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    In the sea of ??stars, in a place outside the world, in just half a month, it was like entering the era of hundreds of battles, and a huge war was shrouded in clouds.

    Some of the famous extraordinary people were quiet for a while, especially casual cultivators, for fear of being recruited and invited.

    In the past few days, well-known strong men have received letterheads, or have been directly visited at home, inviting them to come out of the mountain.

    Of course, this kind of people are exceptionally strong, otherwise they wouldn't be so valued.

    People were astonished, and found that it was mainly the Four Daoist Temples such as Tattoo Palace and Guixu that were in action.

    They are so strong, they have an absolute advantage, and they are still actively inviting celebrities into the game?

    "We are not rotten big ships destined to sink, but those who write new achievements. Please invite friends to join in the grand event, share the Taoist rhyme, and leave a name in history."

    The envoys of the Four Great True Sacred Dojos responded in such a way that they were quite confident, and even the spokesperson was showing confidence.

    This is obviously ridiculing Wujie Mountain. It's over, and it will be killed soon!

    Relatively speaking, there was not much movement in Wujie Mountain, and they didn't invite people much. That is to say, they notified the famous people in this camp to prepare, and they probably couldn't avoid the bloody battle, and they were targeted by the people on the opposite side.

    It is a fact that the morale of Wujie Mountain is low.

    They didn't take the initiative to invite people, and they didn't contact their former friends, so they naturally didn't want to harm people.

    At this point, everyone knows that the strength gap between the two camps is obvious.

    Wujieshan didn't want to harm people, didn't want to embarrass old friends from all sides, and didn't want to cause trouble for others.

    However, in the present world, many people keep silent, and in this general environment, avoid saying too many mistakes and causing trouble.

    However, the Chaofan network was not so depressing. On the contrary, the atmosphere became more active and there were various heated discussions.

    People sympathized with the weak, and Wujie Mountain had a good reputation. Seeing their silence, everyone tried their best.

    "I have to invite people to find those old monsters who don't have a few years to live, solo travelers with no worries, and invite them to come out of the mountain. This kind of people are not afraid of the Four Daochang, and they have no fear in their hearts."

    "That's right, if you lose, you don't lose. Even if you want to die, you have to end in splendor. Break the bones of the four Daochang. Even if you lose, all die in battle, you still have to make your opponent feel pain, let them be bloody, go invite someone  Bar!"

    Surprisingly unanimous on the Internet, I feel that Wujieshan is too dull, and I have to fight back from the jedi. Even if I am doomed to perish, I have to be brilliant, severely injure the opponent, and show off my style.

    "I know an old man who has no children, no daughters, no apprentices, and no future. His body is damaged by the Tao, he is rotten, and his life is hopeless. He is a typical old man without four. Please come out!"

    Some people have offered to help provide the list.  Baidu search: the other side of deep space

    Do you want to refuse, or send a few people symbolically?

    In this context, the relevant parties are really in a difficult situation.

    A member of the black-gold lion tribe stepped forward and shouted from the air: "Don't harm people in Wujie Mountain. Everyone, the general situation is clear, and your eyes are clear. You don't need to choose. You can see the end of the original bloody battle at a glance."

    He spoke from his own experience and took his own ethnic group as an example, saying that this is choosing the most correct path.

    For him to bite back like this, the negative impact is still very large, and it has a strong impact.

    "The choice of life is very important. Don't be an enemy of the general trend and stand on the opposite side of history!" The patriarch of the Tianhog clan stood up in person.

    "I advise my colleagues in Wujie Mountain that once a war starts, it is best not to go shopping, and bow your head when it is time to bow your head. Maybe there is still a way to survive." The stranger of the two-headed tribe shouted to Wujie Mountain.

    There is no doubt that in front of the big background, the warmth and coldness of human relationships and the inconsistency of the world are more reflected.

    Wujieshan wanted to go out to invite people, but hadn't spoken yet. Some ethnic groups and sects that used to have friendship wrote letters in advance to inform them of various difficulties.

