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Chapter 24 Confession

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    The amount of information revealed by Ran Zhuo clan elder was so large that Jing Tian was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. However, he still couldn't believe it and quickly asked in detail.  .Updated fastest. It turns out that the places in this world where the sky falls and the earth falls are the places used by various tribes to exile sinners.  Jing Tian guessed that the so-called place where the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed was probably the wormhole connecting this dimension to the real world.  Don¡¯t forget that the ¡®world wall¡¯ in this dimensional space is not complete, and there are many flaws on it.  When the Atlanteans came to this world, they were almost exterminated after the disaster. During the migration, they were kidnapped and sown by baboons and chimpanzees, and many hybrid black people were born.  When Atlantis finally settles down, of course it will follow the tradition of this world and exile those hybrid black people from the wormhole space.  Those mixed-race black people were probably lucky, so they successfully returned to the earth and became the source of "Darwin's Theory of Evolution".  The elder of the Ranzhuo tribe also mentioned another thing. After Atlantis almost annihilated the race and expelled the mixed-race black people, they were eager to increase the small number of remaining people, so in the 'Gendaya tribe'  With the help of others, they began to intermarry with the "white people" of this world. ????????????????????????????????????????????? The offspring born from the union of the two races are also white, but in terms of intelligence, talent, and physical fitness, they are several levels behind those of the Atlanteans and the white race.  After several generations of experiments, no miracles have occurred. Therefore, for the sake of limited resources, those new generations of white people were also exiled from the world, supplementing Darwin's theory of evolution.  Hearing this, Jing Tian quickly asked Ran Zhuo clan elder if the human clan had ever banished sinners.  The elder Ran Zhuo shook his head and said no, which greatly shocked Jing Tian.  Just when Jing Tian was doubting life and whether he was also a product of the 'theory of evolution', Ran Zhuo clan elder suddenly said: "However, our human race once had fourteen towns, but 'Yancheng' and 'Huangcheng' suffered  Suffering from the disaster of subsidence, he fell into the newly created abyss of exile. "Jing Tian came back to his senses in an instant, and continued to listen to the Ran Zhuo elder's sermon: "There was a person from outside the world who came to tell you about your world.  History, now our ancestors know that the two cities of Yan and Huang originally lived in the outside world and left behind their inheritance." Jing Tian let out a long sigh of relief, regardless of his loss.  Finally letting go of his worries about his origins, Jing Tian continued to ask about the differences between technological civilization and the human race.  The five clan elders didn¡¯t know much about it, and what they knew were all obtained from records, so they briefly told Jing Tian.  Gendaya is a super civilization. Women all have life-related super powers and are outstanding in medical treatment.  Men, on the other hand, have a third eye between their eyebrows, which has some means of controlling objects out of thin air, that is, telekinesis.  Relying on these two weakly 'mysterious' abilities, the Gendaya family can be considered to have gained a foothold in this world, but after all, this world is dominated by various legendary beasts, so the Gendaya family can only survive on their own.  Guaranteed, unable to expand.  ?The second is the Maya clan, which also has some "mysterious" abilities, and is better at seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster.  Relying on this ability, the Maya tribe also survived.  They and the Gendaya clan helped each other and finally settled in this world.  Finally, there is the troubled civilization of Atlantis.  The Atlantis clan is quite miserable. Energy weapons do not have any "mystery" and have no attack effect on any monsters.  Fortunately, the energy shield technology can still play some role and can resist mysterious beasts for a short period of time.  Therefore, since ancient times, Atlantis has only developed 'energy shield technology' and 'anti-gravity technology'.  The former is to resist the attacks of strange beasts, and the latter is for the convenience of life.  For countless years, the Atlantis clan could only barely protect themselves, and could not expand outwards The five clan elders only knew so much information, but Jing Tian was satisfied with what he heard.  Instead of pursuing further, he asked about the situation of other races.  From here, teaching continues.  The Armless Country, the Knotted Country, the Niao Yang Country, the Boar Beak Country, the Chiseled Tooth Country, the Three Heads Country, the Long Arm Country, the Xuangu Country In the next few hours, the five clan elders continued to tell Jing Tian about various things.  Regarding race, those who teach are serious and those who learn are fascinated.  Until the sky turned dark, Jing Tian finally understood the situation of all the alien beasts and alien races. Five tribe elders randomly checked and the answers given by Jing Tian were completely correct, without any deviation.  "God has given me the human race! God has given me the human race!" The five clan elders were so surprised that they danced with joy. Jing Tian's memory had already surpassed their description.  