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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 335 Stormy Night

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    As darkness fell, the Xiongnu's temporary campsite was silent. The fires used to deter the wild beasts and wolves were all extinguished. In the hazy night, only a few dozen meters of light could be seen clearly.  After feeding their tired mounts, the royal cavalry who had been busy for a day were forced to sleep in their clothes while surrounded by mosquitoes. It was an unwise choice to set up a tent on an unfamiliar grassland, especially when the enemy's situation was unclear.  What¡¯s even more terrible is that the backbone of the Xiongnu army, King Juli of Youxian, is ill.  In the simple camp, only a tiny bit of light reached outside the tent. The wizard danced around the only bonfire in the tent and danced with unknown meanings. It was a mantra to pray to Kunlun to support the plow and protect the patients from illness and disaster.  The introduction of the Taiyi religion had a huge impact on the nascent Xiongnu shamanism. The Xiongnu¡¯s nomadic civilization was only equivalent to the level of the late Zhou Dynasty in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the Han Empire only completed the separation of witch doctors in a hurry. It is conceivable that the Huns¡¯  How backward and crude is civilization.  Traditional shamans do not hesitate to accept a new foreign event with highly similar beliefs and more developed civilization. At least there are two or three wise old people in an ignorant ethnic group. Shamans are the only ones who can be exempted from old age.  Another privilege for the privileged people who have abandoned their customs is the royal family of the Xiongnu, including the princes of various tribes and the royal family of the Xiongnu clan.  Wizards have a special status in the army. They not only heal patients but also act as think tanks for the supreme commander. Their wisdom and insights will be expressed through divination. The Huns royal family respects wizards very much, just like they respect wise counselors. They were born in the Huns.  You will also get more privileges.  The dance lasted for two hours, and the wizard would apply unknown herbal medicine to the unconscious King Youxian during the break.  These herbs were boiled in a crude earthenware bowl and then smeared on the wounds with hot plant ash, and the remaining herbal juice was poured into King Youxian's mouth.  The whole process didn't stop until the wizard was sweating profusely and exhausted.  The weather in the summer grasslands is hot and humid at night, and a heavy rain seems to be coming.  And now it's almost midnight.  "Well!" The wizard sighed, and immediately attracted several Hun nobles to surround him: "Dear Wu Gu, how is the king's health?" "After tonight, the king will be safe and sound." The wizard said with worry: "  If you can't survive it, your Majesty will go to see the old Chanyu. "The faces of the Xiongnu nobles were extremely ugly. They turned to look at the unconscious King Youxian, who was pale and curled up into a ball and was trembling. He was obviously covered with several thick clothes.  A fur coat doesn't help, either, which is a telltale symptom of typhoid fever.  The well-informed wizard tried his best to achieve only this step. ????????????????? Boom!  The roar of thunderstorms came from the distant sky, and the night became extremely dark unconsciously. The hazy moonlight was suddenly obscured by dark clouds, and I couldn't see my fingers. Only the white light on the other side was stirring in the billowing black clouds. Within a moment,  A bit of cold wind blew into the tent, mixed with moist moisture.  The royal cavalry on night watch mustered up their energy to inspect the empty and scattered campsite. Their heavy eyelids seemed to be ready to close at any time, and their legs seemed to be filled with lead and it was difficult to lift them up.  They were very tired.  "Will it rain soon?" the royal cavalry thought silently in their hearts. The cold and damp wind stimulated their sleepy brains. The cheering up royal cavalry walked through the silent tents, while their compatriots were falling into a deep sleep.  And after completing this patrol, they could enjoy a long-awaited sleep. The group of unlucky guys who took over their patrol for the rest of the night were still swimming in sweet dreams. They couldn't wait to see when they kicked those guys awake.  funny expression.  This is a male joke.  It can allow the royal cavalry to get a brief relief from the heavy and depressing atmosphere, at least for the time being, they don't have to worry about the hungry wolves on the grassland.  Don't worry about unforeseen dangers.  A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky without any warning, followed by a thunderous explosion that shook the earth.  One of the sleeping royal knights was awakened by the sound of thunder.  The terrifying lightning lasted for a full breath before disappearing. In that short breath, the dark dense forest and the endless prairie could be vaguely seen.  