    Wu Lindao responded in person, expressing his understanding.

    In fact, Wujieshan really invited people, but they mainly went to the top aliens among the casual cultivators, and did not go to the various teachings.

    The strangers who were found were stunned, because Wujieshan didn't invite them to join the bloody camp, but to recruit people for the observatory of the dead.

    "Hiss!" Even a foreigner has swallowed a mouthful of super matter, can he still operate like this?

    "Master the deceased said that those who joined his observation station are guaranteed that nothing will happen, and he will personally give advice afterwards!"

    A super-transformed forbidden creature actually made such a promise, which made the alien who had lost his way really unable to resist this huge temptation.

    Next, the people from Wujie Mountain took active actions and began to pull people!

    "Awesome!" After someone heard about it, they felt that the deceased had to participate indirectly, which would end the recruits.

    &nb??, and some people even play down the kindness of the past.

    Sure enough, after some communication, someone was silent, and finally called back, expressing apology, saying that he could not make a move this time, and refused.

    ?There are some other people who are not in the communication service area and are currently out of contact. They can't be found for the time being, and they don't know where they are.

    As time passed, day by day, the atmosphere became more and more solemn. Between Wujie Mountain and the Four Great Dao, there was extreme tension, like the arrival of the ice age, freezing all contacts and relationships, etc., and there were even incidents when people were robbing people outside the venue.  .

    Not long after, Ling Qingxuan called and said: "Kong Xuan, the situation has changed now. Even if we want to trade, we can't directly protect your old friends."

    Wang Xuan nodded, this is the truth.  Baidu search: the other side of deep space

    Contact Wang Xuan urgently and tell him some very bad news.

    "What's the situation, don't worry."

    "Some of the extraordinary people who came out of the twilight spectacle may have joined the camp opposite the Five Tribulation Mountains to contribute to the Four Great True Sage Dojos!" Fei Yue told with a dignified expression, and quickly mentioned a few names.

    Wang Xuan was slightly silent, his gaze turned cold.

    He can calmly accept that some people back off, choose to protect themselves, and not participate in the original bloody battle this time, but he will never tolerate anyone doing this.  This is standing directly on the opposite side of him and helping his opponent.

    In the past, when he rescued these people, he only selected some scriptures from some of them, and he didn't like the scriptures of some people.

    This is definitely not an exchange of equal value. This group of top wizards all recognized his kindness and said that they would repay him after returning. This is why Wang Xuan asked these people for help.

    And he is sure that this group of people can be defeated at once, can protect themselves, and withdraw from the battlefield at any time, there is no problem at all.

    As a result, someone declined him in the front, and later he learned from Fei Yue that some people secretly stood on the chariot of the opposing camp.

    Back then, Wang Xuan made a screening, and the light of those people's hearts did have the meaning of gratitude.

    However, 300 years have passed, and returning to the bustling world, affected by the environment of the supernatural center, some people may have recovered their nature, or regained their self-confidence. In short, people's hearts are changeable.

    Wang Xuan said: "Tell them, if you quit now and don't help each other, I don't blame them. Otherwise, if you really meet me on the bloody battlefield, don't blame me for being rude."

    Fei Yue reminded: "If you say this, some people may be more dissatisfied. After all, some people were once strangers, while some people have a solid foundation. Before they came out of hell, they swore to die on the road of ultimate limit breaking.

    Although it may not be successful, it will be extremely dangerous if this kind of people walk together, plus they have recovered part of the Taoism of the previous life, retrained the killing pattern, etc.  "

    Wang Xuan said: "It's okay, if someone has to show a wolf-like attitude this time and stand in the opposite camp, how did I bring him out, this time I will drive him into a place of eternal doom."

    Fei Yue still had a serious look on her face, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and said: "On the other side, what if there is an ultimate limit-breaker that I only saw in two or three centuries?"

    "Don't worry, I'll tell you the truth!" Wang Xuan's voice was low, but powerful.
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