thin air, as if bitten off by a ferocious beast.

    At the end, a splotch of blood sprang up from his back, and was touched by the ripples again. He staggered, and all kinds of secret magic runes circulated around him, and finally stood firm in the distance. He turned around suddenly, with an extremely cold and gloomy face. This scene made 1  The Superman in No. 1 Myth Center further confirmed that Wang Xuan was Ma He's helpless disciple.

    235 years ago, it is no wonder that when Shou Jia Lin Yunfu Dojo appeared, he mentioned to Yun Fu that he could barely be regarded as Wang Xuan's senior brother.  Someone suddenly.

    At that time, people didn't think much of it, so what if he was a disciple of an old monster? There is an upper limit for the supreme being, and it will eventually be capped.

    For example, some of these powerful newcomers to the Extraordinary Center have lived for dozens of centuries, but they have always been blocked in the 5-break field.

    "Disciple Ma is exposed!" Even Lu Breaker Ge Bei whispered. Obviously, he knew that Ma, the number one person in the Old Sage Era, who had three bodies in one, was extremely powerful.

    "No!" The ascetic's pupils contracted after turning over.

    ? In the past, when Wu and You solved the must-kill list, they made such a big noise to "break the nest" and tossed the true saints of the decaying universe.

    How could he not be afraid?

    It is a helpless choice for Wang Xuan to let go.

    Fu Ye is a stranger, and if there is no accident, he will fight against him as a single 6-breaker.  He had no choice but to follow up. Since he wanted to be exposed, it was necessary to be more thoughtful and pull up a big banner as a tiger's skin.

    "Are you related to them?" Great St. Lemo asked in the distance.

    "Yes, someone has been with me for hundreds of years." Wang Xuan said frankly, he misses the strange mobile phone a little bit, and he doesn't know where it is now.

    "I don't care whose disciple you are, what's wrong, what's not, I haven't heard of it, but what can they say even if they come? You die for me!" Fu Ye heard a few words, and started to do it.

    He was attacked by the opponent just now, his back was bleeding, and his shoulder blades were cut off. Naturally, he was full of anger, and his face was extremely cold.  Bing or @

    It has been everywhere, flooding his area.

    He tore open the void with his physical body, only to find that he was stepping in the golden vortex again.

    This is simply the reappearance of the scene where the mobile phone strange thing targeted the knife in the world after the dusk wonderland. In short, on that day, walk the knife!

    Wang Xuan is not yet a true saint, unable to build a chaotic vortex, but now the golden vortex is also capable of doing so against aliens.

    Fu Ye slashed at the vortex with his sword, hoping to break out, but as soon as he broke out, he fell into another vortex and was exiled again.

    The large vortex is densely packed with small vortexes, one group disappears, and the other group reappears, compressing the opponent's living space and continuing to "slip".

    If he hadn't arrived in the Alien Pre-Region, Wang Xuan would really not be able to hold on. Now he has not only comprehended this kind of secret art, but can continue to display it.

    At the critical point when his opponent broke free, he prepared his killing move and was in ambush. Fu Ye just rushed out of the first one. What was waiting for him outside the vortex were 90,000 fairy swords and 60,000 fairy knives.

    These are all the products of Wang Xuan's realization, but they are no different from building a real quasi-sword sword. The key is to build a weapon with runes, and its attack power is naturally terrible.

    Fu Ye is very strong, but he is still bloodied by the impact. The so-called invulnerability to magic has its limit, especially this kind of sudden ambushes.

    Afterwards, he crashed into the depths of another set of golden vortexes and was exiled again.

    Fu Ye was annoyed, his whole body burst into the light of immortality, killed him again, and then waited for him to say the word "death", decay, death, destruction, and the boundless darkness drowned him.

    In the past, in the primitive bloody battle, Wang Xuan stood up for Wujie Mountain and fought against the heavenly masters of Tattoo Palace and Guixu Dojo.

    Now that he uses it again, no one doubts it anymore. He can even use Ma and Wu's secret skills, so there is nothing incomprehensible about it.

    & n傝屼簬听斿湪湪湪托珮棰闗烟馆翆穮风鲬鑻ユ槸鑳borrowing 啀鎺ョpainting a wall plate 嚭juan Hao 忔埅璺纴栧栧栧栧栧饮饮饮饰粄遅浼氭 洿鎭愭頵麴鄬量量量量量量闄愰智険阿屾瞨璁失偅汶嶆鏄交搴搴湛涆鏄搴搴湛翛死揋滐麴转向槸醸鍦ㄤ身汁懂澧晫晫 6 sickle quenching ?/p>

    Juicy 涜瑖村樼樼镓阿磿瀵Si瘽Adze 汀や银银呭嚒笘鐣出殑流泽酘鏄庣槠旭纴欑环砟棭煘兘6 sickle emerald Han 鏄?綍红礌殑摩╃湿荨囨墠风沃流气汉斮依易村村墽颽雦笉书?/p>

    浼忛When 杩朴effectソ adzes 籼粬浠偅鐗囧囧绁炶瘽吹achievements adz. 迅育菋佺牬闄愯呯帇门婄鐒駸6针调咃纴坩四幓汇向钡 屽綋鐪冸槸向,偆帇键彸叚!

    Huancup wipe adze 岃 stretch chaff wedding 灅涗簨谨 谨 谨 谨 赠溂鍓嶏纴向juan 瓙reading 掓偀流旭纴鎭愭曚篃鍙湁6 sickle consultation呮墠鑳 Borrowing the flood and the censer and the culmination of the siege?/p>

    “What’s the difference?  What about ?/p>

    "A lot of people can do it?"  Forging ?/p>

    "The key is to use the key  Is there any reason for this to happen?/p>

    ? ? ? ? ?

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    ? ?

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    ? ? 35 Qiancun Qiang adz.  Is there any reason for this to happen?/p>

    "I can't wait to see you again!"  Click to see if there is any problem?/p>

    “Is this the case for the umbrella chain? 鍦参揂听瓑风岄兘转怪湪鹪鹪鰮谮贤风湅鍒打搜听嬬厞咩???????/p>



    浠栦緷门湪杩焯扬读戣壊芊╂啂籼絾鏄嵈宁宁︿笂浾鸷板抴麴闅句句鎹曟崏流旭纴阅鶆扯瀵旗转身庢瀯鎴愬 ▉ 鑳和?/p>

    Key to the chain of events  ?/p>

    鍣楃殑向阵加麴麴??鎴Han Huan撹鍑cross┛锛岃屽悗肗inch飞屼絾涅嶅兑消豼粬川疄纹己栵纴浠庡师 Is there any reason why this is not the case?/p>

    ? "Is this the case?"

    Key and Umbrella Juan Rao ★ 纴 听 厞 ㄩ ㄩ bar read 婃 棤 Juan 溢 湁 铻 嶅 悎 钖 麤 鍏 wind 鹇 鍑 障 Chen Bian 懡 鍦 炗 鏂 Gui 殑 镄 狯 chain pad effect 叅 ? 鑺 ?/p>


    ? Chain  珷 chain △ She adze

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