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The Wind Rises in Chang'an Chapter 334 The Stalemate War

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    To the northwest of the Xiongnu grassland, in the grassland desert northeast of the Wusun Kingdom in the Western Regions, this place is within the scope of the Xiongnu Right Land. It belongs to the territory of King Hujie, who is nominally within the 240,000 Xiongnu Cavalry Commanders.  The Xiongnu's 240,000 cavalry system was founded in the Modun Chanyu era. It is similar in nature to the alliance system in which tribes jointly elect a king. The Xiongnu Chanyu is the strongest man in the grassland and desert, so all grassland tribes will surrender under the banner of the Xiongnu Chanyu.  , as the conquered people, the Hujie people were naturally among them, but the 240,000 cavalry commanders existed in the nature of restraints and were not very affected by the Xiongnu Chanyu.  The Hujie people are relatively unfamiliar with the Xiongnu. Only in the summer, autumn and winter every year, the Hujie King will take some people to Longcheng to participate in the grand meeting. From there, he will bring back all kinds of daily necessities used every year, such as cooking rice and horse milk and ghee.  Clay pots, wooden barrels for washing dried meat, useful iron tools, sturdy caravans, and cool linen clothes.  Of course, there will be no shortage of luxuries loved by the Xiongnu nobles, such as precious silks, soft and smooth satins, beautiful gold jewelry, as well as spices, bath beans and green salt that are very popular in the Han Dynasty. At first glance, the Xiongnu¡¯s  The upper class nobles despise the Han region. In fact, the duplicitous people are full of envy of the Han civilization. They also want to live a better life where they can plant food until autumn and have enough to eat without having to travel around for life. So ¡è¡Ï  The Xiongnu nobles have always been enthusiastic about going south. It is not only a cash machine but also a fertile land flowing with honey and ghee.  Hujie people are no exception.  As early as hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the Hujie people and the yet-to-be-formed Wusun and Yuezhi people came from different branches of a huge tribal group, similar to the fusion of the Tuhe people and the descendants of the Jiuyi people in the northeast.  The Hujie people were also merged with countless foreign ethnic groups in the north, the Gekun (Jiankun) and the Dingling people. However, they were often proud of their Rong bloodline and did not like being informed by the up-and-coming Huns.  Hujie people have their own pride.  That is the pride derived from the ancient civilization. Their ancestors were once the kings of all the tribes in the north. Even though the long ancient times have long been wiped out with the passage of time, the descendants of the Gurong tribe still look down on the fake people hiding in the royal court of the Huns from the bottom of their hearts.  King Hujie and the Hujie people were limited to responding to the Xiongnu Chanyu's troop dispatch orders every year, sending two to three thousand tribal cavalry to deal with the missions.  The attitude of staying away from each other is quite eye-catching among the many conquered Xiongnu tribes. However, the Hujie people have close relations with the Xiaoyue people and the Wusun people.  The Xiongnu Chanyu did not dare to overpress and oppress them, for fear that one bad person would corrupt the situation in the entire Western Region, so they had no choice but to use various means to suppress and exclude the Hujie people.  Especially in the era when the Bank of China said it was favored, many Hujie traitors were recruited and divided to become lackeys of the Xiongnu Chanyu. Intimidation and suppression scared most of the Hujie people, and at the same time they also planted the seeds of hatred. That seed finally arrived.  A day of flowering and fruiting.  The Eye of the Desert resides in the grassland a thousand miles northwest of Yanhai Sea.  The silver wolf flag symbolizing the Righteous King of the Xiongnu flutters in the wind.  The 30,000 cavalrymen in the king's tent lined up and stared at the enemy hundreds of miles away. It was a huge Hujie alliance composed of 50,000 cavalrymen. At the head was a tall man with brown eyes. He was the Hujie King.  Saladang.  "King Youxian, what do you mean by invading my land for no reason? Leave my territory immediately, otherwise the great Ahura Mazda will punish you!" "Humph! How can you understand, stupid Zoroastrian?  The greatness of Kunlun's plow!" Youxian Wang Juli sneered: "Saledang, hand over those people and wait for the Great Chanyu to fall." "Haha, what I just heard was a joke.  ? What courage do you have to come to the territory of the Hujie people and threaten them with a bloodbath? Do you believe that the eggless Zhongxing persuades you, or do you rely on the child soldiers behind you who are called the Wangzhang Cavalry? Don't think that Maodun Shanyu will be defeated?  Our king, you can repeat it, we are not the Hujie people we were more than 40 years ago. If you dare to come, be prepared to pay a heavy price." When Saledang issued a threat of war, the proud Hujie people did not care about the Huns.  