The thunder disappeared, and the awakened Huns fell into a deep sleep again. The long-term and high-intensity battles exhausted their energy, and the exhausted people hurriedly rolled up their bags and wrapped them around themselves and fell asleep.  The patrolling royal cavalry were busy calming the restless horses. Their good partners were obviously frightened by the thunder. Many horses were pacing back and forth restlessly and refused to rest, which cost the patrols valuable rest.  Time, they should have rushed back as soon as possible to wake up the guys who were supposed to take over their patrol but were snoozing.  Being busy is not useless, at least the royal cavalry who are good at training horses succeeded.?Soothed the restless horses. Although the horses did not close their eyes and rest immediately, at least they would not move around and neigh to affect more companions.  "It's so tiring. I also want to take over the patrol in the middle of the night." "While you are complaining, why not take a few more steps and go back to bed quickly. The storm is coming soon." The old soldier never forgets to teach Xin Ding by words and deeds, and never  Forget about showing off the glorious story of how he calmly dealt with the Yuezhi people in the past. Probably only the legends of the past can calm these brawny youngsters.  A white light suddenly lit up, and the snow-white light illuminated the earth, and the thunder that followed suddenly exploded in my ears. This time the thunder seemed to be in a certain sky not far above the campsite, and the thunder was particularly loud.  It was loud and the lightning was extremely bright.  "Huh? What are those dark things over there?" The patrolling Royal Cavalry recruits glanced at them indifferently. They only had time to catch a glimpse of some figures before the white lightning disappeared. It looked like the black dots were neatly arranged.  Standing in the distance and silently facing their direction, he subconsciously weighed and said in less than half a breath: "It should be a pack of wolves!" "A pack of wolves? Why are the wolves here?" "Wolves are best at tracking and hunting.  Wolves have the strongest physical strength and endurance. They can follow their prey for thousands of miles, so why is it so strange to be targeted?" the newcomers said disapprovingly.  The old soldier hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "It's still not right. The wolves should be afraid of the sound. Such a terrible thunder should scare them into hiding instead of standing next to the camp." "Who knows? Maybe you are looking at flowers.  It¡¯s not necessarily a surprise, we should go to bed.¡± After a brief hesitation, the patrolling Wang Zhang cavalry decided to give up the plan to find out.  They themselves also thought that maybe they were too tired to see how there could be a large number of wolves appearing next to the campsite the night before the storm.  No matter what kind of poisonous insect or beast is afraid of light, fire, wind, thunder and lightning, the animal's instinct will drive them to hide at this time.  When the third severe thunderstorm pierced the sky, raindrops fell in the silent night. The moisture that hit the face became thicker than before. In just a few breaths, the thin raindrops became denser, turning from silk threads into  The big raindrops then resembled the largest pearls, and the hazy drizzle turned into a downpour.  The humid air is mixed with a large amount of water vapor that is too dense to dissolve, and the air is also mixed with the unique smell of rain and soil.  The royal cavalry, who were unable to extricate themselves from their sleep, were soaked in the pouring rain. They hurriedly took out the felt cloth that could protect them from the wind and rain, set up a simple small tent, and endured the cold wind on the cold and damp grass to continue unfinished work.  dream.  The wizard was sleeping deeply in the corner of the tent. Also huddled in the corner were the Hun nobles who served as commanders of thousands of cavalry. Only they were qualified to spend the rainy night in the dry tent, although the tent was no more comfortable than outside the tent.  .  Several Xiongnu nobles secretly drank some wine. The clear and transparent wine produced in the Han region was deeply loved by the Huns. Especially during sacrifices and formal ceremonies, wine produced in the Han region must be used. The privileged nobles would obtain it through special channels.  Some precious drinks.  It was a treasure used to keep out the cold and keep warm during labor pains. Especially in winter, it was a luxury item that was in short supply.  The salary of the Wangzhang Cavalry is the highest, and the Qianqi Commander of the Wangzhang Cavalry is especially well paid, and they also receive relatively more Han drinks.  In the trading circle of the Xiongnu nobles, a bottle of iron wine flask with a leather sheath and two kilograms of wine could be exchanged for five of the strongest Xiongnu horses.  Even the very wealthy Qianqi Commander of the Royal Cavalry was reluctant to take a few sips.  Today¡¯s situation is special. King Youxian is injured.  The violent storm and cold and humid weather made this rainy night particularly difficult, especially when they saw the wizard giving King Youxian wine.  