More than a dozen apprentices were also flushed with excitement. There was no trace of jealousy at all. Some were just full of joy.Happy, happy with Jing Tian¡¯s talent, happy with the harvest of the human race.  "Come on! The next generation will learn from me the inheritance, my method of planting trees" "Nonsense! No matter how talented the younger generation is, it should be done in moderation!" The elder of the Yinghuang clan who was in charge of martial arts spoke up and interrupted the elder of the Tao clan.  Then he said: "Besides, the younger generation is not physically strong enough and cannot use too much energy." "That's right." The Ranzhuo clan elder agreed: "Besides, my lineage still has writing that has not been taught. Learn writing first, and then the younger generation will be better at learning other knowledge.  "It's getting late, so let's call it a day." The Yujiang tribe leader in charge of the forging glanced out the window, and then said, "By the way, I haven't eaten for a long time, so hurry up and prepare some food." "I'll leave this matter to you."  With me!" The woodcutter Gai Mu immediately stood up and said with a smile: "In the daytime, I was attacked by a flying beast, and I accidentally lost two halves of my body. After I returned to the city, I asked Qi Wei to handle it, and I should give it to my descendants to taste.  One or two, to resolve the grudge." "Forget it." The Bai Chang clan man in charge of household registration said with a smile: "Gai Mu protects the safety of future generations. This is a great contribution to our human race. You can keep the poultry here for yourself.  There are also some "fine food and fine food", which are full of vitality and suitable for nourishing the future generations. "That's good." Gai Mu nodded and did not insist anymore.  "My father went to the river this morning and got some 'Shui Xia' from 'Wuchang'." An apprentice interrupted and said enthusiastically: "Although it is not nourishing, it is delicious, so I will go and get it."  "Haha, okay, hurry up and cook it for the descendants." Ran Zhuo clan elder smiled when he heard this.  "Just a moment." The apprentice seemed to have received some honor and immediately walked out of the door happily.  ¡°This little kid¡¯s name is Su.¡± The Bai Chang clan elder in charge of household registration introduced Jing Tian with a smile, and then introduced the other apprentices in the house.  These young apprentices basically only have their first names and have not decided on their surnames yet. Although they are a little uncomfortable, Jing Tian still greets them one by one.  After the introduction, the clan elders instructed the apprentices to prepare meals, and then told Jing Tian about the situation of the human race. They did not go into details, but just briefly talked about it.  During this period, Gai Mu resigned, and the old Bai Chang clan sent an apprentice to follow him, preparing to inform the whole city about Jing Tian's situation.  After chatting for more than ten minutes, the apprentice named ¡®Su¡¯ returned quickly, holding a bamboo steamer in his hand.  "Put some salt in." The apprentice put the steamer on the table and said with a smile: "Xia cooked it just right, without the intestines." As he spoke, the apprentice opened the steamer, which contained a pottery plate of red shrimp.  There were eight large steamed crabs surrounding it.  Jing Tian suddenly understood. He didn't react for a while before, but now he understood that the so-called Hongxia was a shrimp.  Because the color of the shrimp turns red after being boiled, and red means rosy cloud, the shrimp also has rosy cloud.  And the same is true for having no intestines. Crabs have no intestines.  "Come on, let the offspring eat it while it's hot." The elder of the Tao clan called Jing Tian: "Although this thing is common in the world, the taste of the food in this world is different from the outside world." "Elders, please go first." Jing Tian  Tim said politely.  "Haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Mr. Rang Tao clan waved his hands and smiled: "When we practice Qi and blood, we usually eat food to replenish blood and Qi. These delicious snacks can only satisfy the taste of the mouth and tongue." That's what Jing Tian said.  How can I eat alone and have a group of people watching?  Fortunately, someone came to the rescue in time. At this time, the apprentices entered the front hall from the back room. An apprentice came over with a pottery basin nearly one meter in diameter and placed it on the table.  There is broth in the pottery plate. There are delicate and transparent meat strips floating in the soup. There are many green vegetable leaves floating in the oil, and there are also a kind of red vegetable leaves that Jingtian doesn't recognize, and there are a lot of them.  As if he noticed the focus of Jing Tian's gaze, the Tao clan elder immediately introduced: "This is blood-coagulating grass, which has the effect of absorbing blood. The essence of all animal meat and blood is absorbed into it. Young people should eat more to effectively replenish the body's Qi."  Blood." Jing Tian couldn't help but sniff lightly, but couldn't smell any blood.  Seeing that Jing Tian still didn¡¯t move his chopsticks, the five clan elders immediately stopped giving in, took the bowls and chopsticks from the apprentices¡¯ hands, and began to serve soup and meat.  One of the apprentices wanted to serve Jing Tian, ??but Jing Tian quickly declined and served himself a night of broth, two strips of animal meat, and two sticks of blood-red coagulation grass.  No one spoke at the dinner table, but the five clan elders and all the apprentices were looking at Jing Tian.  Being regarded as a giant panda, Jing Tian felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't pay attention to it. He picked up the bowl and took a sip of the broth.  