King Youxian, Saledang would only have a very limited time to go to King Youxian's court for half a month and then come back in a hurry. Every time the reasons he gave were strong and perfunctory, King Youxian had long been tired of this.  The Hujiatou who is unwilling to obey orders is more straightforward than the cunning old fox Wusun Kunmo Xingjiaomi. He is unwilling to cooperate with the Xiongnu Chanyu, especially when the Xiongnu Chanyu suffered successive defeats, which led to the reversal of the strength of the Han and Huns.  today.  King Youxian obviously didn't have much patience. He was so angry that he immediately pulled out his scimitar and pointed it at King Hujie and cursed: "Saledang, you and your ignorant people still haven't given up worshiping the god of ignorance.  Shanyu's forgiveness and tolerance have unscrupulously challenged my dignity. I have long been fed up with your stupidity and arrogance. The followers of Kunlun Zhuli will tear you into pieces!" "Be careful!  With the head on your neck, I will let you experience the feeling of cutting your neck with a sharp blade. Please believe that I will make you feel pain.Desire to die!  "Saler blew the horn, and the 50,000 statue-like cavalry suddenly moved, accelerating little by little with a slow but firm pace. Not to be outdone, King Youxian issued an order to march, and the 30,000 cavalry of the king's account marched briskly.  The pace is like an arrow from the string, rushing to a hundred feet away in the blink of an eye. In an instant, the silent grassland is covered by the roar of thousands of horses. The sound is like the roar of the Yellow River in front of the Hukou Waterfall. The oscillating sound waves spread far away among my people.  My heart was pounding. On the edge of the battlefield, no matter the herbivorous cattle, sheep, deer, rabbits, horses, or carnivorous jackals, tigers, leopards, and bears, they all disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The animals' sense of crisis was far stronger than that of humans who concentrated on developing their brains.  , they would use their instincts to foresee the danger in advance, but the soldiers on both sides of the battlefield were not affected at all. Instead, they shouted excitedly and tried their best to urge their mounts to charge. ¡°Slow down!  Shoot the arrow!  Speed ??up!  "The royal cavalry under King Youxian are worthy of being the most awe-inspiring knights. In just ten breaths, they completed the sprint from the extreme speed to a constant speed. This change from fast to slow rhythm is a great test for the rider's riding ability.  The skill level also tests the mount's ability to adjust and adapt. It is extremely dangerous for a heavily loaded war horse to suddenly decelerate while running at high speed. An overwhelming rain of arrows fell. Hundreds of Hujie cavalry fell silently on the opposite side, and the cavalry behind them fell.  The dead companion jumped in front of him, but he kept rushing forward. King Sal of Hujie should be at the forefront. He was the undisputed number one warrior of the Hujie people. He had fallen from decline twenty years ago.  He stood out from the Hujie royal family and fought in the east and west without ever failing. The Jiankun and Dingling tribes in the north both hated and feared him. He was hailed as the first warrior in the Western Region by Wusun Kunmo Liejiaomi.  Ledang was followed by a thousand brave knights, and their mounts were horses that were as red as fire. They were tall and strong, and their feet were like tigers and tigers. They were the famous Xiji horses in the Western Regions. Take a closer look at the sweat flowing out of them.  The slight bright red color indicates that the Hujie people's horses have the blood of sweat horses. The Western Region is the origin of Mingma, and it is also the habitat of the descendants of the Baibu Rong tribe.  Since the time of Maodun Shanyu, the oppression of the Western Regions has not stopped for more than sixty years, forcing various departments in the Western Regions to donate some good horses from the Western Regions, including Wusun's famous Western Horses. However, this process has not been smooth sailing.  The West Pole horses obtained by the Huns were of mixed quality, which resulted in very troublesome breeding and breeding pedigrees. After decades of cultivating the eighth generation of mixed-blood West Pole horses, only the royal family of the Huns were qualified to ride them. When the Huns' royal cavalry saw high-quality horses,  The Xiji Horse is still a powerful horse of unknown mixed blood. A blazing fire is ignited in the heart of every royal cavalry. In ancient times, horses were the most important means of transportation. Good horses were like handmade luxury cars.  Similarly, special breeds of famous horses are rare products produced in limited quantities. Considering that the lifespan of a horse is at most more than thirty years, it is only suitable for riding for a short period of twelve years, which leads to the decline of famous horses.  