The thought of drinking to keep warm against the cold emerged uncontrollably.  After drinking two glasses of wine, the dazed Dahao stopped working, and the drunken guys quickly fell asleep. The Huns' nobles did not drink much, which had a lot to do with the fact that they had never been exposed to alcohol. ????????????????? Boom!  The sudden thunder woke up a Hun noble who had not drank. He was stingy and unwilling to drink the precious wine. He got up from the cold grass, opened the tent's felt curtain and looked at the dark night sky, mixed with rain and mud.  The smell of cold air made him shiver, and then the cold raindrops hit his face, making him take two steps back.  "It was extremely hot in the first half of the night, and now I'm shivering from the cold." Standing in a corner where the rain could not sweep away, the Xiongnu nobles who had been awakened were still hesitating whether they should drink some wine to warm themselves up, although the Xiongnu nobles would also look for  There are reasons such as celebrations to drink hand wine, but he still insists on drinking the original mare's kumiss.  After hesitating for a moment, he decided to deal with the bulging bladder pressure first.??I accidentally scanned the door of the camp and was surprised to find that there was no one around. It stands to reason that even if it is a violent storm, there will always be guards wearing coir raincoats nearby. The coir raincoats are imported goods brought to the Huns from the Han Dynasty by the industrious Han people. The Huns occasionally also  They would use it to protect themselves from the rain. Of course, most of the time they would hide in their yurts without the need for raincoats.  "Where are the people?" He put on a raincoat that was not commonly used and walked out of the tent. He was surrounded by the dark night with no light in sight. In his ears was the sound of heavy rain hitting the ground. He walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow.  He had to be careful about tripping over puddles on the rain-soaked grass. He walked around the tent for most of the time without seeing a single person, which made him furious.  "You bastards are lazy again. I'm going to beat your butts with a riding crop to show you the strictness of military regulations!" The angry Hun nobles stumbled and fell after just a few steps, struggling to crawl in the muddy water.  He was so angry that he turned around and kicked the thing that tripped him hard. Suddenly he realized that he couldn't kick this obstructive protrusion, and the feeling when he kicked it didn't feel like a hard stone. He leaned down and gently kicked it.  It felt like a human body, and suddenly I felt the short blade with the scabbard.  His hair suddenly stood up.  The short knife is an item he is very familiar with, because it is the standard weapon of the Huns for close combat.  Another standard melee weapon is a long-edged iron sword, and a standard hunting bow is the long-range weapon of the Huns cavalry.  The standard equipment of the royal cavalry is similar to that of ordinary tribal cavalry, but the quality and fineness are slightly higher.  He continued to search without believing in evil, and the more he searched, the more frightened he became. Two other weapons were also found, and even the standard leather pockets of the Royal Cavalry were rummaged through. The thing lying in the muddy ground acting as a "stumbling block" was none other than someone else.  They are the royal cavalry under him.  "How did the person die? How did he die? No, there was a stab wound on the back!" His heart tightened and he screamed inwardly. He turned around and stood up, and suddenly found something vaguely shaking in the dark night in the distance.  It seems that you can hear howls and roars under the cover of the crackling rain.  It turned out that those sounds were obscured by the rumble of heavy rain hitting the ground. Without careful identification, it was impossible to tell whether they were real or not.  Simply identifying the direction and following the layout of the camp in his mind, he leaned down and secretly walked toward the soldiers' camp. Along the way, he encountered more and more "stumbling blocks" blocking the road, and the screams and fierce fights gradually became louder.  Clearly, the rainstorm seemed to have subsided a bit at some point, and the sounds of fierce fighting could be clearly heard.  "Han Army! The Han Army is coming from the east!" "There are also Han Army in the south! Their number is unknown." "We have them here too, and the number of Han Army is not large. We are driving the Han Army away!" Bows cannot be used in heavy rain.  Crossbow arrows were used to attack the enemy. Bow strings and crossbow strings could not function in a humid environment, and arrows would also be affected by rain and lose momentum and accuracy. The Han and Hungarians had a tacit understanding to abandon long-range attacks and engage in melee combat.  Although the Han army was small in number, it was well-organized and well-organized in advancing and retreating.  