It¡¯s a little fresh, but the taste is much worse than the real broth.  Jing Tian picked up another piece of animal meat and ate it, but he was still a little disappointed. Although the meat was tender, it was still not delicious.  In the end, Jing Tian hesitated.In an instant, he picked up the coagulation grass, opened his mouth and took it into his mouth, but was immediately stunned.  It turns out that the key point is here. A piece of coagulation grass almost blends the essence of the whole pot of broth. Not only does it not have any bloody taste, but it is very delicious and makes your taste buds fully bloom.  Not only that, this blood-coagulating grass is like a panacea.  Jing Tian tasted it carefully and found that the blood-coagulating grass not only contained some spiritual energy, but also contained a large amount of blood essence, which was very tonic.  "Haha" Seeing Jing Tian's unexpected expression, Ran Zhuo clan elder couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then asked: "How is it? Have you tasted the depth of it?" Jing Tian nodded honestly and couldn't help but  I ate the last piece of coagulated grass in the bowl, savored it carefully, and then put down my chopsticks.  "What?" The Tao clan elder was puzzled and advised Jing Tian: "Young people are weak and can eat as much as possible. This medicine is absorbed mildly, so there is no need to worry about oversupply." "The taste is enough." Jing Tian received so much  I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for the selfless hospitality, so I said truthfully: "To be honest, this spiritual food is helpless to the younger generation." "This" Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and then the Ranzhuo clan elder asked: "Where will the next generation come from?  "That's what I mean." "In fact, this junior is practicing cultivation." Jing Tian apologized and said frankly, "Although this junior has not cultivated Qi and blood, he has been practicing Qi for a long time." Everyone was stunned again.  The elder of the Zhuo clan couldn't help but asked immediately: "The descendant is a Qi Refiner? No, no, it's strange. The Qi Refiner also cultivates Qi and blood. Is it possible that the successor has a deficiency in the inheritance?" "Is there a Qi Refiner inheritance outside the world?" Yinghuang  The clan elder's focus was different. After asking, he said to himself: "In the past, visitors from outside the world have never heard him talk about this matter" "Junior refines Qi in Dantian, and Qi travels through the meridians." Jing Tian explained, and then asked:  "I don't know how my human Qi Refiner practices?" "Dantian? Meridians?" Everyone was stunned again.  "The inheritance of my human race is to cultivate the internal organs and the five qi." The elder of the Yinghuang clan responded immediately.  "The five internal organs and five qi?" Jing Tian murmured, thought for a moment, and asked somewhat suddenly: "But the five elements and five internal organs?" "Yes." The old man of the Yinghuang clan nodded and said: "Ordinary people cultivate qi and blood to strengthen their bones, muscles, and muscles.  When facing the enemy, the blood energy is shaken, and the vitality of heaven and earth is stimulated in the blood energy, which resonates with the vitality of heaven and earth, causing the energy to kill." After explaining the training principles of ordinary people, the elder of the Yinghuang tribe continued: "Qi Refiner fellow cultivators.  , if you practice the five internal organs and five elements more, you will be strong both internally and externally, and you can use the five elements' magical powers." Jing Tian understood. According to the martial arts level of the "Tang Dynasty Double Dragon", ordinary people in this world are equivalent to masters who practice external skills.  A master, and a Qi Refiner is equivalent to a master master who practices the 'Secret of Immortality' "Jing Tian is a young man." Jing Tian, ??a veteran of the Yinghuang tribe, called himself out of his thoughts and asked: "Can you confess your inheritance?  ?" "Of course." Jing Tian did not hesitate and immediately started to explain from the concepts of Dantian and meridians.  The human race in this world is still very familiar with the concept of meridians. The medical methods here mainly rely on herbal medicine and meridians and acupoints.  However, the names of the meridians and acupuncture points are different from those mentioned by Jing Tian.  But regarding the concept of Dantian, everyone is completely ignorant.  No one has ever thought about gathering Qi in the Dantian, nor has anyone thought about Qi moving through the meridians.  In the way of cultivation in this world, ordinary people rely on absorbing blood food and then absorbing the weak vitality contained in the blood food to increase their physical strength.  " Through practice, Qi practitioners can actively control the absorption of vitality, thereby more effectively strengthening the body and internal organs.  It mainly nourishes the five internal organs and correspondingly nourishes the five elements of 'metal, wood, water, fire and earth', thereby cultivating the five elements' magical powers and releasing the magical powers to defend against enemies.  Realizing this, Jing Tian immediately patiently explained the concept of Dantian, which gradually made everyone scratch their heads and feel itchy.  There were lectures and questions. After this lecture, more than two hours passed. The sky outside had turned dark without realizing it ps: Thank you to the classmate "I'm really not a hero" for the 500 reward. Don't worry, the ending  It must be open-ended.  (To be continued.)
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