The price has always been high. Even in the Xiongnu grasslands with many natural horse farms, it is difficult to find famous horses of special types and good condition. The number of famous horses is limited, but the royal cavalry is completely replaced every ten years.  The Royal Cavalry hopes that they are eager to seize these precious horses and gallop to make achievements on the battlefield. The older Royal Cavalry is eager to obtain a good horse to pass on to his nephew, and take this opportunity to recommend it to the next generation of Royal Cavalry.  Sequence. After all, the treatment of the royal cavalry is far better than that of the warriors in the grassland. They have no worries about food, clothing, and high status. They can also provide a good educational environment for the next generation of descendants. Their descendants will have a good living environment and superior educational resources.  They have a better chance of becoming the next batch of King's Cavalry than those poor children from the tribe who grew up grazing on the grassland. The eagerness for quick success and quick success caused the mentality of the King's Cavalry to change. The direct reaction was that the wave and layering of the charge suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a wave.  The fine waves gradually fragmented, and the high-speed movement required extremely high requirements for formation and rhythm. Once the formation and rhythm were broken, they would rush into chaos like the current King's Cavalry.  "Don't be anxious! There are a lot of horses in the West. If we defeat these Hujie people, their horses will all belong to us!" King Youxian raised his voice to remind, and the mad king's cavalry suddenly woke up. Nearly half of the king's cavalry  They gradually tightened the reins and lowered their speed, trying to regain the sprinting rhythm they had practiced thousands of times year after year. However, there were still some young royal cavalry who did not slow down immediately. Their first reaction was to hesitate for a moment and then slowly slow down.  , this hesitation caused a deviation of twenty feet, and the front and back tear caused huge cracks in the originally messy formation.  Saler saw from a distance that the cavalry and archery stagnant formations on the opposite side were scattered, and surprise burst out in his eyes: "The greatest Hujie people under the sky are all listening. The Huns are afraid that our reputation will fall into chaos. This is  God bless us?You must win and conquer, seize the fleeting precious opportunity to rush over and kill the despicable Huns invaders!  " "Kill the despicable Huns invaders!  " The Hujie cavalry were all dressed in crude leather armor and carried iron scimitars derived from Wusun craftsmanship. In an instant, they rushed into the scattered formation of the king's cavalry, causing violent chaos. The experienced king's cavalry reacted instantly, and some  Some held bows, some held swords, and some simply dismounted and fought on foot, using a hierarchical formation that combined distance, distance, and height to seal off the Hujie cavalry trapped in the formation. The cavalry was no different from standing targets. The Huns were very proficient in fighting on the grassland.  Tribal dealings, nominally belong to the Xiongnu tribes under the Xiongnu Chan Yuting, but in fact they are divided into three, six or nine levels, far and near, close relatives and distant relatives. On the Xiongnu grassland, each grassland tribe under the banner of the Xiongnu will have one or two violent conflicts every year.  Tribal conflicts are more or less related to the Xiongnu tribe. In particular, the Xiongnu tribe has taken the lead in conquering foreign tribes and expanding the number of members in the "Xiongnu" alliance. The Huns have developed a set of tribal wars against the grasslands.  The tribe's mature tactics, King Youxian's royal tent cavalry are now using this system to fight back against the Hujie cavalry. They dismount and engage in infantry combat against the lower three lines of the Hujie cavalry. In the blink of an eye, the number of Hujie cavalrymen with thigh injuries increased by more than ten times.  A large number of Hujie knights fell into the formation and died of embarrassment. The more capable ones were able to pull off one or two of them before they died. From the sky, you can see the two armies lined up entangled.  Like two giant snakes entangled and biting each other, they repeatedly strangled their opponents. Especially when the cavalry from both sides joined the battlefield in batches, the fighting line stretched for more than a mile. The Huns were also stunned.  Neither of them expected each other's tenacity and bravery. Generally speaking, the Xiongnu's royal cavalry has a greater advantage. Although they are small in number, they are all well-equipped and well-trained.  They are stable, perseverant, quick to respond, decisive and very vicious and professional. Every Hujie cavalryman who has passed through their hands is dead or disabled, and there is very little chance of escaping with minor injuries. The Hujie cavalry takes advantage of their strength.  