The Huns' cavalry was outnumbered and outnumbered, but they were in disarray and lost ground. They used hammers in the east and west to intercept and expel troops, but with few gains. However, the Han army hiding in the night gave the most ferocious wolves a bite and ran away.  .  The Huns were not given any chance to organize a counterattack.  The fierce battle was going on intermittently in the dark rainy night, and no one knew whether the specific gains were more or less.  The panicked Huns could only huddle together and shout to communicate with each other in the Hun language, constantly boosting morale as if they were emboldening themselves.  As more and more panicked Huns gathered into groups, the frequency of Han army attacks also dropped significantly.  Until an hour later, the heavy rain stopped, and a cold and strong wind blew across the cold grassland. The black clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, revealing the moon that was not particularly bright.  "Hey! Where are the Han soldiers? They are all gone?" "Have the Han soldiers retreated?" The cavalrymen in the king's tent breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard a cry: "No! Something is going to happen in the camp!" This sentence immediately shocked people.  I shuddered and rushed to the big Huns tent in the middle without stopping. When I hurried to the place, I found several injured Huns nobles slumped at the entrance of the tent. Several people were lying on the ground dying from excessive blood loss. The wizard came out holding a torch.  At the camp, he glanced at the anxious crowd and nodded: "King Youxian is well, we have lost three thousand cavalry commanders, the other two are seriously injured and are in critical condition, and a ten thousand cavalry commander is also injured." "The Han army retreated.  "Retreat! The black-armored general roared unwillingly before leaving. I feel like they will come back." The king's cavalry looked at each other at a loss. How could the exhausted Huns come again?  Whether they can withstand it or not is still a mystery. With their current situation, even if they can withstand itThe second attack, what about the third, fourth and more?  No one could guess the time of the Han army's attack. This place is still more than 800 miles away from the court of King Youxian. Walking two hundred miles southeast will enter the territory of King Youxian, but how long it will take to walk these two hundred miles is anyone's guess.  Mystery, the normal marching speed only takes one day, but the current situation is another story. Being able to walk fifty miles in one day is a huge victory.  The injured Qianqi Chang was breathing heavily. Their bodies were covered with stab wounds of varying depths. They breathed the cold air desperately. Their longing eyes looked at the wizard, but all they got was despair and so much viciousness.  Knife wounds were almost impossible to treat and were a sign of death among the Huns. Even if they could be treated, they could not find a suitable medical environment due to the lack of medical treatment.  The seriously injured breathed their last breath in despair, and the slightly injured were not feeling well either. They drank strong Chinese wine and endured the severe pain and used hot plant ash to seal the terrible knife wounds. All that was left was to pray to Kunlun.  Holding the plow gave them a chance to escape typhoid fever, which was their only chance to survive.  The wizard once again used his expertise and told the panicked Hun nobles in a commanding tone: "The result of the divination is a bad sign. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. You must leave here immediately." "But King Youxian" "Tie him to the horse with a belt.  Returning to the right side of the Xiongnu, this is the only chance." The Xiongnu Qianqi commanders looked at each other, and the three Wanqi commanders gritted their teeth and said, "It's no longer a matter of time, let's set off immediately!"  With no time to rejoice, he hurriedly rolled up his luggage and saddled his horse. He glanced at the corpses of his dead companions and reluctantly gave up on picking up weapons and equipment. He just hurriedly picked up the dry food and food in the luggage and left them behind on horseback.  , the Hun nobles were faster. They simply abandoned their tents and headed southeast. A few Qianqi captains who were taking care of King Youxian held their horses tightly and walked at the front.  As for the Hujie people, it was too late to take care of them.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! ps: I have been busy with work and taking care of my mother recently, and I can¡¯t find time to write a book. There is nothing I can do. Wu Mei doesn¡¯t want to emphasize the reasons or complain, so I wrote a book  I can still write, and I will not give up my part-time writing. I will try to fix 4k per day after it stabilizes in the short term. I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone. Thank you for your concern. I wish all the book friends and their families good health, don¡¯t get sick, and go there early if you are sick.  Check it out at a major hospital, don¡¯t let a minor illness turn into a serious illness like my mother did.
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