The advantage continued to hit the two wings of the Royal Cavalry, especially when the two wings were more likely to fight against the smaller ones. The dismounted King's Cavalry, in groups of three or five, relied on each other from both distances and performed impeccably. It was still difficult to resist the seven or eight Hujie people like mad dogs.  They rushed over and chopped, and the two sides were losing almost 1:15. Later, the Hujie people also noticed the signs. They simply ordered the Hujie cavalry to dismount and fight.  The Huns were reluctant to kill and injure the precious Xiji horses. Every time they aimed at the Hujie cavalry and slashed hard, they never hurt the horses. Therefore, the Hujie people took advantage of the horses blocking their backs to form an array on the spot, and in turn attacked the horses.  The Huns regained their advantage little by little. "How dare the Hujie dismount and form a formation?  What a joke!  The king's cavalry of the Huns have practiced dismounting and infantry fighting for at least ten years. How can your little Hujie people learn it in just a few moments of imitation!  Everyone obeys the order and does not kill or attack the Hujie people. Don't worry about those West Pole war horses. Kill the Hujie people. There are many good horses in their tribe.  " King Youxian's loud shout had a miraculous effect. In an instant, the Huns' royal cavalry brought the situation back bit by bit. Some experienced royal cavalry rode in the distance to lock the dismounted Hujie people and fired arrows.  Regardless of the fact that the Hujie people were surrounded by Xiji warhorses, the situation deteriorated again in just a few moments. A large number of Hujie cavalrymen who dismounted and fought on foot were killed, and the advantage of the two wings gradually disappeared as the Wang Zhang cavalry cheered up.  Why are the despicable Huns so tough!  Is this the true power of the Royal Cavalry?  " Saladang was in a dilemma. He was very eager for the mysterious group of Han cavalry to come forward to help the Hujie people rescue them. However, when he looked around, he found that besides the two armies fighting on the grassland, he could not even see the shadow of a wild beast.  Not to mention the Han cavalry coming to the rescue. In a dense forest on a hill more than ten miles away, three hundred cloaked knights stood in front of the forest and quietly observed the confrontation between the Xiongnu and Hujie armies.  They were just scouts. The leaders were Xiahou Po and Zhuan Xi. The two guys had grown taller from the young boys they were. They looked at the battlefield through a telescope. "The Hujie people are going to be defeated."  " "It makes sense that we should retreat.  "Zhuan Xi asked: "Why don't you go and seduce them again? It would be good to lure them further away to the Kunjian people's territory.  " "Are we in charge?  Don't worry if you can't make the decision. Qu Nihou's request to us is to detect the latest movements of the Huns. We hope that the group of Hujie people can stand firm and not be wiped out by the Huns' royal cavalry.  "Xiahou glanced at him tacitly, and the latter immediately understood that there were probably pitfalls in the Kunjian people's territory, and not every grassland tribe would be like the Hujie people.With such cooperation, entering the territory of the Kunjian people will inevitably alarm the local snakes. If they fail to lure the Kunjian people into an ambush trap, everything will be lost.  As the stalemate battle progressed little by little, from the morning battle to the afternoon, the intensity of the cavalry collisions between the two sides gradually decreased. The exhausted cavalry formations gradually dispersed, and they were no longer able to maintain the ability to respond to each other from a distance. Both sides were more in control.  Competing with the will to fight and the desire for victory, no one is willing to give up the war that they have devoted their heart and soul to. Losing the battle after so many people died is unacceptable no matter what.  Turning around, the cavalry from both sides, who had taken the time to eat military rations in the afternoon, started fighting again. This time the intensity was no less than the head-on collision in the morning. Seeing that the dominant Huns' cavalry was getting stronger and stronger.  The Hujie cavalry launched a fatal charge without fear of death, riding on the impact of their horses and swooping over to kill the Huns in a life-for-life fight.  The corpses of the Hujie people were hacked to pieces with knives, but this did not affect the tendency of the Hujie people to fight for their lives, but only intensified.  The first person was rewarded by hundreds of people who followed suit the second time. The young and energetic Hujie people were not afraid of death. It was the highest honor to die heroically for the tribe, and the gods would bless them.  "Why are the Hujie people still persisting? The Hujie people's losses have exceeded 20%. Why do they persist stubbornly when they should retreat immediately? If we fight like this, everyone will die soon." Zhuan Xi kept frowning as he watched.  Military common sense told him that 10% of battle losses were a warning line, and 10% of battle deaths would usually result in 30% casualties.  There are far more injuries than those killed in battle. More than 20% of battle deaths means at least 60% casualties. The loss of most soldiers represents the beginning of collapse.  Once the battle damage exceeds 30%, it is almost impossible to stop the defeat.  Xiahou Po shook his head: "Look at the pasture of the Hujie tribe over there, not even a single cow or sheep can be seen. King Saler of Hujie must be using the lives of the Hujie cavalry in exchange for the tribe's opportunity to retreat. How could they leave?"  "So, they are going to fight to the death?" "The Huns' situation is not good. At least the loss of three thousand people is not greater than that of the Hujie people." "The two of them must be mad.  While they were joking, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. The Hujie people who were not afraid of death suddenly turned around and retreated. The two people quickly looked over and found that the royal flag of the Hujie people was almost crumbling, and they were escorted by guards riding red war horses.  Wang Qi withdrew to the west, and then the Hujie people also turned around and retreated backwards. The change was so fast that it was beyond expectations.  Immediately afterwards, the Hun King's cavalry also retreated eastward, and did not pursue the victory as expected. The two took a closer look and discovered that the situation of King Youxian's silver wolf flag was not good.  It seems that a moment ago the two kings had a head-on conflict. As a result, both sides suffered a lot of trauma and ended in a double defeat.  "King Youxian saw that the war was stalemate for a long time. He personally went into battle to attack King Hujie's personal guards and then fought a draw?" "I and you have the opposite view. The Hujie people suffered more losses than the Huns. The Hujie people suffered more losses than the Huns.  King Jie could not help but lead his bodyguards to attack King Youxian's bodyguards. In the end, both sides were injured. "While the two were talking, a herald came out of the dense forest: "Captain Chen has an order, keep an eye on them.  Keep a close eye on the main force of the retreating Huns, and make sure you control their campsite. " "Oh, are you going to open fire?" Zhan Xi rubbed his fingers excitedly: "I haven't seen such a big man in a long time, I'm really looking forward to it!  ¡± Two hours later.  The royal cavalry, which had been galloping for more than a hundred miles, began to slow down and prepared to set up camp by an unknown river. Even at this time in summer, the sun had set for a long time. If they did not set up camp, they would have to spend the night on the vast grassland with wild beasts that haunted the night.  Dance together, and more importantly, they can't run.  The Huns' royal cavalry consisted of one man and three horses, one for dragging equipment and baggage, one for marching and one for combat. After a whole day of consumption, the war horses mounted for combat were exhausted and could not be used. In addition,  The two horses could only take turns riding, putting the war horse behind them and advancing slowly. Two hours was more than half the afternoon to travel more than a hundred miles. It was nothing to mention when you were in full physical condition. Running in two hours  It's no problem if you go two hundred miles.  However, the situation is special. Being able to run more than a hundred miles is the maximum limit under the premise of using up the potential. If you run faster, the horse tied behind you and resting slowly will be exhausted. Besides, the Huns' royal cavalry is not made of iron.  After fighting a fierce battle for a day, I ate some dried meat and drank some water and continued fighting until the afternoon. Then I turned around and ran for more than a hundred miles. Even after fighting, I was exhausted and wanted to get off my horse and fall asleep.  In the temporary camp, the witch doctors were dancing around the fire and performing rituals. King Youxian held the wound on his abdomen and endured the severe pain, and pulled out a bloody broken arrow.  "Your Majesty, your arrow wound is not serious. It is useless to clean the wound with hot water this season. Only by sealing the wound with it can we prevent it."suppuration.  "The witch doctor took a bowl of ashes with sparks from the bonfire, and the hot ashes immediately poured onto the wound on the abdomen of the right wise king. "Saledang!  " King Youxian roared ferociously. The injured Wolf King was still shaking violently under the restraints of several strong guards. This was the biggest blow he had ever suffered in his life. He hated Hujie and their people.  Wang Saledang (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! PS: I¡¯m really sorry, I have been very busy recently, and I will probably have to write books part-time in the future. I will find time to write more words every week.  Yes, don¡¯t worry, I won¡¯t lose my tj. It¡¯s okay to write like this. I¡¯m less stressed and don¡¯t have to worry too much about the impact of pressure. I¡¯ll try my best to write the story in the outline
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